Chapter 27. Hunting, strange footprints

Four days passed quickly.

In the morning, Li Mao rode back to Qinjiagou with a small sidecar.

Fortunately, an oil tank was hung in the rolling mill when he came out.

Otherwise, the original fuel volume of Ural is not enough for Li Mao to travel back and forth these days.

"Brother Li Maoge, here you are!"

As soon as the voice of the small sidecar reached the Qinjiagou Valley, Qin Jingru found herself out of nowhere.

Looking at the red face of the other side, it was obvious that he had stayed here for a while.

"It's Jingru."

Li Maoping nodded quietly.

Qin Jingru didn't have other sympathy thoughts just because he was crouching here.

According to Li Mao's estimation, the senior sixteen in Qinjiagou may not have given up.

I don't know where to find out that Li Mao is coming back today. I simply let Qin Jingru squat at the entrance of the village early in the morning.

In such a cold day, Li Mao still felt cold when he was wearing cotton padded clothes inside and the overcoat distributed by the steel rolling mill outside.

Let such a girl in a thin cotton padded jacket wait outside.

Whether to say it or not, Qin Jingru's father, that old sixteen is really cruel.

"Well, Brother Li Maoge, my father wants me to invite you to my home..."

Qin Jingru blushed and said timidly.

While talking, he looked at Li Mao carefully with big sparkling eyes.

It can be seen that the sixteen should have explained before coming out.

At least from the current situation.

Qin Jingru should not dare to drag Li Mao.

"Go to your house? Forget it."

Li Mao shook his head. He did not leave room for maneuver because the other party was young:

"Go back and tell your father that I can't help you with your family. This is the first time, and I hope it will be the last time.

If you try to kidnap my mind morally, don't blame me for not showing any mercy. "

"Well, I'll go back and tell my father.

that... Brother Li Mao, I heard from my family that you should go hunting with the team. As a city man, you'd better be careful.

There are wild boars in the forest. Whenever they are hungry, they like to take the little wild boars out. "

Listening to Qin Jingru's words, Li Mao was a little uncertain about each other's ideas for a while.

Obviously, they are all family members. How can there be such a big difference in their attitudes towards people.

"Well, I still know the truth of" one pig, two bears and three tigers ". The turpentine and greasy hair rubbed out by that body is not penetrated by ordinary things."

Li Mao nodded, accepting the other side's kindness.

As for what he said, it was also true.

The older the boar is, the thicker the turpentine oil on its body.

When a certain number of years have passed, not to mention the steel fork, even the soil gun may not be able to penetrate.

Li Mao is crazy and foolish. He won't compete with that thing.

It's not easy to live an extra life. It's good to live safely. He is just an ordinary person, and he is not a warrior who has a system and can pull out the mountain easily.

After meeting Qin Jingru and rejecting the idea of the 16th.

Li Mao went straight to the brigade.

Under the leadership of Qin Guoping, more than 30 militiamen with long and short stories spread out in front with hunting knives on their waists.

There were also more than a dozen men with plural baskets and carrying plural carrying poles behind.

It can be seen that Qin Guoping and his colleagues are really preparing for a big fight this time.

"Little brother, it's freezing cold, and there are fewer prey outside.

This time we should at least enter a day's journey, stay for one day, and return with our prey on the last day.

You are too strong to bear. "

When Qin Guoping came to Li Mao's side, he did not give him a shotgun, but handed him a crossbow with a good string.

Hunters hunt around. The most taboo is amateurs.

What is more taboo is that the layman still has something to do.

Once the layman is nervous, the disordered rhythm is small, and it is important to shoot indiscriminately to hurt oneself.

About Qin Guoping and others just find an excuse to let Li Mao share their prey.

Just take out the crossbow used to shoot fish in the summer from the brigade.

Li Mao has no objection to this.

In any case, he came out this time to see the scenery of this era and supplement some New Year goods for his family.

If there is any surplus, it's better to have more and let him go to Li Huaide's side for a walk.

Although Li Mao's promotion is still early.

But if you don't burn incense at ordinary times, you can't expect to bump into things like a fly.

"What did you say.

Professionals do professional things. I am a city doll who has never been in the mountains. Even if my brother let me participate, I dare not lead. "

Li Mao said jokingly.

Although it is all verbal, the more polite it is, the easier it is to talk to your heart.

Wear thousands of clothes, but not good words.

No grudges, who doesn't like to listen to a scene.

"There are not many enlightened people like my little brother now."

Qin Guoping smiled and nodded, then shouted loudly to Qin Huai'an:

"Huai'an, Huai'an, come and follow Uncle Li Mao!"

"Hey, Dad, here we are."

Qin Huai'an, who was mixed in the militia, responded with a shy smile and carried the same equipment as the militia to Qin Guoping.

"My son, little brother, just do what you want."

"No, brother, how can I be ashamed? Huai'an's face should be bigger than mine."

Looking at Qin Huai'an, who was obviously several years older than himself, Li Mao was somewhat embarrassed.

"Hey, why don't we look alike? We are brothers. Is it difficult for me to have a peer with this son?

You are joking. If you really want to do that, you will lose your seniority! "

Qin Guoping can ignore Li Mao's embarrassment.

In fact, just like what he said, Qin Huai'an could hardly resist calling Uncle Li Maosheng in the Qin Family Valley.

"Hey, look at this."

Li Mao shook his head in disbelief. Although it seemed that he had taken advantage of it.

But in fact, if we go deep into it, it's probably Li Mao who will suffer.

To put it mildly, after the establishment of this relationship, if Qin Huai'an encounters any difficulties in Kyoto, he will ask Li Mao for help.

Do you think Li Mao can really shake off?

Unless at that time Li Mao had the idea of completely breaking off the relationship with Qin Jiagou, he would have to lend a helping hand no matter how fake.

So don't look at Qin Guoping in Qinjiagou, in the countryside.

But that doesn't mean he has little thought!

"OK, I will accept it this time, but we can say that this is the only time. It will never happen again. Other people in Qinjiagou can't call me that."

Li Maoyi said something.

Seeing that Li Mao promised to come down, Qin Guoping would never mind other people.

"Yes, yes.

What Huai'an, take a group of people with you and go there. Take more care of Uncle Li Mao on the way. "

Qin Guoping said with a smile, but he could not see the meaning of caring.