Chapter 58 The Magic City!

"Fighter, I didn't expect that you would be a fighter. I heard that the fighting king of Fusang could fight with Bao Kemeng, but I wonder if you can?" Feng Lu looked at Zhang Hao and asked curiously,

"I can only fight the weak Baokemeng. Well, Little Chrysanthemum, it's time for me to go." Zhang Hao smiled softly and stood up.

"What are you busy with? There are many interesting places here. Do you want me to take you to play?" Little Chrysanthemum asked to stay,

"Little Chrysanthemum, another day."

"I'm going to challenge the Water System Museum and then train. If I don't work hard, I can't catch up with you who have been cultivating Baokemeng since childhood." Zhang Hao said with a smile,

"Little Chrysanthemum, I'll see you in three months." Zhang Hao waved his hand and jumped out of the window.

Brush! A red light came up, and the fire breathing dragon appeared to catch Zhang Hao, then spread its wings and flew to the airport with Zhang Hao.

"Zhang Hao, I see the new talent contest!" Xiao Ju'er shouted, looking at Zhang Hao's back,

When Zhang Hao's back disappeared, Feng Lu looked at Xiao Ju'er and asked with a gossipy smile, "Honestly, do you have a crush on him? How enthusiastic! I've never seen you so enthusiastic about boys of your age!"

"Are you gossiping so much that you want to eat my wedding wine? No words." After a glance at the wind, Little Juer explained: "This Zhang Hao is very strong. I fought with him recently, and he gave me the feeling like my father. His command ability is very terrible."

"Most importantly, he can make his Baokemeng super evolve, so he may become a trainer at the level of Tianwang, or even stronger."

"People with such potential naturally need to make friends."

"Although Taijingzhu is precious, it is not worth mentioning compared with the future trainers of the King of Heaven."

After listening to Xiao Ju'er's explanation, Feng Lu said in disbelief, "Are you sure his command ability is on the same level as your father's?"

"Your father is a champion trainer. Is he so strong?"

"What do you think?" Little Chrysanthemum glanced at the wind and thought of the battle just now, with a flash of gravity in her eyes, and then silently thought in her heart: "Zhang Hao, three months later, I won't lose to you again."


At about 5pm, Zhang Hao strode out of Mordor and the airport.

"This is the Devil City!" When Zhang Hao walked out of the airport and saw the Devil City, he was shocked.

I saw the magic city in front of me. At a glance, it was full of buildings hundreds of meters high, just like a steel jungle.

But what surprised Zhang Hao was not the buildings, but the scenery around them. There were huge streams of water around some buildings, which connected the buildings together like roads.

On the water stream, there are many trainers riding the Water System Treasure Sleepwalk, which looks very lively.

In addition, there are huge floating lakes in the sky of the building. In the lake, there are various water system treasures that can be dreamed of. It looks beautiful and fantastic, and there are some fantasies.

To tell the truth, Zhang Hao is the first time to see such a lake floating in the sky.

"Baokemeng has changed the world. It's really magic. You can't see such a fantastic scene in previous lives." Zhang Hao sighed and raised his hand to release the fire breathing dragon.

"Let's go, fire breathing dragon." Zhang Hao jumped on the back of the fire breathing dragon and patted its head.

"Ho!" The fire breathing dragon nodded and flew to the Water System Taoist Hall with Zhang Hao.

From time to time, there are trainers sitting on various flying treasures and dreams flying by Zhang Hao in the sky. As one of the two most prosperous cities in Donghuang, there are really many trainers in Magic City.

Zhang Hao rides a fire breathing dragon to the Water System Taoist Temple.

The water system museum is not built in the city, but on the sea. The base of the museum is not an island on the sea, but a huge Iceland.

This Iceland is not a natural formation, but a frozen water system museum owner's Baokemeng. It can be seen that champion trainers are terrible and have the power to change nature at will.

"Howl!" The fire breathing dragon fell from the air and landed at the gate of the hall.

After putting away the fire breathing dragon, Zhang Hao strode into the hall and came to the front desk.

Compared with the Electronic Department Taoist Temple, there are so many people here that they have to queue up. Zhang Hao looks at the long dragon in front of him and is speechless.

When were there so many seed trainers who were so worthless.

"Brother, do you also see Miss Lulina?"

"I have her Baokemeng intelligence here. Would you like to have a copy?"

"If you win her, you may leave a good impression in her heart." A middle-aged man came to Zhang Hao and said with a mean smile.

"Lulina?" Zhang Hao looked at the middle-aged man in some doubt and asked, "Can you tell me what this is about? Why are there so many people here?"

"Don't you know?" The middle-aged man looked at Zhang Hao in surprise,

"What do you think?" Zhang Hao took out a hundred yuan note and put it in the middle aged man's hand, motioning to the middle aged man to explain.

"The thing is, Miss Lu Lina, a disciple of the Water System Taoist Master, said on the live broadcast yesterday that she would be the gatekeeper of the Taoist Temple today."

"Although Lu Lina is a foreigner, she is very beautiful, so there are so many people here today." The middle-aged man laughed,

"Is it so simple? Is it so crazy?" Zhang Hao said noisily,

"You don't understand that. In reality, Lulina is much better than on TV." The middle-aged man shook his finger and looked like you didn't understand. I want to teach you the expression.

"OK, I can barely understand." Zhang Hao nodded slightly. LSB, he can understand.

"So, do you want information?"

"No 998, just 98 can take it home." The middle-aged man took out an a4 paper, raised his eyebrows and said.

"There's no need," Zhang Hao shook his head slightly, then came to the end of the queue and began to queue up.

Intelligence will be out of date. Anyway, he has a system. He can see the detailed information of whatever treasure Lu Lina uses. It's better not to look at intelligence, so as not to be misled by intelligence.

"You are so confident. You will regret if you lose later." The middle-aged man shook his head and began to look for the next person to sell.

After waiting in line for about ten minutes, Zhang Hao finally got a name.

However, there were a lot of people ahead to challenge, so Zhang Hao felt that he would have to wait about an hour before he could challenge Lu Lina.

Sitting in the lounge, Zhang Hao took out his mobile phone and began to watch the news to see if there was anything worth noting.

An hour later, Zhang Hao's fairy atlas rang, reminding him that he could challenge.

"It's finally my turn to sit so numb that my buttocks are numb." Zhang Hao stretched out and strode into the contestant channel.

"Deng Deng Deng!......" In the middle of the journey, Zhang Hao heard the very passionate background music, which is very enthusiastic metal rock.