Chapter 41 This time, I got you, Parker


The cracked metal pole struck the subway car wall, making a dull crash sound.

Splashed glass and broken metal fragments shot in all directions like raindrops.

In the sound of "ding ding dang", Peter pulled the spider silk wrapped on the metal rod with both hands, and the metal floor under his feet was constantly distorted.

The helicopter pulled by the spider silk spiraled down.

The buildings on both sides of the subway that were stuck by spider silk kept collapsing.

The powerful pulling force slows down the speed of the subway, and the "death train" that runs to the end slowly decelerates.

"What is he doing?!"

Inside the police car, George Stacy looked at the scene in shock.

Due to the deceleration of the subway, the police car has caught up.

Sitting in the speeding police car, he stretched out his head from the window and looked at the helicopter being pulled around by the spider silk.

The falling debris flew around, and the bricks on both sides kept falling down.

"Be careful!"

With a roar from George, a huge rock roared and hit the police car.

The policeman in the driver's seat immediately slammed the steering wheel.

The police car made a screeching brake sound and ran across the road.


The boulder rubbed the police car and fell heavily on the ground, splashing a large amount of soil.

The police car that lost control hit the guard rail at the roadside with a sound of "bang".

Without checking his condition, George Stacy unfastened his seat belt and got out of the car.

Watching the passing subway, he subconsciously took out his walkie talkie to call for support.

But soon he put down his walkie talkie.

no way.

I can't do anything now.

It's no use calling for support.

Is this power really within the reach of human beings?

Who is this mysterious guy?

Somehow, a word suddenly appeared in his mind: someone fell from the sky, and the gods threw lightning!


The spinning police helicopter was dragged down by the subway.

The high-speed rotating helicopter propeller hit a corner of the subway.

Sparks splashed out, and the helicopter lost control and hit the ground.

The spider silk entangled in the helicopter broke at a critical moment.

The helicopter pilot clenched his teeth and pulled up with all his strength when the alarm sounded.

The hovering tail of the helicopter narrowly missed a bridge.


In the subway, Peter's feet slammed on the floor, the veins on his forehead burst, and his muscles swelled.

The body leans back, and the black exoskeleton at the arms deforms and flows like a fluid.


The heart is beating fast, adrenaline is stimulated, and the strength of the whole body bursts out.

In the shocked eyes of the people in the subway, the subway drove to the last stop, the Museum of Natural History in New York.

The train is decelerating, but there is a station bridge ahead.

The Mexican woman among the passengers held her daughter and folded her hands in silent prayer for Peter.



Standing outside the Natural History Museum, Gwen looked at the subway coming over his head, his mouth wide open and his eyes full of disbelief.

The subway hit the platform of the station and smashed the facilities of the platform, making a deafening sound.

Fortunately, the speed of the train has slowed down a lot, but it stopped after striking forward for several meters.

In the first carriage Peter was in, the overhead and left and right carriages had disappeared.

Covering his chest, he took two steps forward.

The whole body was in sharp pain, and the muscles in the arm seemed to break and lose consciousness.

The heart was beating wildly, and the feeling of dizziness came in waves.

The exoskeleton covered all over the body also lost its luster and became dim.

After staggering forward for two steps, he knelt on the ground with a sound of "puff".

The nihilistic black consciousness was pounding the spirit. Although he tried to maintain his reason, he still tilted his head and fell to one side.

"No! No!"

Gwen, who watched all this under the viaduct, recovered from shock.

"He can certainly hold on, he will."

Gwen looks at the mysterious Spider Man kneeling on the ground. Although he is uneasy, he still comforts himself.

After all, the other party stopped an out of control subway.

But when she saw the other side fall down, as if to fall off the viaduct, she knew it was bad.

"No, he can't stand it."

"Bang", Gwen grabbed the barbed wire gate with one hand, turned over easily and ran towards Peter at the fastest speed.

"I can catch him! I can."

After turning over the iron gate, Gwen's speed did not slow down. His feet jumped forward and jumped from a car.

At the moment of landing, Gwen felt incredible.

How did you do it?!

Although her heart was full of doubts, she kept running.

Jump up and step on the top of a large truck. Gwen jumps onto the fire ladder of the nearby museum.

Grab the ladder with both hands and quickly climb to the high platform of the museum.

Standing on the edge of the platform, Gwen hesitated.

To catch Spiderman, you must jump forward to the platform of the viaduct.

Can you do it yourself?

The last time I was chased by the group of people from the Hand Union, I tried to jump from the roof to the roof on the other side.

As a result, my foot slipped and I almost fell down.

If Peter hadn't held his hand, he would have been killed.

Will it fail like last time?


Didn't I tell my father that I would win this time?

I didn't win last time, I will win this time!

Gwen thought a lot at once, but the outside time was just a flash.

Take a deep breath and Gwen jumps over.

Reach out and catch Peter who fell from the subway.

At the moment of contact, she felt her arms sink and her arms ache.

Enduring the pain, Gwen tried his best not to let himself go.


Your feet fall on the platform floor, and the ground you step on shakes slightly.

Gwen carefully put the Spiderman on the ground and let his body lean against the wall.

Then she staggered to her feet and stepped back two steps.

Holding out his hand, Gwen looked at his hands, his eyes unbelievable.

"I... How did I do it?"

How can you jump so high and catch the other person from the air?

Even if I just thought I would win, what I wanted was to be a meat cushion to slow down the fall of the other party.

How can I keep my arm intact?!


The next second, she covered her mouth and a sense of vomiting surged up her throat.

Gwen tried hard to resist the impulse, looked around, and hurried out.

The other side.

Peter, leaning against the wall, his eyes in his white eyelids flashed red.

When he regained consciousness, he looked up at Gwen's back and lowered his head into meditation.

Did Gwen catch himself this time?