Chapter 5 Struggle for Urban Household Registration III

The three brothers chatted with Uncle Qin at the gate of the street office again, and then wandered to the grain station. At the beginning of the month, the grain station was basically full of work, and the porters were charged by piece.

Where do you want to follow Liu Guangtian to find odd jobs, as Gu Ma said? It can only be said that the world's parents are pitiful.

Sure enough, he met Yan Jiecheng and Liu Guangtian. Gu Weijun took the initiative to greet him with a smile. Yan Jiecheng grinned and immediately bent down to work. Liu Guangtian shouted "brother in arms" while taking out half a bag of crumpled production and began to deliver cigarettes.

It was educated by Gu Weijun and his three brothers many times

During the break, Liu Guangtian also took the initiative to come over and giggle.

Later, Yan Jiecheng joined in with his face pulled. Gu Weijun's filter cigarettes were all contributed, and a few half boys and half girls were puffing like elders.

At noon, Gu Weijun and Yang Yu looked at each other and handed one to Zhao Chenggang.

This cake is so hard! How hard to swallow! What a loud voice! It's no joke that he can kill people. Gu Weijun managed to smooth the cake down with cold water.

All tears! Although he had been prepared before, Gu Weijun found that corn flour was classified as fine grain when he really ate it. It was really OK!

Although I have eaten it in my memory, I didn't take any precautions... I never thought that my first meal in this era was actually mixed with a stick core.

Many times Gu Weijun wanted to try his golden finger to see if the door of the grain station could reach the courtyard of his hometown in the northeast.

Until four o'clock in the afternoon, Gu Weijun's left and right shoulders were red, and his skin was almost broken. His legs and arms were tired and shook unconsciously!

Gu Weijun gritted his teeth and insisted that he would not fall down. Yan Jiecheng and Liu Guangtian came to comfort him, "Junzi, it was the same at the beginning, but I will get used to it later!" Gu Weijun replied with a wry smile, "Hmm, hmm, no problem."

A penny for a sack, almost 100 jin for a sack, Gu Weijun earned a total of one dollar and eighteen cents a day. People in the 21st century have never suffered such hardship!

I can't help it. I took the lead in coming to the grain station to make money. I really answered the saying "I'm forced to fill it with tears..."

Zhao Chenggang is really fierce. One man has done more than 160 bags. Yang Yu is even more useless than Gu Weijun, only 80 bags

On the way home, Gu Weijun made several excuses to separate himself from Yan Jiecheng and Liu Guangtian, and wanted to test whether other doors could be worn.

As a result, Yan Jiecheng and Liu Guangtian were so enthusiastic that they sent Gu Weijun to his home. Gu Weijun wanted to cry

Gu Ma was very happy. Sure enough, the neighborhood had to take care of each other and give them a piece of hard candy.

To this end, Liu Guangtian had to take the safflower oil from home and let Gu Weijun rub it well before going to bed at night.

The goods are also very proud: "I am often beaten by my father. I have experience. This kind of redness and soreness are drizzle. Rub them before going to bed at night, and they will be fine the next morning!"

Gu Weijun gritted his teeth and thanked, "I thank you!"

Liu Guangtian was proud of his small chest and said, "It's OK. Our brothers' friendship in the battle is just a layman!" He glanced at the dishes covered with gauze cages on the table and swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva unconsciously.

"Auntie, I'm leaving, Junzi!" She turned around with difficulty. "Auntie, I'm leaving!" She cried twice in a row and was reluctant to leave until no one asked her to stay.

Gu Ma puts the safflower oil that Liu Guangtian brought in on the windowsill, goes into the bedroom cabinet drawer, takes out her own safflower oil, and asks Gu Weijun to take it with her, while starting to rub her hands together.

"Mom, why don't you let Liu Guangtian take it back?" Gu Weijun was puzzled.

"It's love, not duty!" Gu Ma's face was somber, and she rubbed Gu Weijun's shoulder with great pains. Gu Weijun bared his teeth when she pressed it, so that she could throw the safflower oil away. "Oh! Mom, Mom, it hurts! It hurts! Be gentle!"

Gu Ma bit her teeth and said, "Pa!" She swept the back of Gu Weijun's head and pretended to be angry, "Let you show off! If you don't open it, your arms will be swollen tomorrow!"

Gu Weijun shrank his neck and said, "Mom, let's not let Liu Guangtian and Yan Jiecheng, the two grandchildren, see how manly I am!"

Gu Ma looked contemptuous and said with disdain, "Real men, just bear it and don't shout! I thought we were going to kill pigs at home!"

There are two flowers, one for each.

When Yang Yu came home, he pushed the door open and shouted, "Mom, is the meal ready? I'm starving!"

Yang's mother was sitting on the chair in the room, crossing her legs and reading the newspaper. She said slowly, "What are you yelling about? Your father and your sister haven't come back yet, what are you going to eat? The peach cakes in the box should be padded first."

Yang Yu collapsed on the bed, "I don't know why the soldiers are crazy today. They took us to fight sacks. I'm exhausted!"

Yang's mother looked at her son in disgust and said, "You are so dirty. Go to wash your clothes and change your clothes! You can lie on the bed without changing your clothes!"

Yang Yu pretended not to hear, reached over the box at the bedside, took out a piece of peach cake and ate it. Angry, Yang's mother got up and pulled the box, grabbed her ear and pulled Yang Yu up

Yang Yu slumped down at the table, poured a cup of cool wine, drank half of "Gudu", ate peach cakes with his hands, and told his mother what happened today.

Finally, with a slightly confused sigh, he said to Yang's mother, "Mom, I feel that Junzi suddenly understands a lot?"

Yang's mother put down the newspaper, sat upright, put her arm on the table, and said in a solemn whisper, "People should be upright, but not stupid!"

"You can start a family when you are 15 or 6 years old! You have been wandering on the street for a month. Junzi saw it and thought it was growing up!"

"Those who do not plan for the whole world will not be able to do it for a while! When the Japanese puppet regime was founded, those who did not have the ability were either hard working or were eaten and wiped out."

"You only saw the surface of what Junzi said. Why did Junzi ask to work? Why was Director Wang surprised that you asked her for work?"

"The three of us, you go to the public security, Tiezi goes to the steel mill, and Junzi goes to the supply and marketing cooperative. Can't you arrange it?"

"People's hearts are separated from each other, and the work is small. The army is digging ahead of time. Director Wang also knows that the road lock has been added. We only need to use it, and that is human kindness!"

Yang Yu scratched his head painfully. "Shall I read the electrician book or not?"

Yang's mother looked at her silly son in surprise, "Why don't you look at him? It's only because of human relations that we can communicate, and only because of communication can we make progress!"

"Everything is learned when you pay attention to it! You can learn slowly with the soldiers..." After saying that, Mother Yang crossed her legs again and slowly read the newspaper.

When Zhao Chenggang came home, he saw his sister Daya burning, while Zhao Ma was bending down to brush the pot and preparing to cook. He hurried to grab the brush handle from Zhao Ma's hand, "Mom, you can rest, I'll come."

Ma Zhao straightened her waist and knocked on her back. She looked at her eldest son with relief. "My mother's body is much better. It's OK to live here!" Looking at her son's sweat and marks, she said sadly, "Put it down and wash your face first."

"Hmm." Zhao Chenggang replied with a sullen face, and kept his hands on. When the pot was dry, he carefully dripped a few drops of oil, and then put the cabbage gang to start frying. Pour a small half bottle of tomato paste into the frying water, continue to stir fry, and then add water and salt.

Immediately after washing his hands and face, he took out the two sides of the pot with one hand, pounded each other twice with both hands, and stuck them to the pot.

"Mom, I'm going to take a bath!" Zhao Chenggang picked up the washbasin at the door and pulled off the towel.

Zhao Chenggang's house is one of the two east wing rooms and the ear room. There are three families living in the whole yard. All of them work in the public security.

After washing, Zhao Chenggang got out of the pot, picked up six double pancakes and divided them into one for himself and one for his younger sister. Yang Ma and Daya, who were serving half of the food, shouted into the room, "It's time to eat."

Yang Ma did a good job and gave Zhao Chenggang one of the pancakes in her bowl, then ripped off half of them and gave them to Daya. "Mom has a small appetite, and half of them is enough." Zhao Chenggang gave Yang Ma's pancakes to his little sister again, "I'm not hungry. At noon, both Junzi and Xiaoyu gave me a cake."

After biting into the cake, Zhao Chenggang said in a loud voice, "Mom, Junzi said that he has a rural hukou and it is hard to find a job. Can you transfer your job to his mother?"

Zhao Ma was "stunned" for a moment, and blurted out, "What are you going to do?"

"Junzi took us to find Director Wang and told us to read the electrician book." Zhao Chenggang continued to eat with his head down.

Zhao Ma put down the bread and looked at her son. Her mind turned a thousand times. She lost her appetite and said bitterly, "I'll ask your father when he comes back."


Gu Ma helped Gu Weijun rub his shoulders and arms, and then she patted the red print on his shoulder. "Rub your thighs! Then go to the middle courtyard and clean them up! Bubble your feet at night!"

Gu Weijun grimaced and rubbed his sore thigh muscles, "For the first time in two lives!"

After a few minutes of cursory rubbing, Gu Weijun put on his big underpants, put on the basin, and walked to the faucet in the courtyard.

Qin Huairu was squatting to wash clothes, and the curves on her body were fully displayed. The peach behind her and the rabbit on her chest were constantly active.

"Tut tut! No wonder you can't stand the stupidity!"

"I can't stand it..."

Gu Weijun's eyes turned. Hey, aren't you stupid? Don't you always be jealous of me and Qin Huairu?

Are you Yi Zhonghai trying to figure out your own family?

I should study the struggle strategy of Mao Xuan and divide it!

In short, good reputation! Hell, be ruthless!

Besides, is the quadrangle in disorder? Qin Huairu has the final say!

"My sister-in-law is washing clothes again!" Gu Weijun greeted her before she came near. "You are the most diligent person in our hospital. Everyone gives a thumbs up!"

Qin Huairu shook her hand, wiped the sweat on her forehead with her arm, and gently smoothed her scattered hair behind her ears, giving Gu Weijun a white look, "Call her Sister Qin!"

"Ha ha!" Gu Weijun turned on the tap on the side, wrung it half dry, and teased while washing his face. "How can I have a sister-in-law...!"

Qinhuai Ru said angrily, "Don't you think Mao has learned to tease your sister before he grows up?" She threw a bead of water at Gu Weijun. "Junzi, you failed!"


At this time, the curtains of Jia's house shook, "Qin Huairu!" Jia Zhang's voice came from the house.

"Coming, Mom!" Qin Huairu glared at Gu Weijun again and twisted her buttocks into the room.

Gu Weijun vaguely heard Qin Huairu in the room saying, "Mom, he is still a child..."

Gu Weijun smiled "hey hey", "wash, wash, I wash......"

"... Dew drops of Shane, the wind is quiet and leisurely, the moon shoots in the study, and the cloud locks the balcony," Silly Zhu took four heavy lunch boxes in his net pocket and walked into the middle courtyard with six strangers, looking at the position of the faucet at the first sight.

Then he proudly slowed down and continued to hum a song, "I understand the interrogation, but I suspect it was a dream last night, and I was helpless..."

"Yo, Brother Zhu, today is full of oil and water! You can smell the fragrance from a long way away, what's there?" Gu Weijun put a towel around his neck, pretended to be friendly and cooperated loudly.

"Hey! Sun Ze, your nose is so smart!" Silly Zhu went to the faucet, and Yu Guang saw Qin Huairu coming out, holding up his net bag with a low price

Gu Weijun's face darkened and soon recovered, OK! Silly column, let's continue to play! Pretend not to see Qin Huairu, "Brother Zhu, can I go home and get a bottle of wine to drink with you and Sister Rainy?"

Silly Column pointed his nostrils at Gu Weijun and said, "Son thief, will you drink when Mao has grown up?"

Fuck! Silly column, you continue to stink. How can I treat you!

Qin Huairu pushed Gu Weijun aside with her buttocks and picked up the net with her hands

Qin Huairu put a rabbit against the arm of Silly Zhu, reached behind Silly Zhu and pulled the net bag forward. "Pillars and stick sticks haven't eaten meat for many days. How about talking about his stupid uncle today?"

Qin Huairu pulled the net bag and silly column's hand to her chest, "Let the rain come to eat at home later."

"How about leaving a lunch box for me?" Silly column didn't pull his hand and dragged it back and forth.

Qin Huairu's eyes wavered, "Are you still fighting with your children for this? I'll bring you a fried plate of peanuts to serve wine later."

"Aunt Jia, silly column touched my sister-in-law's hand!" Gu Weijun held his washbasin in both hands and shouted with a smile.

"Hey, you grandson!" Silly Zhu quickly pulled back his hand and pointed at Gu Weijun, about to hit someone.

Qin Huairu held the lunch box in her arms, squeezed out the silly column, stopped between them, turned around and grabbed Gu Weijun's ear, gently twisted, "Dead child, I will be poor with your sister today!"

Jia Zhang, who was hiding by the door, ran out, grabbed the lunch box in Qin Huairu's arms, and spat at silly column, "Bah!" After entering the door, "Qin Huairu!"

"Mom, here we are!" Qin Huairu pushed a silly column and patted Gu Weijun on the arm. "Go home quickly!" She turned back to the house.

Stupid column spit, "Bah!" and turned back to the house.

Gu Weijun smiled again, and Yu Guang saw that the door of Yi Zhonghai's house also shook, and he went home with a washbasin.