Chapter 189 (3000 words) You have no social morality!

"No, hey, old lady! It's me! It's I He Yuzhu! Li Mao has someone break the crutch that Sister Qin gave me!"

Silly Column pointed at his nose and said in disbelief.

"Sister Qin? Where do you have an elder sister in the courtyard? If Qin Huairu has married someone, you have to call her sister-in-law! Besides, Qin Huairu has no peace of mind about this matter!"

The deaf old lady said so.

In front of the big guy, the deaf old lady didn't say much.

This is really the work of the old Jia family.

Even if the deaf old lady said it to her face, as long as Jia Zhang bit her dead and refused to admit it

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