Chapter 188 (4000 words) Pillar, you have to say thank you!

"Ouch! Xu Damao, a dog! Why do you push me?"

After being pushed by Xu Damao, Silly Column fell to the ground.

A pair of crutches fell on both sides as soon as the hands were loosened.

The neighbors in the yard came out to see a joke when they landed on their buttocks and screamed.

They don't watch the jokes of the old Liu family, but the jokes about silly columns? The people in the yard count one by one, and they don't want to go wrong.

Even Jia Zhang, who was lying by the door listening to the excitement, could not help laughing.

As for Jia Dongxu? Not to mention that!

Jia Dongxu, who experienced being laughed at on crutches, saw foolishness

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