Chapter 455 Starting with the Symbol

  • Iron Throne
  • Fengyue
  • 3055 words
  • 2012-01-31 06:00:50

The roaring sound hung from Bai Shuo's head, and the massive steel figure flew into the sky in the spray of flames. A ferocious machine gun appeared in his hand at some time.

It looks very powerful, but actually it may be more powerful.

In mechanical reinforcement, the most convenient point is that plug-ins and equipment can be ready to deal with various situations at any time.

Often in the hands of mature mechanical enhanced reincarnators, they will inevitably prepare several sets of auxiliary equipment that can be changed and loaded at any time, and they will often be divided into: air operations, deep-sea operations, long-range sniping, space operations... even specifically for excavation and

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