Chapter 443 Tips for Zhiwu to Punish People... Send Women's Clothes to Guanghan Palace

In the middle of the month.

Chu Jun almost dislocated his jaw in surprise. "You, you, you... you mean you were pulled from the Taiyin by the Yin and Yang family?"

"The Taiyin Star? I don't know. Anyway, it's very suitable for my cultivation."

It was already nightfall. Wang Shu opened the curtain, pointed to the moon outside and said, "Lord, look there, our Guanghan Palace is on the moon."

Guanghan Palace is too cold to bring it down!

Wang Shu, who has become a living creature, has already had her own idea. She has stayed enough in Guanghan Palace. For her, it is a symbol of loneliness and loneliness.

So I was confused by that

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