Chapter 71 The Heaven and Earth Sword of the House

[Fang Dugui has a unique skill, called Qiankun Sword]

[What is heaven and earth? One palm of a man, facing the sky, is the heaven, facing the earth, is the earth, the five fingers transform the five elements, and the palm pattern is carved like a symbol, which combines the mechanism of the universe, and opens to see the line dividing heaven and earth]

[It's called "Qiankun Sword". In fact, this is a weapon free method. You don't need cold weapons to fight the enemy. You can directly turn one hand into three swords and two swords. Five fingers are combined into swords, and four fingers are combined into swords. The more concentrated the power, the stronger the power]

[The "chop" move of the two fingers move is more practical than the "stab" attack, so they are all called "knives". Only by transforming the five elements into a simple word "Sheng Ke", can we

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