Chapter 651 Shenli Network Unlimited Gloves

  • Iron Throne
  • Fengyue
  • 5324 characters
  • 2012-06-17 06:00:02

Farther away from the core, at the very edge of the battlefield, the warrior hiding in the shadow peeped at the Shenwei tide rising from the center of the battlefield, with a cold and fierce light in his eyes.

In silence, all his breath was integrated into this constantly turbulent world, as if it were one.

This is a more thorough coexistence than the unity of heaven and man. In the world where the rule changes like an earthquake, his perception was not squeezed out by the violent turbulence of the world. Instead, he made a smooth progress in the tide of Shenwei, and finally saw the two dark figures in the center of the battlefield.


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