Chapter 4 Human or Monster?

"Damn it, is she crazy?"

Del Ami was going crazy.

Originally, Gwen Stacy was about to be caught. Unexpectedly, the other party was so bold and jumped directly to the next roof.

If there was no guy suddenly rushing in and holding her hand, I'm afraid she would be killed directly.

"Damn it! This crazy girl will be killed one day!"

Listening to the sound of the police siren in the distance, even if he was unwilling, he could only retreat with his subordinates.

The thought that the task assigned by the boss could not be completed made him feel worse.


With their feet on the wet streets, Del and his men tried to leave along the remote road.

Under the dim street lights, only the footsteps of several people walking fast were heard.

"Da! Da! Da!"

At the end of the street, there was a dull sound of footsteps.

In Del's sight, a black figure gradually approached him.

It's like a hunter hiding in the dark, full of wild and dangerous flavor.

Peter stopped, stood under the street lamp that was flashing because of his long disrepair, and faced several strong men from Del.

Flashing street lights shone on his face, showing the effect of light and dark interlaced.

Sensing the danger, Del looks cautiously at Peter.

"It's you... you're the guy who saved that girl!"

He soon recognized Peter as the guy on the roof.

He motioned to his men to get ready. He looked at Peter unkindly, "Do you want to take revenge for that girl?"


Peter shook his head expressionless.

He is not the kind of person who is enthusiastic enough to solve problems for others everywhere.

The reason why he appears here is that he wants to release the killing desire that almost engulfs him.

By the way, check your body to what extent it is affected by the abnormal gene.

"Who are you? Gangster? Or revenge?"

Peter shook his head before he finished speaking. "Forget it, I don't want to know."

"Falk! Who do you think you are? Don't fuck me!"

When Del burst out his foul words, he immediately took out his dagger.

He's going to bleed this big mouthed bastard!

With a bang, the strong man who was close to Peter was hit in the chest by him and fell to the ground with a painful groan.

Without waiting for others to react, Peter quickly turned around and twisted his waist, kicking his right leg around a guy's waist.

His lightning fast action, combined with his cruel and merciless attack, made him quickly suppress these strong men.

The dull sound of physical impact and painful groans echoed in the alley.

A strong man behind Peter, holding a dagger, tried to launch a sneak attack.

Unexpectedly, Peter seemed to have eyes behind him, and suddenly turned to grab the dagger.

Blood "gurgled" down the dagger and onto the arm of the strong man in the suit.

It seemed that the feeling of being burned by fire was immediately transmitted from his arm along the nerve to the brain.

Cried, he immediately loosened his hand holding the knife and retreated.

Holding back the pain, he took a breath and looked at his arm.

The arm burning blood seems to be burned by sulfuric acid or compound, with slight heat, and the skin is corroded and shocking.

The sudden scene made Del's people all dumbfounded.

Peter frowned and looked at the bleeding wound in his palm.

As expected, does my blood have some corrosiveness, just like the alien?


Del takes a breath and looks at Peter with shocked and uneasy eyes.

What kind of monster is this guy?

Why is blood so weird?!

Peter did not know what Del and others thought at this time. He clenched his hands and cast his eyes on the people who were uncertain.

In the next second, it quickly flashes forward, like a beast preying on prey.


The strong man in the suit whose arms were burned was hit on the chest and gave out a painful groan. The whole man was like a bounced baseball and hit the wall heavily.

The dust on the wall rustled down!

Before others could react, Peter's body was like a flash of lightning, moving in front of another strong man.

Twist your body and waist, and kick out your right leg like a whip.

The shoulder blades of the strong man with wide eyes sent out a piercing pain, and then his body fell heavily on the ground, splashing a lot of dust.

With incredible power and speed, Peter stood in front of Del.

Without waiting for the other party to respond, Peter grabbed the other party's neck and lifted him up.

There was a "gurgle" sound in Del's "throat", his hands and feet were kicking at random, and his eyes were bulging and protruding like corks about to pop out of champagne bottles.

Peter, holding Del's throat, has a boundless desire to kill from the bottom of his heart. The most primitive impulse occupies his mind.

At the same time, the hunger that had been suppressed by him gradually rose.

It seems that there is incomparably delicious blood and meat in front of you. Just one bite can taste the taste of blood and satisfy your hunger.

Feeling the trembling threat, Del desperately slapped Peter's arm.

In the blurred vision, he was horrified to see the scene.

Peter suddenly opened his mouth, showing his ferocious and dense teeth, and the saliva dripped down, looking extremely ferocious.

But this change only happened in a flash, and soon Peter was back to normal.

Soon enough to make Del think he was wrong.

"You...... You...... Monster......"

Del struggled to squeeze a few words out of his mouth.


The next second, Peter crushed his throat.

Del, who lost his breath of life, fell heavily on the ground.

Peter, who had solved all the strong men, stood where he was, looked at the body, and then reached out to touch his cheek.

Just now Is your body changing?

The effect of heterologous genes seems to be more serious than I thought.

Ripley (the heroine of the Alien Series) is a clone with a mixture of alien genes, although she also fuses alien genes like herself to become a "superwoman".

However, the other party's spirit is not abnormal, while his own spirit is being affected by the original desire of the alien.

If you don't take out the abnormal embryo in your body as soon as possible, I don't know whether you will become a monster like the abnormal one in the end.

Although the killing machine that "is not influenced by conscience, regret and morality" may be the most perfect "organism", such monster has never been pursued by itself.

In spite of his indifference and selfishness, he has always regarded himself as a human being.

Looking up at the city sky in the distance, Peter shook his head and turned away.

Out of the alley, the car of the New York City Police Department roared past, and the neon police lights glared.


The mobile phone vibrates.

Peter took out his mobile phone and saw the text message sent by Gwen.

"Peter, I have arrived at the New York Police Department. Everything is safe! Thank you for coming tonight. If it were not for you, I would be in the hospital, miserable with disinfectant or formalin."

"You're welcome. Who are those guys?"

Peter texted Gwen.

"Dad said they might be the hand and the will."

Close the phone cover, Peter frowned slightly and looked at the alley.

"Hand in hand meeting..."