Chapter 66 Nakasone Mingcai, the Honesty of Yuanshi

"Ha ha ha, Tianxuan, Miss Youzi, you are finally back!"

The border of Water Country, Half Moon Island.

Looking at Yuan Shi who came up quickly, Zhu Tuo Tianxuan smiled and said, "Elder Yuan Shi, I didn't expect that you haven't returned to the village yet."

"I have seen the Elder of Yuanshi." Zhudaoyuzi also saluted to Yuanshi respectfully.

"Hahaha, Tianxuan, Miss Youzi, don't be polite. I just want you to go out and look for Miss Youzi. There is no one here to help watch. There is no big event in the village recently, so I'm waiting for you to come back here." Master Yuan laughed, very happy that Zhuzhitianxuan can find Zhuzhiyouzi.

He knows that Zhu Chuxuan doesn't seem to care much about everything. Although he is very indifferent on the surface, it can be said that there are few things that can interest him. However, if Zhu Chuezi really loses his life, it is likely that he will fall into madness.

Perhaps, at that time, no one knows what unexpected things this teenager will do.

"That's why, Elder Yuan Shifu has a heart. Let's go home first. It's estimated that the house is full of dust since we haven't come back these days." Zhu Tuo Tianxuan smiled and nodded.

At the same time, Chutuiko also smiled and nodded, and his eyes also showed the expectation of going back to see it now.

"Ha ha, Tianxuan, don't worry, Miss Youzi. I've sent someone to clean your house every day these days after you left.

Come on, you've just come back, and you feel tired. "

With that, Master Yuan turned and followed Zhu Tuotan and Xuan to the island.

Not long after, Zhutuixianxuan and Zhutuixiangzi entered the yard and found that there was a girl standing in the yard. The girl was fair skinned, beautiful, slim and very gentle.

"I have met the teacher." The girl saluted respectfully.

Obviously, the teacher in her mouth is Yuan Shi.

"Don't be so polite, Mingcai. This is Miss Chutuiko, and this is your favorite Zhutuixiangxuan." Master Yuan smiled and waved his hand, then introduced him.

As he said this, Master Yuan turned around and looked at Takeo Yoko and Takeo Tianxuan to introduce them again: "Miss Yoko, Tianxuan, this is my new disciple, Nakasone Mingcai. Although she has no talent for Ninjutsu, she is very smart. With a little training, she is a very good assistant.

This time, I brought her here to help Tianxuan deal with some trivial matters in life. "

"Nakasone Mingcai?"

Upon hearing the name, Zhu took Tianxuan and couldn't help thinking of the beauty of Showa in the island country before crossing. Look carefully, let alone say, she is very similar to the star of Showa era.

However, because of her age, she still has some baby fat on her face. It is estimated that when she grows up, she will be 95% similar to the beauty of Showa.

Thinking of this, he looked up and down at Nakasone Mingcai, and saw a hint of worship in Nakasone Mingcai's delicate eyes.

"Master Yuan, since she is your student, you can take her with you to teach. My little aunt and I live on this half moon island, and there is basically nothing else that needs her to help us deal with." Bamboo took Tianxuan refused.

He basically understood what Yuan Shi meant, but did Yuan Shi think too much about it? He had not yet reached adulthood and made such an arrangement.

"Hahaha, Tianxuan, don't hurry to refuse. You can practice every day and you won't feel bored.

But what about Miss Yoko?

You have been practicing for so long every day. How boring she is alone. If you have bright dishes here, you can chat with her every day. " Master Yuan laughed and explained.

After saying that, he gave a wink to Nakasone Mingcai. In an instant, he saw the meaning of Nakasone Mingcai. He quickly came to Takeuchi and said with a very bright smile: "Miss Yoko, I will make a lot of delicious food. Please, let me stay with you."

On the one hand, Zhudaoyueko looked at the bright dish of Nakasone, which was young but could see that she would grow into a beautiful woman in the future, and she unconsciously liked it a little more.

Then she looked at Master Yuan, who did not hide her eyes, but looked at herself very frankly, and she knew what he was doing for.

Thinking of this, Takeo Yoshiko smiled slightly, reached out and touched Nakasone Mingcai's pretty face, and said in a soft voice, "In this case, you can stay with me. I also want to talk to someone."

After saying that, she looked at Chutui Tianxuan and said, "Tianxuan, let Mingcai stay. It's good to have her talk with me when you practice every day."

After hearing the words, Zhu took Tianxuan to nod his head. He no longer refused, but turned to look at Master Yuan and said, "Master Yuan has a heart."

"Ha ha ha, it should be."

Later, Chutuiko took Nakasone Mingcai to the house, while Chutuiko Tianxuan left the yard with Master Yuan and walked to the coast to talk.

At this time, without waiting for Bamboo to ask Tianxuan, Master Yuan explained: "The village leaders all know that Tianxuan has a terrible talent. In a few years' time, you will certainly become a strong man like you in the fire shadow thousand hand column of the early generation of wood leaves.

However, your previous experience in the Vortex Hidden Village worried the village leaders, who were afraid that you could not withstand the temptation and would completely lose contact with the village.

Therefore, a few days ago, the village leaders held a special meeting and finally decided to send someone to come to you. First, they should look at you to prevent you from having too close contact with other hidden villages, so as to completely cut off contact with the village.

Second, the village hopes to take this opportunity to repair the relationship between you and the village.

However, I know that Tianxuan doesn't expect much from the village. You can't accept the people sent by other senior leaders.

Therefore, I specially took this task to avoid direct conflict between you and the village. "

At this point, Yuan Shih thought for a while, and then continued: "But don't worry, Tianxuan. Mingcai is a war orphan, her parents are ordinary people, and she doesn't have any talent for ninjitsu.

The reason why I accept her as my disciple is that I want to take care of her with integrity.

This child is very kind and clever. She will stay on Banyue Island and will not add trouble to Tianxuan.

Of course, if possible, it would be better if you could look at each other in the future. "

Yuan Shi explained it clearly. I have to say that Yuan Shi was very frank.

As soon as he saw Nakasone, Takeo Tianxuan took advantage of the supremacy of top visibility to surround Nakasone. He was indeed an ordinary person, and Nakasone had no other purpose in his heart, which was to worship himself and want to stay on the island.

Thinking of this, Zhu took Tianxuan nodded and thanked him, "Thank you very much, Elder Yuanshi."