Chapter 28. Interested

It has been a day since I went deep into the mountains.

For the sake of hunting efficiency, a group of people were divided into three groups. They were separated from each other by a certain distance, but they took care of each other.

'Hmm? There seems to be something wrong. '

In the process of marching, Li Mao looked at the path along the way and frowned from time to time.

In some inconspicuous places, Li Mao clearly saw the traces of someone stepping first.

"Huai'an, do you often walk this way?"

Li Mao looked at a fresh knife mark on the trees beside him and couldn't help asking questions.

"Ah? We? No.

How can you go so deep when there are few people? The mountain forest is not your own home. If you are unlucky, you will encounter wolves. If there are few people, you will have to leave here. "

Qin Huai'an had some doubts, but he finally answered them seriously.

Although I don't care much about Li Mao, an uncle younger than him.

But Qin Huai'an didn't want to try more because of his father's prestige.

"So, we shouldn't have made this trace ourselves?"

Li Mao pointed to a mark cut by a mountain knife and asked.

"Traces? How could it be?! This is the direction of our people from Qinjiagou.

No hunting has been organized for several days. How can someone leave a trace here? "

Qin Huai'an approached Li Mao's point with disbelief in his mouth.

Squinting his eyes, he carefully examined for a full two minutes, and then made a conclusion:

"Our men didn't make it. Our mountain opener doesn't have such marks."

"That would be interesting."

Li Mao rubbed his stubble chin and couldn't help thinking.

Qin Huai'an raised his hand and scratched his head through his hat:

"Is it difficult... is it a fellow villager nearby? Anyway, it can't be a mountain dweller hiding in the mountains, can it?

We in Qinjiagou haven't heard of the mountain people for years. "

"Mountain people? Villagers? I'm afraid it's all wrong."

Li Mao took two steps to one side and looked at the place near the tree root. There were some thin footprints.

"Huai'an, come here and step on this footprint for me to see."

"Ha? OK, Uncle Li Mao, I'm coming right now."

Although he didn't quite understand the reason why Li Mao said so, Qin Huai'an nodded and walked over.

As for the reason for obedience, don't ask.

Ask is Qin Family's strict family law!

Qin Huai'an's foot landed next to the footprint.

It is normal walking, and it falls beside the footprint, but it is much clearer.

"How heavy are you?" Li Mao examined the footprints and asked.

"More than 150 jin."

Qin Huai'an replied, but still couldn't understand the reason for Li Mao's sentence.

"Over one hundred and forty kilograms, 43 size shoes, footprints are heavy outside and light inside, with a compass?"

Qin Huai'an still didn't pay attention to Li Maonian's data.

At this time, although there are not many people who have banded their legs, there are more or less people who have ridden horses or animals for many years.

It is not uncommon to see a hunter with hoop legs in the mountain forest.

If Li Mao only came here, it would be normal.

"Huai'an, does your thumb turn outward?"

"How is it possible for me to turn outwards? I'm not a kid, and I don't wear clogs. How can I turn outwards if I'm good.


Eversion?! "

Hearing this, Qin Huai'an suddenly gave a shock, and his tired body immediately became energetic.

"Yes, eversion. Look at the footprint. The pressure point at the front is obviously different from your footprint."

Li Mao nodded, although he was not sure whether the owner of the footprint was what he had guessed.

But in the end, we should not take it lightly.

Speaking of this incident, Qin Huai'an changed his appearance and his eyes became sinister.

He is not a fool. Li Mao can think of it, so can he.

If the owner of this footprint is really an enemy spy, he may be able to earn a job in the city by virtue of this.

Even if you can't get a job in the city, you can still work in the brigade.

In winter, the night is long and the day is short.

Although they have built a shack, they have gathered a bonfire.

But this should be calculated according to the time. It's only five or six o'clock at most.

"No, Uncle Li Mao, this matter must be discussed with my father. I will send someone to contact my father and them now!"

When Qin Huai'an said this, he didn't dare to look up.

If it is true.

Qin Huai'an's move is suspected of taking credit.

"Go to find Brother Qin? Yes, no problem. Many people have great power. Let's look for clues nearby when we send someone to call Brother Qin.

At least we should know how many people there are. "

Li Mao narrowed his eyes and didn't jump out to pick on him at this time.

At present, he hasn't got the credit. If he falls out, he can't get anything.

Seeing that Li Mao did not react violently, Qin Huai'an smiled shyly.

He is also old enough to know that Qin Jiagou wants to take advantage of this, so he must communicate with Li Mao.

As for what to pay, as Qin Huai'an, he is not qualified to negotiate with Li Mao.

Half an hour later.

The dusty Qin Guoping came out of the mountain forest with several people holding torches.

Although not without lantern.

But in the mountains and forests, the fire is more conspicuous and gives people a sense of security.

The shack was built outside to keep out the wind, and people were watching outside.

Li Mao and Qin Guoping gathered around the campfire and communicated with each other.

"How about that? Have you found any useful clues?"

Qin Guoping picked up a sweet potato from the campfire.

Regardless of whether it's hot or not, both hands weighed each other and peeled off the sweet potato skin.

Li Mao frowned, scratched on the ground with branches, and began to murmur:

"The situation is not good. Five obvious traces were found nearby. From the traces left, there are men and women.

The other side did not stay nearby, as if the destination was very clear. "

"Hoo hoo, the destination is clear, which is a bit difficult."

Qin Guoping and Li Mao looked at each other and saw the uneasiness in each other's eyes.

Five people, with obvious signs and clear purposes, are both good news and bad news for them.

Although the current situation is not sure, many people who are sure of these footprints have problems.

If it is not an enemy spy, it must be at least a group of local masters.

"What did Brother Li say?"

Qin Guoping frowned and looked at Li Mao who was silent.

"In terms of time, if we go back to call people now, it will be too late.

But if we are the only ones around, in case the other party's destination has any heavy firepower, we must all explain here.

But equally, if the other party is really what we think, it will be a great credit. "

They understand what Li Mao said.

Originally, Qin Guoping asked this question to find an answer from Li Mao.

In this case, they are indispensable. If something goes wrong, Li Mao can help distribute the pot if casualties occur.

But who would have thought that Li Mao, a young man, was so slippery. He seemed to have said everything, but he just pushed the problem back as if he had not said anything.