Chapter 298 A Little Shock from the Mangfu

Hu Qiuyang saw Chu Jun coming back, because when he looked down at the Ferris wheel, he noticed the car that was coming and the person in it.

But Chu Junhui had never seen Hu Qiuyang, because there were so many people on the ferris wheel, he could not stare at a person, and he had to remember that person.

Chu Junhui only heard the name Hu Qiuyang.

It's in the mouth of number ten.

It is because of him that ten people in the darkroom fall apart, and it is also because of him that the conjecture of global reiki recovery is confirmed.

Chu Junhui never thought that he would meet him in Xun'an City, let alone that he would meet him in such a way

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