Chapter 336 Wind and Rain, Cock Whispering Continuously

[As Zhao Pianchun takes out his hand from his sleeve, you will be surrounded by the bright and common wind in the east, the clear and bright wind in the southeast, the scenery in the south, the cool wind in the southwest, the Changhe wind in the west, the rough wind in the northwest, the wide and Mo wind in the north, and the melting wind in the northeast]

[The eight winds embrace the pillar, which is an unforgettable mountain!]

[Just like the previous imprisonment, Zhao Bianchun deliberately avoided the weapons of the bound to avoid being interrupted by magical powers such as "unable to use sword" and "unable to use sword"]

[But you are different from Tai Changqing. He has only one weapon, and you have six. He can only use the sword to show his magic power, while you who have achieved the highest level of Taiyu's magic power can use any weapon to show his magic power]


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