Chapter 124 Super Evolution VS Super Evolution! Shocked the audience! (Full subscription required)

"Zhang Hao is so powerful that he read the belongings of Lu Lina's classmate Bao Kemeng in advance. He has not seen such a powerful new person for a long time." The beauty host opened her mouth with a surprised look and a sigh, and her voice was full of inconceivability.

"I have said for a long time that his command ability is no less than that of your champion, but you don't believe him." Dr. Oki shook his head funny,

Obviously, in Dr. Ohki's opinion, it is natural for Zhang Hao to read the contents of Mary Luli in advance. This is the terror of top trainers.

"Dr. Tomi, to tell the truth, I don't believe it, but this kind of thing is too shocking

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