Chapter 266 Crazy Dongmu Town

  • Iron Throne
  • Fengyue
  • 3104 characters
  • 2011-10-27 17:36:37

Lingke's frightened appearance seems to be near at hand. Bai Shuo's palm is aimed at Lingke's figure, and his seemingly harmless fingers suddenly tighten, as if crushing the invisible space:


As the shortest syllable was uttered, there was a deep crash in the air.

The outline of the illusory boundary, like a honeycomb structure, flashed in the air for an instant, and the next moment, the space collapsed!

In the roar of the collapse, a huge amount of wind was involved in the depression caused by the collapse, and the white air waves were bound in that ferocious track, roaring to.

In an instant, the track of collapse

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