Chapter 7 Upgrade of Boxing King Panel

Myrtler's eyes were drawn back from the sensing paper.

The mind is concentrated on the tip of his nose, and a translucent panel emerges.

Host: Maitrei

Age: 12

Current absolute field power awareness: 100%

Current fighters available for playing: Ya Tu Shingo, Joan, Zhen Yuanzhai, Yolie Sakazaki, Andy

(Note: With the improvement of physical fitness and strength skills, there will be more and more boxer fighter roles to be played later)

At the moment, Maitrei was in a daze. How could the awareness of absolute field power reach 100%?

Only a few hours before and after, from 78% directly full grid.

Is it because Chakra has just been refined?

Lei's eyes then fell on the note at the bottom of the panel, and soon figured out the trick.

The essence of Chakra is a kind of energy. It seems that this special energy is also recognized or accepted by the fist king panel, which makes sense.

When Myrtler's mind turned, he had five lifelike figures of the king of fists in his mind. These figures were clear or vague. In addition to the roles of Ya Chuan Zhenwu and Joan that he could play before, there were three more.

They are Zhen Yuanzhai, Sakasaki Yuri and Andy.

In his previous life, he saw a topic of "Five Weaknesses of Boxing Emperor 97" when he discussed the battle effectiveness of the characters in Boxing Emperor 97 with some elite players on the Boxing Emperor Forum.

The so-called 'five weak' refers to the five weakest roles in the Boxing King 97.

Among them are Yakushingo, Andy, Billy, Zhen Yuanzhai and Yolie Sakasaki.

At that time, he also fought with other players for three hundred rounds.

Because he doesn't recognize Yuri Sakazaki as one of the five weak points, it's very simple.

Yolie Sakazaki has at least three kinds of undulating fists, namely, Huhuang fist, Leihuang fist and Bawang Xianghou fist.

Among them, the Bawang Xianghou Boxing is a great move and a must kill skill to hit the opponent from a long distance.

As an official member of the "Dragon and Tiger Fist Team", Yolie Sakazaki is also the sister of the popular character Sakazaki Liang. The fighting skills and moves are almost impeccable. Maybe because she is a female fighter, her willpower is a little poor.

At least better than Joan of the 'New Female Fighters'.

Because of this, he and several elite players crossed dozens of floors, and before crossing, the winner had not yet been decided.

At this time, it is not so important for Maitrei who is strong and who is weak. Anyway, he can play and verify one by one.

There is no weakest character, only the weakest player.

When studying the five new boxing king roles available for him to play in the panel, Maitrei found that the panel of two roles was vague.

They are Zhen Yuanzhai and Andy.

Zhen Yuanzhai is the leader of the Super Power Warrior Team. The other two members of the team, Masiya Athena and Zhui Quan Chong, are his disciples. The unique skills to become famous are drunken boxing and fire breathing.

Is it because he didn't drink, or didn't master the fire escape?

So the character image is blurry?

This means that the character has not been completely lit, but can play a limited role.

Myrtle decided to verify it later.

As for Andy, he is one of the official members of the Hungry Wolf Legend Team in Boxing King 97, and the other two members of the team. Teri is his brother, and the Abbot is his like-minded friend. There is also a girlfriend with a moving figure who does not know Fire Dance, among whom Fire Dance is also an official member of the New Female Fighter Team.

He is good at fighting with fans.

Andy is also one of the five weak members of Boxing King 97, but his special ability is to compress air.

Maitrei guessed that after he mastered Feng Dun, Andy's character pattern would also change from fuzzy to clear.

The biggest enlightenment brought to him by this upgrade of the fist king panel is that the Chakra attribute in the fire shadow world can be recognized by the fist king panel, that is, as long as he keeps refining himself in the fire shadow world and learning new skills, the unlocking degree of the fist king panel will be higher and higher.

Mattley was ecstatic for a moment.

He then fixed his consciousness on Joan's character pattern, and a completely unfamiliar fighting experience and skills soon merged into his mind and body.

Maitrei kicked a few feet in the air on the flat ground in the courtyard. Especially when he concentrated Chakra's energy on his feet, he found that the speed of the kick and the speed of the step movement were directly faster, and even there was a shadow.

This is a new discovery.

The Chakra attribute in the Fire Shadow World is not only recognized by the fist emperor panel, but also the ability between the two is complementary and overlapping.

In other words, his strength improvement in the fire shadow world can increase the fighting power of the fist king in role playing.

Similarly, with the successive unlocking of the fist king panel, when he plays other characters with stronger fighting power, he can also improve his fighting power in the fire shadow world.

In this case, it would be best.

Maitrei then focused Chakra on the tip of his finger, and the sensor paper in his hand soon changed.

The whole sensing paper was directly broken into two halves from the middle, like being cut by a knife.

"The Chakra attribute when playing Joan is wind, which is also a single wind attribute."

Myrtle quickly read the information.

Then he switched to the character of Yuri Sakazaki, and a wrinkle appeared on the surface of the sensing paper in his hand.

"Sakazaki Yuri's Chakra attribute is thunder, which is also a single thunder attribute."

Maitrei continued to switch to Zhen Yuanzhai, and the sensing paper in his hand burned directly in the air.


Finally, Andy.

The answer was soon revealed that Andy's attributes, like Joan's, are both wind.

Maitrei touched his chin, and took advantage of the fact that there is no one in the hospital, tested the skills and abilities of the five boxing king roles that he can play.

He found that when he played Yuri Sakazaki, three skills that can make waves, namely, Huhuang Quan, Leihuang Quan and Bawang Xianghou Quan, could not be played.

When playing Andy, you can't control or compress air.

When playing Joan, the skill of sending waves cannot be played.

When playing Zhen Yuanzhai, his ability is limited to the maximum extent. Not only can he not play the big fire breathing move, but also can't play the drunken fist, which is the master of Zhen Yuanzhai.

The results of this experiment brought great enlightenment to Maitrei.

Since Chakra's attribute is fire when he plays Zhenyuan Zhai, he can cultivate fire escape related skills when he plays Zhenyuan Zhai in the future.

When playing Joan and Andy, they practice Ninja with wind attributes.

Cultivate the earth attribute ninja while playing the role of Ya Chuan Zhen Wu.

When playing Yuri Sakazaki, he cultivates Ninja with the attribute of thunder.

Now let's turn waste into treasure and live together.

He can practice all the following five element ninjas. Oh, no, he can practice all the seven attributes of ninjas.

In addition, the Chakra attribute obtained when playing these fist king figures is single, which in turn will increase the efficiency of cultivation.

After all, Chakra with multiple attributes can enable ninjas to use composite ninja. For example, ninjas with wind attribute and fire attribute Chakra can use fire escape and wind escape at the same time. The wind helps the fire, which greatly enhances the power of ninja.

But the single attribute ninjas are not without advantages, at least in cultivation, they are faster than the compound attribute ninjas.

After figuring out these reasons, Maitrei wanted to soar to the sky in situ.

"Keep a low profile, be sure to keep a low profile."

"Do not attract the attention of two abnormal people who like to do human experiments in Muye Village."

As for who these two perverts are, of course, they are Tuanshang, who controls the root department, and Big Snake Pill, who defected from Muye Village.

Although the latter defected, he still left many clues in Muye Village. At least one of them was known by Maitelei, that is Dou.

In addition to pockets, there are also other eyeliner arrangements.

Maitrei withdrew his smile and returned to the living room on the first floor. Now, in addition to being as obscene as possible, he just needs to pay attention to how to crack magic.

It seems that Maitkai has the ability to crack magic.