Chapter 8 Public Trial

Sometimes, it is not that you are selfless and perfect that you are a saint, but as long as you do better than the mainstream practice, even if only a little, you are a saint in other people's hearts!

That's what Ma Jun did. Did they kill people? Sure Kill? Do you dare to say that they killed all the bad people? Of course not. There will be good people among the people they kill.

But most of the people they killed were bad people, which was enough. In the eyes of other people who knew their way of doing things, they were good people who saved the world!

After rescuing Li Zizi, the commander of Ma's army, Zhou Yi also had a certain identity. On the reincarnation panel, he had his own identity authentication.

"Commander of the Majiang Army Medical College: Your popularity among the Majiang Army has increased to a level of respect. Your influence on the world has deepened, and your progress in Task 2 has reached 5%."

The change of identity has improved Zhou Yi's task progress, which has stirred the world. Although the improvement is not very big, after Ma Jun wins the world, maybe the task progress will exceed 100%.

The task progress of the reincarnation system does not mean that the maximum is only 100%, which was mentioned in junior high school.

The progress of the reincarnation system will be shown in percentage, but this is the degree of change to the world. The highest person can even reach 362%, and the rewards obtained are also greatly improved.

If the basic reward of the reincarnation world is 1, after the task progress is obtained, the reward will become a percentage of 1+1 * progress.

"Let me go! Let me go!"

Just as Zhou Yi was sitting in his tent thinking about the next plan, he heard a voice shouting. Even the soldiers around him leaned out to know what had happened.

You know, since they came here more than a month ago, everything is very calm. No one will make a loud noise in the camp, let alone make such a pig killing cry.

Soon, the noise disappeared, but the soldiers around had also been attracted out, and then saw a well-dressed man being dragged to the ground by a man who looked like a general.

"Stop sneaking around and see what you want to see." That general is none other than the black faced general who brought Zhou Yi here before.

Hearing the words of the black faced general Lv Mang, the soldiers around also came out of the camp.

Zhou Yi also asked curiously, "Who is this man? He seems to be an official."

"He is an official." Lv Mang laughed: "This man is the magistrate of Renqing. Previously, he sent people to look around. When our people found him, they caught the spy and forced him to ask who he was.

The scout confessed the man behind him, that is, the dog officer. Our men then ran to catch the dog officer.

It turns out that this guy has been hiding in Xiagouzi Town near Renqing. He thought we would leave Renqing and want to return to be officials. "

"Oh, it's the officer of Renqing. I thought it was something that bullied the country gentry." Zhou Yi nodded to show that he knew.

Lv Mang laughed: "If I really bully the country gentry, I will kill the dog when I catch it. But the dog is more disgusting than those gentry. I plan to kill him in the military camp, which is also a flag."

"Oh, what disgusting thing has this guy committed? Why don't you tell me?" Zhou Yi asked curiously.

Hearing Zhou Yi's curiosity, Lv Mang didn't think much about it. He said directly, "Those are not the things? Oppressing good people, buying and selling fields, and forcing good people to become prostitutes. Oh, yes, I heard in Renqing City before that the old boy sent his own people to kill all six members of Old Liu's family in order to turn the fields outside the city into his own. Alas, it's also a plague dog. "

At this point, Lv Mang kicked the county magistrate again.

After hearing what Lv Mang said, Zhou Yi actually had no sympathy, because the world he lived in was only a hundred years ago when he killed his family for two acres of fertile land, and he had never experienced it himself. After passing through, although there were fields outside the city, he was just a child growing up in an orphanage, and he had never seen fields.

But he still kicked two feet with a face of indignation: "This kind of person is really damned!"

"OK, I'll leave if I have nothing to do. You can come to the execution platform in the middle of the camp later. I'll be there in a minute and cut off his sacrificial flag."

Zhou Yi followed Lv Mang, looked at the magistrate who was dragged all the way by him, and saw the pleading look on his face. He shrugged scornfully. Although he didn't have much sympathy with those who were killed by the magistrate, he still felt at least, but the pleading color on the magistrate's face made him shrug off.

What makes a person who has received good moral education empathize with the scum that exploits people?

But the pleading on the magistrate's face made him think of another way. He walked quickly and said, "General Lv, maybe we can not kill him in the camp."

Lv Mang looks back at Zhou Yi. He doesn't know what Zhou Yi means. You know, in their eyes, this kind of dog must be eradicated. It's impossible for anyone to intercede.

"If you don't kill him in the military camp, where will you kill him?" The general of Lv Mang said very seriously, apparently afraid that Zhou Yi could not see the situation clearly, he would come to plead for the dog officer.

Hearing Zhou Yi's words, Chen Bo, the dog officer on the ground, was also surprised. He thought that Zhou Yi was going to intercede for him.

Zhou Yi said, "I wonder if General Lv has ever heard of the public trial?"

"What is a public trial? Is it necessary to interrogate this dog?" Lv Mang said disdainfully, "No, I have heard the news that killing this dog official a hundred times is not enough, and there is no need to interrogate him."

Zhou Yi nodded and then shook his head: "The trial is still necessary, but it is not our trial..."

Before the words of the Book of Changes were finished, Lv Mang interrupted, "If we don't want to judge them, or if they want to judge themselves, who knows what they are?"

"Yes, Mr. Zhou, you don't know that there is a word among these dog officials called" officials protect each other ", that is to say, if other officials try them, they will definitely eliminate all their crimes."

A five hundred long man who was watching the excitement sighed and said, "I was going to sue the officials before, and then I was jailed by the officials of the county town. If General Li hadn't saved me, I might have been beheaded."

"Yes, Mr. Zhou, you can't let them come to trial. The officials of the State of Wei are rotten."

"That's right. The officials of the State of Wei must not be allowed to judge their own officials."

Hearing the noise around him, Zhou Yi cleared his throat and said, "Of course, it is not for them to judge themselves, but for the people to judge these officials. If the people think they are guilty, then we will behead them in front of the people to win their hearts."

Li Mengjiao, who had been watching the excitement, was also stunned, and then thought of the benefits of this method.

If they can keep doing this, maybe they can really win the world.

After all, almost all the officials of the State of Wei are like this now. They deceive others and hide from others. As long as the things reported to them do not break the sky, it is not their business.

Even many times, in order to get promoted and become rich, officials like them will start to exploit the people under their rule in order to have money to give gifts.

To whom? Of course, it was sent to the officials above and the officials for evaluation.

Therefore, the people at the bottom were exploited most severely, and it was the businessmen and officials who got the most nourishment. It can be said that the businessmen and officials were the local emperors in these remote small counties!

Li Mengjiao took a long breath, then shouted: "Uncle Lu, do as Mr. Zhou said, take the dog official to the court of Renqing City, and behead the dog in front of the people!"

Chen Bo, the dog official who thought Zhou Yi was talking for him, has raised his heart to his throat. He was dead at first, but if he is killed in front of the people, he will be notorious for thousands of years.

He hasn't heard of the public trial yet, but just hearing about this process will make his dog officials who exploit the common people tremble. If they really face the common people, if someone tells them what they have done over the years, then they will spread it to the upper level, and they may also affect their families!

His family is not a big family, but it has been handed down from previous dynasties. Some people even work as officials in the imperial court.

The officials in the imperial court are not the nine rank petty officials like him, but the six rank central officials who can speak up in the court.

If everything I have done is exposed, it may involve my eldest brother in the court.

So he began to struggle to get rid of the rope that bound him, but because he was a ninth grade scholar, he had not yet cultivated any martial arts. It was a bit fantastic to want to break the rope.

Lv Mang punches Chen Bo on the neck and knocks him to the ground. Then, under the leadership of Li Mengjiao, he puts Chen Bo on the horse and sends him to Renqing's court. Then, he asks several military officers to spread the news that they are going to make a public trial of Chen Bo.

Over the years, Ma's army has not harassed the people in Renqing, so the people today will not be afraid to flee everywhere when they see Ma's army, but start to resume their original life.

For the common people, their daily life is already very difficult. They don't care about the county magistrate at all. At most, when collecting taxes, they murmur that the county magistrate is an asshole.

Although I didn't pay much attention to it, I suddenly heard that the county magistrate had been forced to kneel on the execution ground, and they rushed around the execution ground in a swarm.

Then they saw that the place where criminals used to kneel on the court was actually the county magistrate. Although they didn't care, they still knew the appearance of the county magistrate. They were afraid that the county magistrate would blackmail them if they saw the magistrate didn't salute one day.

"It's the dog officer! Look at him kneeling there and be cheerful! I'll have a drink when I get back!" An old man whispered to his companion, and then looked at the county magistrate kneeling on the platform with red eyes.

His son didn't need to do corvee, but because the Chen family, a rich businessman from Renqing, had something to do with the county magistrate, and then spent some money to clean up, his son was taken to do corvee, and then died on the road.

When he heard the news, he wanted to die with the county magistrate Chen Bai. But when he thought that he still had a grandson at home, he had to put this matter aside and raise his grandson with peace of mind.

"Yes, that's him. He's such a dog. Now he's finally got his revenge."

The companions beside him are also full of tears. Those who live in the villages and towns near Renqing all the year round know what a county magistrate is. It can be said that pigs and dogs are not as good as praise.

Seeing that the county magistrate who usually acts as a bully is now pressed on the stage, the people under the stage are excited and worried, but now they want to see Chen Bai beheaded!

I was excited because I saw that the people who oppressed them at ordinary times would soon become dead. I was worried that if the person in charge of beheading on the stage could rise, he would kill them.

Although they haven't met any other disorderly army here, there are some storytellers in their taverns talking about the disorderly army of the previous dynasty.

One of them is that there was a man in their former army who liked to kill innocent people.

"Fellow villagers, I'm the young general of Ma's army. I'm sure you've heard of me. We are the group of soldiers stationed outside the city. Of course, there are also our people in the city now."

Li Mengjiao said this and pointed to the county magistrate who was kneeling: "I think everyone should know this person, so I don't need to introduce him!"

The noise of the people below gradually subsided. They were all looking at the county magistrate and Li Mengjiao on the stage, wondering what they wanted to do.

"Today, we are not here to let you know what crime he committed, but to avenge you! These officials, in ordinary times, oppress good people one by one, presumably you are also the people oppressed by them.

This time, we come to let you revenge! Now, anyone of you who has been oppressed by him can stand up! We will do you justice! "

"Also, if anyone oppresses you in Renqing City, you can report to us. We will definitely stand with you and let those who oppress you be punished!"

Hearing Li Mengjiao's words, the people below the stage still did not make any movement, but even Lv Mang on the stage could feel their burning eyes.

Of course, the rest was left to Li Mengjiao and others, while Zhou Yi returned to the military camp.

During this time, he saw clearly the character of Ma Jun, and also saw clearly that they really have the power to dominate the world. Therefore, he planned to write down some military training methods for later generations, and then give them to Ma Jun.