Chapter 16 WoW Mountain

The previous muffled sound fell soon, followed by another muffled sound, which was even more deep and came out of the trunk.


Moments later, the terrible force suddenly burst from its interior, and the huge tree trunk suddenly became tottering under the destruction of the dark force.

After several breaths, the big tree with broken trunk collapsed.

It was not until the tree fell to the ground that Old Yao regained consciousness.

"Two dark forces, and also used the Eight Extremes Collapse to the realm of combining hardness and softness. When the fist was fired out, it seemed weak, but who would underestimate it..."

Yaolao looked at the lonely stump and said nothing.

After some admiration, Yaolao said, "The dark force is too raw, and the burst time will be too long. During this time, if the opponent is sensitive, you can dissolve the dark force that failed to burst."

"Hey hey, it doesn't matter, this is only the first time. Just practice a few more times, these problems can be solved." Xiao Yan moved his slightly numb fist, smiled and said.

After nodding his head, Yaolao hesitated for a moment and said: "The fighting spirit stored in your cyclone can only support you to use a few times of dark power at most, so if you fight with others in the future, you must kill with one blow. This eight pole collapse is originally a kind of killing skill that moves like thunder."

Xiao Yan nodded slightly and sat down on the grass at will.

In fact, the dark force effect of the Eight Extremes Collapse is somewhat similar to that of the Seven Injured Fist.

After the completion of the Seven Hurt Fist, there are seven different forces in one fist, either hard and fierce, or soft, or soft and soft, or soft and hard, or straight delivery, or contraction.

The enemy has resisted the first force, but cannot resist the second force. The second force will be resisted, and the third force will be more difficult to cope with.

However, the dark power of the Eight pole Collapse is focused on the overwhelming output, which does not give the enemy reaction time, and many power changes are missing.

Yaolao's eyes narrowed slightly, and he seemed to have some evil intentions: "The Eight Extremes Collapse has a high demand for the body. The next dark power cultivation needs to give the body a buffer time, and the speed is not too fast. Do you want to make this fighting skill cultivation faster?"

"How to speed up cultivation?" Looking at the smiling Yaolao, Xiao Yan suddenly felt cold all over.

"The harder you are beaten, the better." Yao Laoyin laughed.

"Beaten?" Xiao Yan shook his head hurriedly. "You always regard the Dan King Gu He as a fart refiner. Can't you make some magic pills? Now I have become a fighter and can take pills."

"Er..." Yaolao was stunned. It was really difficult for Xiao Yan, who had almost grown up in a greenhouse, to know the benefits of hard work.

However, the smart boy said so.

If you don't show some ability, you can't hang on to your old face.

Yaolao nodded: "If you want me to refine medicine, you can't do it. But a clever woman can't make bricks without straw. No matter how powerful I am, I can't make pills out of nothing. You have to produce the materials."

"No money." Xiao Yan held his hand and showed the pure smile of an eleven year old boy.

"Hey hey, you don't need money." Yaolao pointed to the mountains far away from the cliff

"Go to the Mountain of Warcraft?" Xiao Yan got up with uncontrollable excitement in his eyes.

Xiao Yan seems calm and indifferent, but his bones are full of adventure factors. He has been looking forward to the WoW Mountain for a long time.

Yaolao slowly said: "In the fight against the Warcraft, you can have more practical experience. What's more, what I want to refine requires a lot of Warcraft blood, killing two birds with one stone."

This is what Yaolao wants to refine. It's called Burning Blood.

It is only effective for those who cultivate fire attribute, but it is undoubtedly poison for those who cultivate water attribute.

Applying it on the body can speed up the consumption of qi in the body and also speed up the regeneration. In the stalemate of constant consumption and regeneration, not only the strength of qi will gradually increase, but also the strength of the body will increase.

Hearing that a lot of Warcraft's blood was needed, Xiao Yan was shocked.

Lying in the trough, it's the blood burning!

When you use this item, you will feel as if your body is placed on charcoal. The pain is far beyond ordinary people's ability to bear.

It seems that people in the age of Yaolao always feel that they can cultivate better only through hard work.

But times have changed.

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Yan nodded: "It's just killing some monsters, OK."

Yaolao smiled, and now he can see Xiao Yan's screams after being smeared with burning blood.

Without some painful cultivation, how can you cultivate the strength of a far superior person?

Grasping Xiao Yan's sleeve, Yaolao's sleeve swung, the space where the two were located suddenly shook, and disappeared in the back mountain of Xiao's house.

With the nourishment of nearly massive fighting spirit, Yao's soul power has returned to its peak state. Although there is a certain gap between his strength and his physical strength, it is not comparable to that of ordinary strong people.

The Mountain of Warcraft is full of dangers and opportunities.

There is a kind of energy crystal core in the body of Warcraft, which is filled with extremely violent heaven and earth energy. Even a fight king would not dare to take the risk of exploding and forcibly absorb such violent energy.

However, although the magic core can not be directly absorbed by people, it is an indispensable main material for the alchemist.

The magic core refined by the alchemist with secret methods will be neutralized by some magical herbs and become various power enhancing elixirs coveted by countless people. Its value will suddenly rise!

Moreover, the magic core can also be blessed on the weapons. The weapons that have been blessed with the magic core will not only have more destructive power, but also have attractive special effects to increase morale, which are popular among the fighters in the world.

Under this demand, the magic core on the mainland is almost always in short supply.

The high price of the magic core naturally creates a large number of mercenary groups that specialize in killing Warcraft.

However, it is not easy to obtain the magic core.

Warcraft is not only powerful, but also extremely cunning. It is often much more powerful than human strongmen of the same level.

Moreover, not all Warcraft bodies have magic cores, which seems to be a random probability, and there is no rule to follow.

However, it is for this reason that Devil Core has always been in the top position and very popular on the Continent.

Looking at the trees that are much stronger than the Xiao family's back hill, Xiao Yan seems to be dreaming.

So I came to the WoW Mountain region from the back mountain of Xiao's family.