Chapter 22 Intensive 2

Gu Weijun pulled up Chief Hao and dusted him. "Ha ha, Chief Hao, you didn't expect me to be such a ghost, did you?"

"Well, the kid is good, but he is very flexible!" Section Chief Hao tried to keep a straight face and maintain his dignity.

Gu Weijun excitedly said to Zheng Chao's section chief, "Section chief, do I need no training?"

Chief Zheng nodded, "Yes!"

"Physical strength, unarmed and shooting are too simple. Slow down first."

"Xiao Wei," section chief Zheng called to Wei Ping an, "double the queue training!" "In addition, write a piece of experience every day, and ideological education can't stop!"

Gu Weijun quickly interrupted: "Section chief, didn't we agree that we would not need training?"

Section Chief Zheng narrowed his eyes and smiled upward, saying, "Aren't these three kinds of training suspended?"

Gu Weijun roared: "Section chief, you can't be so shameless!"

Zheng Chao, the section chief, smiled and revealed the standard 8 teeth! "Kid, I look after you!"

Hao Chuan, the chief of the department, has exposed his back teeth.

Gu Weijun started his forced queue training career again

Wei Ping An smiled patiently and practiced with him: "Xiao Gu, raise your legs, very good, keep still! It's simple for you... keep still! It's simple, very simple..."

No, it's not easy to add "experience"!

Gu Weijun returned to his previous life before the college entrance examination. He wrote a short composition every day.

rack one's brains! To burn the midnight oil! Bad luck! Calvin!

Suddenly, Gu Weijun rushed into the northeast yard overnight and finally found this book!, People's Daily teaches you to write good articles. You should also read the People's Daily for hot current articles! Smiling and smiling, Gu Weijun shed tears. These two books were bought for children to learn to write compositions. As the Spring Festival is approaching, they were mailed to their hometown.

Gu Weijun lit a few cigarettes to sort out his mood, looked at his left hand again and cheered himself up.

Cheer up and copy! No, copying too much is impolite. It should be called imitation and reference!

One day, two days, three days

Finally, I got off work on Saturday. Gu Weijun can't wait to soar to the sky. On the weekend, I love you! I can finally have a rest. I'm willing to do anything!

The grass in my yard is growing to the waist, and the eggs in my yard are piling up into mountains, waiting for me to deal with them! Hey, why am I so busy?

At this time, Section Chief Zheng Chao and Section Chief Hao Chuan came together again. Gu Weijun immediately raised his vigilance. The two old men didn't hold anything good at first!

Chief Ke Zheng smiled and asked Wei Ping an, "Xiao Wei, how is Xiao Gu training this week?"

"Report!" Wei Ping An stood at attention and replied loudly: "Comrade Gu Weijun has completed the queue training very well!" "At the same time, his political thought has also made remarkable progress!" After saying that, he took out six pieces of writing paper and handed them to Chief Zheng with both hands.

Section chief Zheng simply flipped over and asked Gu Weijun in surprise, "Are you a junior high school graduate?"

"Yes" Gu Weijun also stood at attention and responded loudly.

"Very good! Congratulations on Comrade Xiao Gu's progress!" Section Chief Zheng was still smiling, his eyes narrowed again, "so I can rest assured!"

Suddenly, Section Chief Zheng issued an order with a face lift: "At 6 o'clock tomorrow morning, we will gather at the factory gate on time to cross the country for 10 kilometers. The target: suburban shooting range!"

The order hit Gu Weijun like a bolt from the blue. Gu Weijun said subconsciously, "I don't know how to go?"

Section chief Zheng Chao faced Hao Chuan and said, "Hurry up, you make a statement!" "Why, it was me last time, it's your turn this time!" "Well, I'll come this time!"

Section Chief Zheng shook his left hand falsely, put it on his mouth and said softly, "I'll go with you tomorrow morning!"

"But, section chief, tomorrow Sunday, rest!" Gu Weijun still didn't give up, and he was as powerless as a salted fish.

Chief Zheng smiled again, "Nothing! We have overtime pay!"

... I am the powerless dividing line!

Dragging two weak legs, Gu Weijun's first thing when he came home was to lie on the kang like a salted fish without moving.

Seeing her silly son's appearance, Gu Ma quickly dried her hands with her apron, went into the room and asked, "What's wrong? Is he sick?" She touched Gu Weijun's forehead at the same time.

"Mom, I'm not sick," Gu Weijun moaned weakly. "It's just that I have to get up early tomorrow morning, go to the factory gate at 6 o'clock, and then run 10 kilometers across the country to the suburban shooting range."

Gu Ma was stunned, "Isn't that normal? Your father and his family often marched for tens of miles that night!"

Gu Weijun said weakly, "Mom, tomorrow Sunday is the day to rest!"

Gu Ma was even more puzzled: "It must be Sunday. You usually go to work. How can you have time to practice outdoors?"

Looking at Gu Weijun's collapsed appearance, Gu's mother was not angry. She pointed her finger at Gu Weijun's forehead and said, "You look dead! I thought something was wrong." She turned out and continued to work on dinner.

Gu Weijun covers his forehead with his hands. Don't you understand the sadness of migrant workers?

Within a few minutes, Yang Yu and Zhao Chenggang's younger brother came, shouted "Aunt" and went straight into the house to find Gu Weijun.

Looking at Gu Weijun's salted fish, Xiao Yu's heartless "hey hey" is happy, and Gangzi is also smirking.

Gu Weijun looked at the two brothers blankly and said angrily, "I said, do you still have the simple revolutionary sentiment?" "I'm so tired! Do you still gloat?"

"We usually don't laugh." Rainy and Steel looked at each other and said with one voice, "Unless we can't help it!" "Ha ha!"

Gu Weijun got up from the kang with all his strength, and made a gesture to give Xiao Yu and Steel a little color to see, "Let you see my twenty years of skill!"

After the three brothers laughed for a while, Xiaoyu said, "Junzi, have you heard the rumor about your work recently?"

Gu Weijun's smile faded. "No, I've been working at two or one o'clock recently. I have to stay up late every day to write my thoughts and experiences, and I don't have time to ask." Gu Weijun asked in a low voice, "What's going on?"

Xiaoyu hurriedly told Gu Weijun what he had heard and inquired about in a low voice: "It has been said recently that it is because of you that the steel rolling mill is recruiting workers, and few people have entered this area!"

Gu Weijun's smile lagged behind and then put on a smile: "Look, you two, people with small ideas in this yard have some small ideas?" "Doesn't that connect the factory work with my back door?"

Gu Weijun smiled and asked Xiaoyu and Gangzi, "If you were the leaders of the rolling mill, what would you do?"

Gangzi thought for a while and replied, "How many more of these?"

Xiaoyu said, "I will make an announcement. Your organization is not in the rolling mill!"

Gu Weijun put his hands together and said, "If you do this, you will let the people behind you achieve their goals, at least some of them will be achieved, and work will be carried out or priority will be given to recruitment!"

Xiaoyu asked, "What should we do?" Gangzi also showed his inquiring eyes.

Gu Weijun "ha ha" laughed, "Let's wait and see the political skills of the older generation!"

Then Gu Weijun beckoned Xiaoyu and Gangzi to come near, and whispered, "You two are like this..." "I still train as usual!"

At the dinner table, Gu's father casually said to Gu's mother and Gu Weijun, "Lao Huang and his wife will come to me tomorrow to drink and take two dried fish." "Drink less!"

Gu Ma quickly nodded, "Hmm! I'll make some dumplings tomorrow. You can take them with you. There's still meat at home."

Gu Weijun took the opportunity to report to Gu Ma. He had previously made an appointment with a farmer brother to fetch eggs and vegetables every week, so Gu Weijun went to the village fair in the early morning of tomorrow morning to fetch eggs and vegetables, and then sent them to Gang Zi's home, so that Gu Ma would remember to fetch them. Then he reminded Xiao Yu and Gang Zi to send them to Aunt Wang and Uncle Qin.

Gu Ma smiles, quickly draws money to Gu Weijun, and repeatedly praises Gu Weijun for his ability to live. It's not easy to buy eggs in the city. You need egg tickets!

The next day, before dawn, Gu Weijun got up in the dark, put on the clothes and equipment he had sorted out last night, rode his bike to deliver the eggs and vegetables to Gangzi's house, went out with his left hand, went back to the northeast yard, set the alarm clock, and slept in the cage. An hour and a half later, Gu Weijun reappeared and trotted to the rolling mill.

At the gate of the rolling mill, Wei Ping An also arrived and was constantly trotting around to warm up. Gu Weijun was surprised and asked, "Brother Wei, why are you here?"“

Wei Ping An replied with a smile, "I haven't practiced for a long time, and today I also have activities!"

After a while, Section Chief Zheng trotted over, and Section Chief Hao also ran out of the factory.

Section Chief Zheng asked Section Chief Hao doubtfully, "Aren't you coming?"

Hao Chuan, the section chief, looked relaxed. "It's time for morning exercises! Just in time to have breakfast in the factory!"

"Are you OK?"

"Bullshit, I was also a famous Scud in the League!"

Chief Zheng's mouth curled. "All right! Let's go!" He took the lead.

When the sun rose, Zheng Ke gasped for breath. Looking at Gu Weijun's back, he said to Hao Kechang, "What do you think this guy grew up eating? How can he be so strong?" "When you first joined the army... could you run like this?"

Chief Hao was also breathing heavily, "fart!" "When I first enlisted in the army, I could run faster than him!" After running for a while, Chief Hao felt his lungs angry and said, "Damn it, this boy... is he taking something... a panacea?"

Chief Zheng "Tomorrow... let's go to... his father and ask... is there any good prescription?"

At the same time, Aunt Bai in the front courtyard of the quadrangle, carrying a basket of rags, said to the three aunts who asked, "Go to find Jun Zima and get the soles together," and walked into Gu Weijun's house; Soon, Qin Huairu also took Xiaodang, Huaihua flower and basket, and entered Gu Weijun's home.

Near noon, the new Director Wang of the Sub district Office took Xiao Chen, the clerk, to the quadrangle. The three uncles hurried to greet him and asked, "Xiao Chen, is this?"

Xiao Chen, the clerk, introduced each other: "Director Wang, this is the third steward of No. 40 Yard, Comrade Yan Fugui." "Two other stewards have been sent by the rolling mill to study abroad."

"Third Uncle, this is the new Director Wang from our street!"

The third uncle smiled a flower and was very enthusiastic. "Director, welcome to our hospital for inspection!"

Director Wang first checked the residents' conditions one by one, and then casually said, "It seems that someone is doing something wrong when I hear that the rolling mill is recruiting workers?"

The third uncle immediately became energetic and said, "Well, Junzi, the eldest son of Dr. Gu's family, has been wandering on the street since he graduated from junior high school at the age of 16. Did he suddenly enter the rolling mill two months after graduation?" "But Dr. Gu's medical skills are really unspeakable!" "I heard that he has treated many leaders of the rolling mill!"

"Alas, our boss has no serious job even in his twenties!"

Director Wang felt thoughtful, said goodbye to the Third Uncle and returned to the neighborhood office, and told Xiao Chen, "In the name of the street, send a document to the office of the rolling mill to ask about Gu Weijun's work in the rolling mill! Tell them that the response of the people in our street is very enthusiastic! In addition, we will also send a document to ask the District Labor Bureau!"

Xiao Chen dissuaded, "Director, would you like to investigate and learn more about the situation?"

Director Wang Yizheng said: "We should work at the grass-roots level to meet the needs of the masses and think about what the masses think! Our prestige has never come from any official position, but from serving the masses and solving their problems!"

Xiao Chen still needs to continue persuading.

Director Wang waved his hand. "Didn't you hear what the steward said?"

Xiao Chen had no choice but to carry out the plan. When he got off work, Xiao Chen purposely stopped at the gate and chatted with Old Man Qin. After hearing this, Old Man Qin persuaded Xiao Chen to work with ease!

In the evening, Gu Weijun, who came home first, calmed down Gu Ma, who was going to scold in the yard. Gu's father came back in the evening, and also quietly persuaded Gu Ma. Good things can't be bad.