Chapter 137 The Demon King

  • Iron Throne
  • Fengyue
  • 4115 words
  • 2011-08-24 17:57:42

He calmly looked at the monster in front of him. "You look strange. What kind of monster are you?"

"I am not a monster." The ferocious and ugly humanoid monster showed a malicious and excited smile: "I am the devil, the devil of the world."

"Oh." Bai Shuo seemed totally unconcerned and continued to move forward: "Although I don't know you, I have to kill you."

The devil leaned on the broadsword with both hands and squinted at the man who seemed to fall down at the next moment: "This sad look, do you think you have won?"

"Don't worry, I can kill you before I die." Bai Shuoman

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