Chapter 15 Bailian's Disappointment and Solutions

Outside the Fog Hidden Village.

As the voice of the ghost moon fell, Bai Lian's face turned blue and white. He looked at the ghost moon in disappointment, and was silent for a long time. Then he said, "Since when did you become so narrow-minded that you can't tolerate people?"

"Teacher, I have heard that threats are always disasters.

I'm not afraid that I can't afford to let Zhu take Tianxuan, but his strength really scares me.

In recent years, Zhu took the achievements made by Tian Xuan in various battlefields. Even a respected and powerful actor like you can't defeat him.

If it were not for the support of the famous adults behind us, as well as the support of the nobility of the country of water and the families of ninjas of all sizes, I'm afraid that even if you were a teacher, you might not be able to win the competition with him for the position of the Water Shadow of the generation, would you?

Now, Zhu Tuo Tianxuan is only 13 years old, and he is a strong shadow player at 13 years old, which means that no one can command him in the coming decades as long as he doesn't have any accidents, including you, the water shadow.

Not to mention, I don't have enough prestige. If you are here, you can naturally crush the bamboo to get the sky, but once you, teacher... I'm not sure I can crush him.

It's better to take this opportunity to force him away. " The ghost lantern moon showed an unnatural look on her face, and then firmly looked at Bai Lian and explained.

"I see. Is that your reason?"

Bai Lian is a little disappointed. The ghost lantern and the moon can be said to be his successor, and Tian Xuan is the biggest reliance Bai Lian intends to leave for him.

Unfortunately, after hearing the explanation of the ghost lantern and the moon, Bai Lian understood that her disciple had made up her mind.

"Alas, Phantom Moon, I hope you won't regret it in the future. According to my plan, Zhu Chutian Xuan will become the guardian god of the country of water, which is comparable to Qianshouzhu and Yuzhibo.

Even if you can't suppress him in the future, as long as he stays in the country of water, once there is another war between countries, he is in the country of water, and the Fog Hidden Village can have the existence of a needle like the sea calming god, and we can sit and watch other countries fight for their lives, but we can take it easy to make profits from it.

But now, you are extrapolating the top strength I left for you. Oh, the magic moon, the magic moon, I don't know how to evaluate whether you are too smart or stupid? " Bai Lian sighed heavily and said.

If he could almost understand why the ghost lantern and the moon would do so, he could not help being disappointed.

Opposite, after hearing Bai Lian say these words, the ghost lantern moon has no waves in his heart.

In his opinion, Tian Xuan, a super strong person, is beyond his control. In addition, a strong person who listens to the tune but does not listen to the propaganda needs to be served well. It is better not to do so.

"Teacher, although I don't know whether what I did is right or not, so far, I don't regret what I did." The ghost lantern moon still stubbornly nodded.


Looking at the ghost lantern and the moon, Bai Lian sighed again, then shook her head and said: "I haven't taught you enough. After this thing is finished, you can follow me to learn.

In addition, you'd better not reveal any flaws on the side of Master Yuan, otherwise, with the support of Master Yuan for Bamboo, I'm afraid you will have great difficulties in taking over the position of the second generation of Shuiying safely from me. "

"Thank you, teacher. I understand."

Hearing Bai Lian mention Yuan Shi, the ghost lantern moon changed her face. Although Bai Lian was in power and could easily crush Yuan Shi, Yuan Shi, the elder, had the same power as Shuiying.

If we really let Yuan Shi know that he would drive away the talented young strong men like Zhu Tuo Tianxuan, who has become the first strong man in the country of water, for the sake of the position of the second generation of Water Shadow, I'm afraid that guy would really make a stumbling block for himself.

That is, there were too many people who supported Bai Lian at the beginning. In addition, Bai Lian had saved the life of the name of the Water Kingdom, so Yuan Shi and those who supported Tian Xuan failed.

When I think about it, I feel a little scared when I feel lucky.

Looking at the frightened look on the face of the ghost lantern and the moon, Bai Lian sighed: "Now that things have come to this point, it is impossible for you and Zhu Tuo Tianxuan to make up with each other completely.

However, for the sake of peace and stability in the country of water, no matter what you think, you can't let Zhu Jutian Xuan leave the country of water in this way.

Otherwise, once it is recruited by other countries, it will be a huge threat to our country of water and the Fog Hidden Village.

Even if it is between Qianshouzhu and Yuzhiboban, the future threat may not be comparable. "

"Teacher, since this is the case, why not call the strong and kill him directly? Anyway, the matter has reached this point, and killing him will be the end of the matter." The ghost lantern moon showed a sinister look on his face, and his murderous spirit was undisguised.

However, when she heard this, Bai Lian's eyes became more disappointed. He shook his head and said in a cold voice, "Illusion Moon, give up your unrealistic fantasy.

If Zhu Tuo Tianxuan is really so easy to kill, I'm afraid you have already mastered the things you controlled behind your back, right?

Hum, even the gods of tolerance like Qianshouzhujian and Yuzhi Boban could not leave him. Do you know that if the action fails, I'm afraid that other countries do not need to participate, and Zhu Chutian Xuan alone can hurt the vitality of our country of water. "

Speaking of this, Bai Lian has no patience to say anything to her disciple. The reason why Bai Lian indulged in the original things against Tianxuan is that, on the one hand, there are obstacles to clear her eyes from the previous generation, and on the other hand, she also wants to see what can be achieved by taking Tianxuan from Bamboo?

Now, everything is clear. Since Zhu Tuo Tianxuan came back from the battlefield of the country of fire safely, he has proved that nothing can be done.

However, he did not expect that the ghost lantern and the moon still had such an idea.

"Teacher, since you don't agree, what should we do now?" The ghost lantern moon asked reluctantly.

"Oh, what else can we do? If he wants the Half Moon Island, then give it to him. It is the junction of the three countries of our water country, the vortex country and the fire country. As long as he does not choose to betray, it is equivalent to giving us the water country and adding a barrier to the Fog Hidden Village." Bai Lian snorted coldly.

Then the ghost lantern and the moon fell silent for a moment, and finally he bowed his hands and said, "It is the teacher who is wise."

"Let's go. Even if it's a show, we should do it well.

Finally, I just want to say it again to you. Even if you can't stand the bamboo, don't stand on his opposite side. Otherwise, I'm not sure what your future will be like. "