Chapter 56 Shayin Village, Declare War!


The huge explosion sounded again, and before it was too late to grieve, the crowd looked in the direction of the sound, and finally saw the scene of the collapse of the half rebuilt igneous rock again!

Yes, the unbounded Shadow Fen did not release himself after they separated from the Thousand Generation Grandma, but ran to the Huoyingyan and destroyed it again when the guard weakened.

The purpose of Wujie's trip is not only to save a man Zhu Li, but also to defeat the prestige of Muye and make them lose face. This will send a signal to the outside, Muye

It has weakened to the point of losing face!

And just when everyone was shocked.


The green Chakra emerging from Maitkai became blue in a blink of an eye!

This is the effect that only the seventh gate can produce!

He stared at the deer pill that had lost its breath, and his teeth were crunching!

"What an evil man! How could he have done such a thing to a child! Those two people! Absolutely unforgivable!!!!!!"


The ground suddenly burst, and the people quickly turned to look, only to find that Maitkai's figure had already reached the end of their sight!



The raised wind chased behind and swept away the ruins!!!

"Kay!!!" Kakashi shouted quickly, but his voice obviously could not catch up with each other.

At this time, a ninja sent by him to collect information also sent back the information that a man Zhu Li had been robbed.

The bad news came one after another. Even Kakashi felt that he had no way to start. After a long silence, he finally said, "In a word... go to rescue the injured first, strengthen the defense of important facilities, and don't let other places have another accident!"

Kakashi frowned. After more than ten years of calm, the world seemed to enter the fast lane at once. Various events emerged in endlessly, almost beyond people's reaction.


"Come on, come on!"

Boundless and phosphorous ran at a high speed. They directly turned into aurora and left two red tracks on the ground, moving away from the wood leaves quickly.

And then


Behind them, a large number of trees collapsed, and smoke and dust flew into the sky. A blue figure seemed to turn into a blue line, facing

They chased out in the opposite direction

Sure enough, the decision to change the route halfway was right.

Xianglin looked back and said, a little unsure, "That's Maitekai. I didn't see him so angry when the leaves collapsed before. Brother Wujie, what have you done?"

Yes, even in the original time line, Maitekai didn't seem to have opened eight Dunjia. At that time, if he had opened seven Dunjia, let alone Shayin Village and Yinyin Village, even the big snake meatball would have to be beaten into small worms, which were used as bait one by one.

Although Wujie had anticipated that this move might irritate Maitkai, he still replied in silence, "Just solved an enemy in advance."

Xianglin recalled for a moment, and then suddenly, "It's that guy called Luwan. No wonder he would be crazy when he saw the man to be protected die in front of himself. But if he catches up with us, we will be in trouble."

Boundless shook his head slightly, "Maitekai's way is too extreme. I have a way to restrain him before he opens the death gate, otherwise I won't take you to Muye twice to take a risk, but it's a pity that he didn't fight with Yuzhi Boji, or we could solve those two troublesome guys together."

The whirlpool has attacked the leaves twice, and Maitkai will not stay behind when he sees them again. The threat of death gate is too big. Before finding a way to restrain himself, Wujie wants to solve him first.

As for Uzhibo weasel, Wujie wants the kaleidoscope wheel eye in his hand, which belongs to Uzhibo's waterstop, that is, the strongest magic other gods.

Wujie turned to Xiang Lun and said, "Come on, we'd better not appear in his sight until we find a way to control the death gate. Moreover, with the appearance of Yuzhi Boji and Ganshi Guishan, Xiaozhi will also gradually appear in front of us. Therefore, we need to add some more means..."

They turned into streamers again and left quickly against the ground.

As a pure body technique ninja, Maitkai's means of reconnaissance are very limited. After he cannot find the target, he has no choice but to rush back to the leaves before the end of the seven gates, because he will fall into a weak state for a long time.

In the evening, Wujie and Xianglin found Grandma Qiandai and her entourage at the agreed place. I Ailuo was throwing a piece of wood into the fire. He turned to look at Wujie and their entourage, then stared at the fire in a slightly complicated way.

To my surprise, the world of tolerance has changed dramatically just after less than half a month.

It seems that personal pain and hatred have become insignificant. The war sweeping the whole tolerance world is what everyone is concerned about.

Moreover, Maki also told him that the fourth generation of Fengying had died in battle, and they had seen the body at Wujie, so the village decided to elect him as the fifth generation of Fengying.

This event made my mind of Ailuo extremely complicated.

Luo Sha is his father. All the tragedies of his childhood were caused by Luo Sha himself. He thought he would hate Luo Sha, but after hearing that the other side was dead, he found that he didn't seem to hate him so much anymore.

I love Luo, which means I only love my own Shura, but in fact

What he yearns for is the love from others.

When he saw Wujie, Ma Ji came up calmly, "Thanks to you, Shayin Village had to betray Muye again. Now we can't talk with them anymore. Everything is as you want. Now we can return the body of Lord Fengying to us."

I love Luo's frown, but did not say anything, he has not yet thoroughly sorted out his thoughts.

Boundless chuckled, "It seems that everything you said is my fault. It's not the first time that Shayin Village betrayed its allies. When the Three Generations of Fengying disappeared, you unilaterally tore up the armistice treaty, which caused the war of tolerance. Don't be so calm. Do you think Shayin Village has any credibility? Have you forgotten your war hero? Who sent Zhuo Dun Yecang to Fuyin to die as a bargaining chip? Although I don't want to say so, the gene of betrayal seems to have been engraved in your bones. "

The boundless words silenced Grandma Qiandai. At that time, Shayin Village was unable to fight again. In order to sign an armistice treaty with Wuyin, they had to sacrifice Ye Cang.

After all, all this is

For the village.

Ninja's life is full of betrayal, even the village that has paid everything for it can't be believed!

Wujie continued, "As for the body of the fourth generation Fengying, I'm not naive enough to believe that you can really keep your promise. Soon Caoyin Village will attack the leaves with you. When the war begins, I will return the body to you. After all, it's too late for you to quit even if you want to."

Markey said calmly, "Do you think we will still believe you? Who knows if you will have any tricks!"

"Don't worry, because as long as you fight with Muye, you will have no use for me. By the way, remember to declare war on Muye immediately after you go back. Before the real battle begins, let's stir up the atmosphere first!"

Markey immediately said, "Just declare war but don't act. Doesn't that make all the leaves ready?"

Boundless revealed a cruel smile, "Because only in this way can the ninjas flow like a river of blood."

Three days later, after Caoyin Village, Shayin Village declared war on Muye!