Chapter 21 When did the strength of tail animals depend on the number of tails?

"For the sake of talking with me for so long, it's no problem to help you once."

Outside Muyeyin Village, by the river.

When Yuzhi Boban said this, Tianxuan was stunned at first, then he shook his head and said: "Thank you, but no need. The tail beast sounds scary, but for a strong man like you and Qianshouzhu, that's the same thing.

My current goal is to stand in front of you and challenge you as soon as possible.

The rest has no effect on me. "

"Hahaha, good, I and Zhu are waiting for your challenge." When Yuzhi Boban heard Tianxuan's answer, he didn't feel anything wrong, and immediately laughed and said.

Later, the two disappeared using the Instant Body Technique. Tianxuan returned to the room arranged by Muye for them, while Yuzhi Boban directly returned to the Huoying Office.

Ten minutes later, in the Huoying office.

As soon as Ban came in, he saw his chin propped up between the columns and sitting on the office chair of Huoying in boredom.

As soon as he saw the spot coming in, he immediately became interested in the column and asked, "How about spot?"

Looking at the excited appearance of Zhujian, Ban was jealous. After all, Zhujian was interested in people other than him.

However, Ban quickly suppressed his displeasure, and then nodded: "We didn't expect nothing from taking Tianxuan for bamboo. His idea is very unique.

It can be said that both I and you have a certain understanding of peace. "

Hearing this, Qianshouzhu laughed and nodded: "Well, from the last contact, he is really a man of his own mind.

Just now, he came to me and said that he seemed to be pushed out by the Fog Hidden Village.

Do you think it is possible if we invite him to come to Muye to work for the village? "

"Hmm? Excluded by the Fog Hidden Village?" Ban was surprised.

He still believed in the information sources of Qianshoufei. Even if he did not deal with Qianshoufei, he had to admit that the intelligence agencies under Qianshoufei were very powerful.

However, Ban frowned. He did not expect that Tianxuan, a young and powerful talent, would be pushed aside by the Fog Hidden Village, which was really out of his expectation.

"Yes, a month ago, Zhu Tuo Tianxuan left the Fog Hidden Village with his adoptive mother, or his little aunt, and came to live on the Half Moon Island at the junction of the Three Kingdoms of Water, Fire and Vortex.

Although he came to Muye this time with the water shadow white lotus of the early generation and acted as the guard, I think the news from Feijian should be true.

So, you should be very happy after talking with him for so long. If you can, we can invite him to Muye to become our ninja. " The thousand hands said with a smile.

If he is careless at ordinary times, he seems to be out of tune, but in fact, for the sake of strong wood leaves, he is very reliable.

On the other side, Ban also saw that the column was not joking, but really thinking about the feasibility of this matter.

After thinking about it, Ban shook his head and said, "I don't think it's appropriate to invite him to Muye.

First of all, in the previous war, Taketo Tianxuan killed a lot of ninjas in our country of fire. All the families of Muye, except the ninjas of Nara, never fought with him. The rest of the ninjas who went to stop him died.

Now, although the war is over, it is hard to eliminate the hatred in everyone's heart for a while.

Among other things, your brother Fei Jian is very afraid of him. You should be very clear about this.

If Zhu Tuo Tianxuan really comes to Muye's life, do you think he and your brother can really live in peace? "

At this point, the columns fell silent and did not answer.

However, Ban glanced at the column with slightly wrinkled eyebrows, and then continued to say: "Second, Zhu Tui's family is friendly with our Muye's Rixiang family. Even in the battle field, Zhu Tui Tianxuan did not kill the members of the Rixiang family. If he comes to Muye, do you think your brother Feijian can rest assured? Can other families rest assured?"

At this point, Ban is on the point. If the first point is that you can forcibly suppress the door between the columns, then although the columns are fire shadows, you have to consider the ideas of other families.

Now, Muye has just been built. Although various families are attached to it, in fact, the columns and spots are clear, and everyone has not yet fully returned. Once this middle balance is broken, it is likely that the newly built Muye Hidden Village will fall apart.

"In the end, although Zhu Chutian Xuan has been rejected by the Fog Hidden Village, it can be seen from his willingness to act as the guard of the Water Shadow White Lotus of the early generation that he actually has feelings for the Fog Hidden Village.

To sum up the above three points, I don't think that it is possible for wood leaves to attract bamboos to get the sky. " Ban finally said.

Hearing this, Zhujian also understood that it was impossible to attract bamboo to get mysterious things.

"Alas, it's a pity. I really appreciate him. He is talented, powerful, courageous, and can handle the battlefield with ease. He can wipe out the thirty-six teams we sent out. Finally, if he didn't show up on his own initiative, I'm afraid we wouldn't see him at all.

Most importantly, he is very young. As long as nothing happens, he will be the top of tolerance in the next 40 to 50 years.

It's a pity that we can't have such people. " Qianshouzhu said with great emotion.

Then, Ban smiled at the column and said, "It's impossible, but it doesn't matter. If we find him a threat in a few years, it's better to leave him behind when he comes to challenge us."

Hearing the words, Zhujian was a little surprised and immediately asked, "Haven't he given up challenging us?"

"The strong are all firm. Since he said he would challenge us, he will certainly come.

As for now, instead of thinking about how to attract him here, you'd better think about how to control the pace of tomorrow's talks.

After all, according to your plan, only one tail animal will be given to Shayin Village. It is estimated that Liedou may not agree.

In addition, you are going to ask the big countries to pay for the tail beast. Will they agree? You know, the people who will participate in the talks tomorrow will be the top strong men in all the big countries. Although they will fear your strength and mine, they may not really listen to your arrangement in such matters of great right and great wrong. " Ban said with a smile.

In the eyes, there was also a hint of banter, as if to see a joke between the columns tomorrow.

"Hahaha, others don't know the strength of the tail beast, Ban, don't you know?

When must the strength of the tail be determined by the number of tail? "