Chapter 41: Secular Power

Caoyin Village wants to declare war on the leaves?

This news made every ninja in Caoyin Village look unbelievable.

What are they on!?

The news of craziness spreading in the village soon reached the ears of the sect elders.

As pacifists, they not only want to prevent real sects from opening the Blissful Box, but also oppose any war act!

So soon, the three sect elders came to the Elder Hall angrily and asked them what the four sect elders wanted to do! Do you want to drag Caoyin Village into the abyss of destruction!

Half a quarter of an hour later, the three elders of the Flower Sect came out with a peaceful face. They said that the elders of the Real Sect had done right and Caoyin Village should declare war on Muye.

This change immediately confused the ninjas in Caoyin Village.

A senior Shangren advised everyone to be calm and let him go to meet the elders.

After that day, they never saw the name Shangren

The reality of grass and the flower of grass have finally united after thousands of years, but it seems that the purpose is not to make Caoyin Village rise, but to send them to hell.

The seven elders joined hands, and the will of Caoyin Village has never been so unified. Caoyin Ninja, who advocates strength first, has no possibility of resistance. They began to gather at the border of Muye to prepare for the coming war.

At this time, in the Elder Hall, Boundless and Xianglin are counting the spoils of this action.

Different from the time when they picked up four generations of corpses, they had a lot of harvest this time.

Including the binding technique of Cao Yinliu, all the secret scrolls of Cao Yincun Village are in their hands, and they have also obtained more than 70 million taels of public money. Oh, it is not public money now.

It seems that this amount is not much, because there is no need to save money in Yancun Village, and all surplus funds will be invested in development.

In addition, they also got the research materials of Cao Zhishi on the Blissful Box, but these things are of no use to Wujie. He knows better than anyone what is in the Blissful Box.


Boundless looking at these materials, a prototype of the plan gradually appeared in his mind. Maybe he can use these things to do something.

In addition to these things, the most important thing is that they have obtained the list of ninjas in Caoyin Village. This thing, together with many secrets that Wujie knows in the dark, means that they can almost take over all the power of Caoyin Village.

That means the village has been theirs since now!

Boundless smiled. Yu Zhibo and Tu controlled the four generations of water shadow of Wuyin Village in order to avenge Yehara Lin. But until the end, Wuyin Village still exists well, and the strength of the village has not suffered much.

Just want to let the other party shed some blood and it will be over. This is not a qualified avenger.

Xiang Lun was staring at the seventy two thousand and one, and there was nothing else in her eyes. "Brother Boundless, we can buy back the country of whirlpool."

"Yes, we can.", Wujie touched Xianglin's head, and then said, "Come on, let's go to find the name of the country of fire and buy back the country of vortex. Besides, it's not enough to have Grass Hidden Village, we have to find some allies."

Wujie left 20 million liang as military expenditure, and took all the remaining money with him. He also assigned some secret departments to collect intelligence everywhere. Then he left Caoyin Village and returned to the country of fire.

At the same time, the declaration of war of Caoyin Village also spread in the tolerance world.

To sum up

Caoyin Village thought that Muye didn't dare to go to the Big Snake Pill to trouble, so he threw all the pot on the Xiaren of Caoyin Village. Caoyin Village couldn't get so much compensation, so it had to choose war.

It's that simple.

In order to let those ninjas in Caoyin Village go to the battlefield honestly, in addition to strong repression, they must also feel that they are just, right.

However, most people in the tolerance world just regard this declaration of war as a joke. After all, no matter how weak the wood leaves are, it is not a small country like Caoyin Village that can resist.

Only a few sensitive people can detect a trace of bad atmosphere from this event, as if the war is really going to burn up.

The army in Caoyin Village is just gathering, and has not yet entered the leaves.

The Muye side also temporarily adopted a defensive strategy because of differences within the village.

Some people think that facing the provocation of Caoyin Village, we must fight back strongly. They suggest that we should fight directly and push Caoyin horizontally to warn those who have evil intentions towards wood leaves.

Others believe that the purpose of boundlessness is to trigger a war in tolerance.

If they really fight with Caoyin Village, other small countries may start to worry about their own safety.

Even if there is any mistake on the battlefield, then the village may start to enter, so Muye will really become the culprit of the war of tolerance.

Dozens of ninjas gathered together with different opinions, and no one could convince anyone.

Xirihong also stood aside. After clarifying her heart, she began to use her father's shadow to gather some strength in her hands.

Only because of the lack of personal strength and prestige, she could only sit in as a spectator.

This kind of feeling is not good. Looking at the people who have quarreled for a long time but have not been able to draw a conclusion, Xirihong wants to do more, at least more than watching.

When the declaration of war in Caoyin Village spread all over the world of tolerance, Wujie and Xianglin also entered the residence of the name of the country of fire and saw the name with a gloomy face.

"You two really dare to appear in front of Yu! Tolerance World War! You are so brave! Come on! Catch them!", the famous general's fan slapped in his hand.

As soon as Daming spoke, a large number of warriors and guards ran out and surrounded them.

But Wujie's face was still calm, because he knew that if Daming really wanted to do something to them, he would never come to see them at the beginning.

Therefore, Wujie said again, "Lord, the war of tolerance is the only way to achieve our goal. Only by eliminating all the ninjas in the world can our rule last forever!"

"Kill all the ninjas!?", the name of the Fire Kingdom was shocked, but then he frowned. Why does he always feel that the process of this dialogue seems to have been experienced once before? What did he say that time?

Oh, yes, it is the destruction of wood leaves.

Daming suddenly felt bored and waved away the warriors. "Forget it, don't beat about the bush. You must have a lot of things to say anyway. Go straight to the end. If you can persuade Yu, I will help you again."

Daming's reaction directly made Wujie speechless. Can the thing of mouth hiding produce antibodies?

Could it be that I didn't use mouth to hide?

However, he immediately reorganized his language. After a while, he looked up and said, "Sir, do you remember sixty years ago?"

Daming frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Sixty years ago, before the system of the village was established, the ninjas were distributed all over the world in the form of families. Although there were occasional fights, the fighting in the unit of families was extremely limited in intensity and influence. The master of the country was still Daming, and the military strength of Daming was enough to destroy most of the ninja families, even some ninja families The clan has been loyal to Daming for generations, and the world is still in our hands. "

"This situation has lasted for thousands of years, and most of us have been used to it. However, after Qianshouzhu established the system of tolerance village with many families, everything has changed. You may think that what I want to say is that the fighting intensity between tolerance villages is far higher than before. Indeed, this is part of it, but I really want to tell you Yes, just 60 years ago, the ninjas have changed dramatically! "

"They no longer focus on the family, but on the village of tolerance. They manage the population, plan buildings, develop commerce, and create an extremely efficient administrative system. I heard that the ninjas in Huaren Village like planting, and they have begun to work in agriculture. I heard that the ninjas in Jiangren Village are good at making tools, and they have already engaged in manufacturing. And Shangren Village, their ninjas He has been running in the tolerance world, and is committed to developing business... "

"When you hear this, have you noticed anything? Agriculture, commerce, manufacturing, together with an efficient administrative system and a strong military force... My lord, although the development path is somewhat different, ninjas are going through the process of transformation from a tolerant village to a state! The tolerant village is replacing the state! All this has only taken less than 60 years! "

"Only 60 years ago, whether you are willing to admit it or not, now the village of tolerance has become a country within a country! Besides crying out to reduce their funds, what can you do to limit them? What's more, if you really do this..."

"When Ren Village has not been able to get enough supplies, will they starve to death or reclaim farmland if they lack food? Will they set up caravans to trade if they lack resources? Will they recruit craftsmen to forge if they lack weapons? If they have all these, what can Daming give them?"

"If... they don't need Daming anymore... is there any need for Daming to exist?"

The boundless and sharp eyes looked at the sweating name of the Fire Kingdom.

"My lord, will your offspring survive to the next 60 years?"

The famous general of the country of fire was fanning noisily, but his back was soaked with sweat.

The scene described by Wujie is so real that even if it happens right now, it will not make people feel strange.

He swallowed and forced himself to calm down, but said a little hastily, "What on earth are you trying to say?"

Wujie sat up straight and said solemnly, "My lord, the system of Yancun must be terminated! Only the war of Yanjie can make Yancun or even Ninja disappear! Only then can your descendants continue to sit in the position of the name of the fire country!"

The name of the country of fire stared at the boundless world, and finally said after a while, "Kill the village of tolerance and involve everyone in the war of tolerance world, which is actually what you expect... 'revenge of the whirlpool'."

Boundless calmly replied, "This is not a conflict, my lord, although our goals are different, we are on the same road."

The house fell into a long silence again.

After a long time, the name of the country of fire asked drily, "What do you want to do?"

Boundless smiled, and black clouds floated past, and the shadow covered half of his face. "My lord, the war of tolerance has always been started and stopped by ninjas without permission, so why can't it be started by celebrities this time..."

Soon after, Wujie and Xianglin left Jucheng.

The name of the country of fire stood in the Tianshou Pavilion and looked at the two figures below, recalling what Wujie said in the leaves of wood

'When the vortex of war began to spin, no one could stop it.'

"It's really... a terrible whirlpool."

The name of the country of fire murmured, "Reject him? Unless I accept the fate of being overthrown by the ninjas, what will I do to reject him? Even before the ninjas appeared, the country leaders would not give all their troops to one person, and how could I rest assured that the group of ninjas could easily destroy the country?"

After a moment, he said to his back, "How are we doing in Leaves, Hema?"

He Ma came out of the shadow, bowed his head and replied, "Those skilled people have already had firm patience, and they are hard to be bought. I found some prudent ninjas to help, but if they want to make a difference, it may take some time."

"Time...?", the name of the country of fire murmured, and then his eyes became firm. "Yu is very old, if there is no chance, it will be enough, but now... go to prepare for the remote meeting with Ma, and I will have a good talk with all the big names, as well as the country of iron. We have supported them for so long, and they should do something..."