Chapter 16 Guilt

After returning to the Eastern Palace, Zhang Ruyue saw that Xia Wenlian's hairpin was missing: "Wenlian, where is your hairpin?"

Xia Wenlian subconsciously touched her head and said, "I don't know. Maybe she fell into the river?"

"Then I will arrange someone to tell the princess to find her."

Zhang Ruyue was about to wave to Xia Wenlian, her servant, when she stopped him, "Sister Ruyue, if you don't need it, you may as well lose it. If you lose it, you will have no idea."

Zhang Ruyue looks at Xia Wenlian with a worried expression: "Wenlian, you must look forward."

Xia Wenlian, in order not to let Zhang Ruyue worry, took a deep breath and smiled, "Yes, I want to look forward. Since the hairpin has fallen, it means that I had nothing to do with him."

Zhang Ruyue said apologetically, "I'm sorry today."

Xia Wenlian took Zhang Ruyue's hand and said, "Sister Ruyue, today's event has nothing to do with you. Don't think too much about it. Don't always take the responsibility on yourself. I suddenly want to learn how to plant flowers these days. I'll learn something simple first. If I have difficulties, I'll come to you for advice."

Zhang Ruyue found some books in her bookcase and handed them to Xia Wenlian: "These are basic books. Take them first and learn from them."

Xia Wenlian took the book and said with a smile, "OK, thank you sister Ruyue."

After Xia Wenlian left, Zhang Ruyue asked someone to undress her. Today, she felt cold and had a headache, so she slept soundly.

When Zhang Ruyue woke up, it was already dark and transparent. She vaguely saw a man sitting beside the bed, looking at his figure, Duan Qingzhi. Zhang Ruyue's voice was weak, and she was not sure: "Your Royal Highness, Prince?"

Duan Qingzhi gets up and lights the candle beside him with a lighter box. Zhang Ruyue looks at his action and asks, "How long has the Prince been here? Why didn't he wake me up?"

Duan Qingzhi did not speak, but looked at her quietly. Zhang Ruyue was uncomfortable when he was seen: "What's wrong with the Prince?"

"I have been thinking, what should I do if something happens to Ruyue today?" Duan Qingzhi is a bit self mocking.

Zhang Ruyue gets up and reaches out and pulls Duan Qingzhi to her side: "Don't worry, Your Highness, I'm fine, and I can swim."

Duan Qingzhi looked at her and said, "So you plan to make yourself faint? If Xia Wenlian is not very good at water, what should I do if she doesn't save you? Ruyue, I know you are thoughtful, but I'm still afraid."

Zhang Ruyue stroked its frown with one hand, and said with a gentle smile: "His Royal Highness Prince knows everything about Ruyue, and has never thought of stopping Ruyue. Ruyue is very happy, and takes the overall situation as the priority. Ruyue is the wife of His Highness Prince, and also the son of Daqian."

Duan Qingzhi cried in Zhang Ruyue's arms, as if crying about his incompetence, as if blaming himself. He said, "You were really light at that time. I never thought how a person could be so light."

He said, "I have never protected you. Sorry, I really am sorry."

Zhang Ruyue couldn't help shedding tears when she heard him say that she thought she already cared about Duan Qingzhi's feelings, but she was still ignoring them. Duan Qingzhi has always taken care of her feelings.

From the beginning, she went to see the Third Lord in order to let him go to the Xia Mansion more. A bodyguard must have some acquaintances. After asking, she knew that Dongfang and Xia Wenlian had a close relationship. At this time, a person who never walked with the Xia Mansion suddenly came to the Xia Mansion and happened to be interested in Xia Wenlian. This person was the direct son of the royal family. The eldest princess would suspect that Dongfeng was the person of the Third Lord, The Third Lord must have gone to the summer mansion to get something.

Xia Wenmo said that something had always been lost in the summer mansion in recent days. It should be the eldest princess who did it. If she couldn't find it again, she would try to kill Xia Wenlian. So this time, through the three princes' strong curiosity about the hairpin, people noticed that there must be something important in the hairpin.

She tricked Xia Wenlian into taking the hairpin and taking it back if she found Dongfeng. If anyone recognized the hairpin, she might know where Dongfeng is. Before being pushed down, she knew someone was behind. So she let Xia Wenlian watch the fish. If Xia Wenlian can't swim, she saved Xia Wenlian, Then in a hurry, the hairpin was accidentally left or disappeared. It's normal that no one paid attention to it.

But Xia Wenlian can swim, so she can only pretend that she can't swim and ask Xia Wenlian to save her. She deliberately choked on the water when Xia Wenlian was about to save her from going ashore. Only in this way can people ignore the existence of the hairpin. The note in the hairpin is still there, and the handwriting in it is also Dongfeng, so the eldest princess can tell.

Zhang Ruyue is just Zhang Liangdi who can play tricks in the eyes of outsiders. Who can know that she is setting up a game? Seemingly unintentional, but actually intentional.

Duan Qing knows that she will not spend her mind on fighting in the palace, and she also knows that she pays attention to etiquette, so she never wants to let her make changes. Zhang Ruyue will tell him some plans, but not all of them. Some will also hint at him. Maybe Zhang Ruyue knows that if he tells him there will be danger in the plan, he will reveal his tricks?

She even struggled in the water for the first time when she fell into the water, and then kept showing that she could not be watery after observation, instead of just observing people who could not be watery again. Such people had thought out every step, and she was only 18 years old.

Duan Qingzhi turns off the light when he is sad enough. Then he takes off his shoes and goes to bed to hold Ruyue. He sighs and says, "Ruyue, something ugly has happened to you today. Don't tell me about it."

Zhang Ruyue said with a smile, "Your Royal Highness is not ugly. You are willing to cry for me. I am determined to please you."

"Ruyue, am I useless?"

Zhang Ruyue broke free from his arms and looked at his face and said, "The first time the Prince went to war, he calmed down the war in the north, and the Prince has never been proud of his merits. The Prince is modest and resourceful. Most importantly, the Prince is very kind to his concubines, and almost made them proud of their favor."

Duan Qingzhi looked at her affectionately and said, "I want you to be proud of yourself. I like everything about you. You have seen much more than I do, and know a lot of things. I know that everything you do is never for yourself, but I am willing to support everything you do, as long as it does not hurt you."

Zhang Ruyue looked at him, held his face in both hands, sucked on his mouth, and said, "Why is the Prince so foolish? I feel that people have changed since I was with Ruyue."

Duan Qingzhi also smiled and said, "There are some."

Zhang Ruyue puts his arm around his neck and kisses him. Duan Qingzhi also gives a response, kissing her cheek, eyes and ears. Qingzhi suddenly stops and pushes Zhang Ruyue away when feeling deep, saying, "Ruyue, today you fell into the water and got cold. It's not appropriate to do anything. Go to bed early."

Zhang Ruyue leans against him and pinches him on the waist. Duan Qingzhi doesn't speak, but laughs and falls asleep.