Chapter 7 A bird in hand is better than a thousand birds in the forest

Tiger killing bureau?

Sounds like a high-end bureau?

If you participate in the game, you should have the chance to die in the hands of an expert. Then you can use the talent of "Mangfu" to become stronger quickly and really participate in the Jianghu in the game.

At that time, it is not enough to eat and drink with beggars all day long.

The options "2" and "4" are very tempting to return to Chu Junhui. It is not easy to encounter such a hidden event as "Zilai Inn". If you miss it, you will never meet so many experts again.

The former has the chance to die in Er Hu's hands, and it is uncertain that he can unlock the reputation of Fengshan City after the success.

But -- with his current skill of "retired brother", he would probably be attacked by the soldiers in the stronghold if he took part in the group war of the high-end bureau.

Unstable. Strength is the cornerstone of everything. It is better to focus on the present.

Those people who have come to the inn dare to go to the trouble of the boss like Erhu. At least they have the strength of an elite monster, right?

It's worth collecting.

A thousand birds in the forest is better than a bird in the hand!

[At that time, the hidden dragon is in sight. How can you be afraid of the evil tiger roaring at the mountain]

[This is a battle between dragons and tigers. The first battle is to fight with the group of villains.]

[You refused the big cake in the small second-hand, bypassed him, came to a table of a strong man with a knife, picked up the wine and food on the table, three mouthfuls of a chicken, two mouthfuls of a pot of wine, how heroic!]

[After drinking, you will be angry, and the roar will shake the restaurant]

["I think you have more than enough to eat and drink, but not enough to get things done." You glance at these Jianghu fools with scornful eyes, and provocatively say: "I don't know what tiger killing bureau is. I came here for one thing - to kill you, or to be killed by you."]

["Crazy!" A roar of rage shook the air.]

[It's all old Jianghu. How can you make a little beggar lose face? The nearest strong man with a sword will draw his sword directly]

[A powerful move chops Hua Mountain at you]

[You choose to hold the "begging stick" horizontally]

[The "begging stick" is damaged]

[You feel a huge force coming, and the next moment, you are dead!]

what the fuck!

One knife will scrap a white equipment!

With more than five points of strength and more than six points of physique, he could not take any action.

"It's over. It's too rude. It's the feeling of Tiaotu!" Chu Jun wailed back.

I'm a Qianlong?

Do I deserve it? I don't deserve it.

Boss Chu is only curious about how powerful this man is.

[Talent - Mang Fu, launch successfully and gain permanent gain]





Technique - "Chop Empty Knife * Beginner Level"]


This person's strength and physique are up to 10 points, and he also has mastered techniques.

Don't mention Xiaoye's question. Even Zhenye's question can't carry the knife!

Strong is really strong, and cool is also really cool.

The attribute points of wanton whoring have exceeded the promotion brought by the upgrade. With a skill, today's first life will not be lost.

[Attribute Bar] The line of "Technique" has also been updated.

[Empty Blade (Beginner Level 50/100)

The description is quite short, and it doesn't even mention the special effect bonus.

It may be related to the entry word in (), or the skill of this game is so simple.

Without hurry to continue the game, Chu Jun put his black mobile phone aside and got up to do some warm-up exercises to adapt to the sudden growth of attributes.

He felt the hunger that his body was eager to swallow.

"Hungry goods, let's use our strength to frame." I thought of this ad line inexplicably.

Don't mention it, his shop really sells it.

This brand alone was not enough. Chu Junhui barely suppressed his unusual hunger until he cleared the shelves of similar goods.

"Hey... give me some more Shilijia and other brands of goods. Yes, they will be ready tomorrow morning. It would be better if you could come this afternoon... Yes, yes, children love to eat and sell well."

"What, the price of this thing has not changed in three years, and you told me that it has risen today?"

"Bah! No!"

Chu Jun hung up the phone directly and refused to give others the chance to collect his own wool.

Come on, Shilijia can't sell much in a month. It doesn't matter if we buy or not.

This kind of supply depends on your sales volume. It is unnecessary to contact with the suppliers who will increase the price immediately.

As for how to deal with hunger later?

Boss Chu looked at another, dusty shelf, on which was——

Compressed biscuits.

[After a burst of holy light, you are reborn, and at the same time, the talent - the gain brought by the Mangfu has taken effect]

[Your current constitution naturally generates the power of qi and blood, and you become vigorous]

[Standing in front of the big man with the sword again, you are deeply awed by his force]

["If he wields the sword again, I will die!" You have this insight]

[Having seen the real master Yingzi, you are a rookie...]

[1. I will bow down. "I have been wandering for half my life, and I only hate that I have not met a good teacher. If I don't give up, I will bow down as a teacher, accept your mantle, and provide for your old age!"]

[II. Escape from the "Zilai Inn". You can't stay in such a den now.]

[III. Mang!]

Before making a choice, Chu Junhui first went to the item bar to retrieve all the equipment, and picked up the "retired brother" again, and then clicked the flashing "Mang"!

Send death to send out experience said yes.

["Wu Na, do you dare to strike again!"]

[As soon as you came back to life, you swung your fist at him. The man with the sword was not checked, but you beat him hard]

[It seems that the fist did not hurt, but the man with the knife felt a burning pain on his face]

[In anger, a backhand stab will lead you to the head]

[You're dead!]

[Talent - Mang Fu, launch successfully and gain permanent gain]





Technique - "Chopping Knife Proficiency+50"]


The time of the day passed quickly. At six o'clock in the afternoon, Chu Jun returned on time to close the store.

This afternoon was very fruitful.

First, look at the Attribute Bar.

[Nickname: Stealing the blind sunglasses (Sun Wu'an)

Talent: Mang Fu

Level: Lv1

Occupation: None

Experience: 5/200

Constitution: 9.6

Agility: 7.8

Strength: 8.3

Perception: 3.4

Skill: None

Shentong: None

Technique: Empty Blade (Depth 50/200)

Achievements: fighting against each other

Others: to be explored]

With the addition of achievements, physique is up to 9.8!

It's not much worse than the big man with a knife, but for some reason, according to the fighting in the text, he still hasn't resisted the big man's knife and then gagged.

It's no use being more agile than that big man.

Because Chu Jun didn't choose the option of escape at all.

After thinking about it, there is only one reason... The battle experience or hidden factors outside the [Attribute Bar] also affect the outcome of a battle.

Just like the weight lifting champion and the gold belt, no matter how powerful you are, you can't win.

It's also here that Chu Junhui didn't continue to play. At most, "Mangfu" can only pay for three tenths of a person's "talent" in vain. He has died in the hands of this big man for three times now. If he still can't win, he won't benefit if he dies again.

In addition, the fourth Ga will also lose experience. At present, there are only 5 points of experience hanging there. If you deduct one point, you will lose the grade.

Regardless of the barrier, it has maximized the income.

If you really want to upgrade honestly, how many levels can you raise your physique to 10?

Another harvest is——

With his own strength, Boss Chu emptied all the expired food in his shop.