Chapter 180 Coping Arrangements for the Monkey Flying Day Chop, Special Teenagers (the second shift)

"Hehe, you girl, although you three are really good at ninjas of the same generation in the village, don't underestimate Wochao Hidden Village!"

Muye Hidden Village, a residence among thousand hand pillars.

In the yard, with the words of Vortex Waterhouse coming out, Gangshou also became interested and said with a smile: "Grandma, although the Xiaren coming from Vortex Hidden Village this time, most of them are from Vortex family.

However, I'm not afraid. Even if my strange power is Shangren, I dare not take it hard! "

"Don't be too proud, Gangshou, a ninja born in the Vortex Hidden Village, even if it's just forbearance, he can at least practice six moves

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