Chapter 78 Wang Ba's Cousin

On May 7, the first Friday after Labor Day, Li Ye got up early.

Today, he is going to take the first "somewhat important" exam since he passed through China - the college entrance examination pre selection exam, which is called the pre exam for short.

There has been a preparatory examination system in China for nine years. Each province, municipality directly under the Central Government and autonomous region has a unified examination.

Therefore, the 82 year old high school graduates of Dongshan Province, together with all re entrants, will start a three-day fate elimination contest.

In May of Qingshui County, the stove was no longer needed for heating, so a new stove was built in the yard of Erliangdian, and a simple shed was built to serve as a kitchen.

Li Ye got up early today and temporarily served as a cook to make breakfast for a small group of eight people.

However, after Li Ye picked up a plastic bucket in the kitchen, he found that the peanut oil in it had bottomed out.

"Peanut oil is gone again? The grain and oil shop is short of oil. The old man is really stingy."

People in Qingshui County have the habit of eating soybean oil. Peanut oil is much more expensive than soybean oil, and the supply is not enough.

Jiang Xiaoyan usually cooks with soybean oil.

Li Ye loves peanut oil.

Grandfather Li Zhongfa has been educating Li Ye. Even if he has money, he can't forget his roots. If he has enough soybean oil, he will be good, but peanut oil every day?

It's the soybean oil that Director Li gave Li Ye and others special approval!

We should know that the supply of urban residents for the Spring Festival in the past eight years is only four liang of oil.

The rice made from soybean oil is also delicious, but Li Ye will stay far away when Jiang Xiaoyan cooks,

People who have never eaten soybean oil do not know that the smell of soybean oil when it is cooked in a pan is very strong. One mouthful of it can directly push from the nose to the forehead.


The scallions were fried in the hot soybean oil and produced an unspeakable smell. Li Ye filled the pot with water while holding his breath.

Although Li Ye knows how to cook, he is lazy,

He didn't bother to make potstickers, pancakes and wonton noodles. He directly put fried egg noodles into the pan, which was easy and full.

Just then, Jiang Xiaoyan, Hu Man and others came.

Looking at the thick oil flakes floating on the water in the pot, Jiang Xiaoyan almost mumbled to Li Ye again.

It's just a breakfast. I used to eat a cold steamed bun, but now I can cook two meals with this oil flower.

There was once a joke that showed the simple people's idea of eating oil at this moment.

Take the jar and go to the grain and oil store to get oil. After that, I felt my pocket without any money, so I had to pour it back.

Then go home and scrape the residual oil off the cylinder wall with bamboo strips to make a meal that is "rich in oil and water".

As long as the skin is thick enough to go back every few months, the family can't stop the meat.

"Well, you can do the rest! One person has two eggs on average!

We ate in the canteen of No. 1 Middle School this afternoon. The meal was like feeding pigs. At that time, the nutrition could not keep up, and I would not care if it affected the exam. "

Li Ye threw the water ladle out of the stove.

"What is it like feeding a pig? If you want to say that, you will be scolded."

Jiang Xiaoyan went to the kitchen counter, muttering, preparing noodles and eggs, and then waiting for the water to boil.

In fact, the eight person group has been secretly fed with refined food for several months, but we must not admit it, and we should not forget our roots.

If this word is spread, the parents of the family will be able to chase and beat two li of land with rolling pins.

[Don't look at what kind you are, but eat fine bran?]

At nearly seven o'clock, Wen Leyu came over for dinner, but although her steps were lazy, her spirit was very good.

This is an important result of Li Ye's training - beauty awareness.

In the past, my little girl was malnourished and had poor sleep. Her whole face was pale and bloodless.

Since Li Ye found her, he has instilled in her the benefits of "sufficient sleep" for her skin and face.

Little Ni was a little puzzled, but fortunately, she was obedient. After getting used to it, she now looks a little better than before. She has already had the habit of lying in bed, and is competing with Li Yeyou.

After a full meal of egg noodles, a small group of eight people went to the No. 2 Middle School of the county and were lined up in the team that was about to leave.

Because it is the provincial unified examination, it is impossible for each middle school to arrange its own examination room. The invigilators dispatched from other places are also impossible to invigilate in the villages dozens of kilometers away.

So all the candidates in Qingshui County take the preliminary examination in the high school and junior high school in the county seat.

A single table is no different from the college entrance examination.

"Don't talk any more. Let me repeat the discipline again... Follow the command in all actions, raise your hand and report when necessary, four columns must not be disorderly... Let's go!"

Jin Feiyu, the teaching director, delivered a brief speech, and then took the examinees from the No. 2 Middle School of the county out of the school.

They took advantage of the same location in the county seat. This morning, they could arrive at the examination room on time,

High schools in villages and towns 30 to 40 miles away, such as Hebin Township and Liuqiao Township, must arrive in the county one day in advance.

This is not an afterlife. It takes less than half an hour to travel 20 kilometers by car, and a large part of students need to walk.

Do you walk four or five hours in the morning before taking the exam?

What nonsense!

After arriving at the county seat, a small number of people stayed in hotels. Most of them stayed in the exam school. If the dormitory was not enough, they had to bring their own bedding and lay on the floor in the classroom,

So the scene of hundreds of people walking with quilts on their backs is like a parade. It's still interesting after many years.

At this time, if any student has a hard relationship with his parents and gives support to a large truck, he is definitely the proudest kid in the school.

The walking procession of the Second Middle School of the county, when passing the gate of the post office, staggered with the procession of the First Middle School of the county,

Maybe it is because of the tension of the preliminary exam, everyone is very silent, and the atmosphere of depression is very heavy.

Li Ye met Lu Zixue in the team of No. 1 Middle School in the county, which was somewhat unexpected, because Lu Zixue was a senior one student this year.

In the early 1980s, many provinces, like Dongshan Province, used "ten-year" textbooks.

That is, five years of primary school, three years of junior high school, and two years of senior high school. Therefore, the senior high school in Qingshui County is only two years old now, and it has not changed to a three-year system until about 84 or 85 years ago.

Therefore, the students of Lu Zixue's first year of senior high school take the college entrance exam in advance, which is not an act of adversity. Another failure experience will be of great benefit to the formal college entrance exam next year.

As for Lu Zixue's success in the first battle and his successful landing, Li Ye thought there was little hope.

Lu Jingyao, as the first top student in the No. 2 Middle School of the county, can compete with the top three seeds in the No. 1 Middle School of the county.

In the early 1980s, when there was an extreme shortage of foreign language talents and basic English education was extremely backward, if a good candidate could take the NMET English test, the admission score might fall to 20 or 30 percent.

Lu Jingyao almost got full marks in English last year, which is an exceptional admission.

If we really talk about it, her basic score may not be able to go to the undergraduate level.

So even if Lu Zixue studies well, can a high school freshman compete with those college entrance examination seeds in the re study class?

In addition, there is an undergraduate student at home, Zhu Yu in front. Lu taught himself that he was inferior and arrogant, which is the first time to test the water. When he applied for a volunteer, would he be willing to fill in a junior college?

Losing the list is a sure thing.

At the crossroads in the north of the city, the students of County No. 2 Middle School split in two and went to Yuhong Middle School of County No. 1 Middle School.

Li Ye was assigned to County No. 1 Middle School. When he arrived, all the students were completely disrupted. He was mixed with students from two high schools in the countryside and assigned to the classrooms of Senior One, Senior Two and Resumption Class.

A small group of eight people can't get together naturally. Only Jiang Xiaoyan and Li Ye have an examination room. In addition, there are several students in Class 1 and Class 2 who are re studying. Li Ye barely knows each other.

But soon after he sat down, a man sat on the desk on his right.

It was Cui Aiguo, the cousin of the aunt's family.

Li Ye was surprised for two seconds, and finally decided to say hello to him, but the force turned its head and pretended not to know Li Ye.

[Well, it's great. We don't know each other. Whoever talks to each other is a bastard.]


The first Chinese test.

The invigilator was very strict. Beep beep beep beep all the discipline in the examination room. He described cheating as a serious and scary behavior like five years of starting.

I don't know whether it is an illusion. Li Ye always thinks that when the female teacher from other places emphasizes discipline, her eyes always fall on him, which makes him very confused.

Am I too handsome or is it because of my watch

Li Ye didn't have a bag today. He wore the jeans that Jin Peng and others brought back to him, but he just wore a Swiss plum watch that he didn't know whether it was a parallel product.

Hao Jian knew that Li Ye needed to master the time for his exam on May 7. He immediately sent a telegram to Sanshui, who was staying in Yangcheng, asking him to exchange a watch of high quality.

In 1982, when I bought a Shanghai watch, I still needed a Shanghai made watch ticket. There were water tourists in Yangcheng, so Sanshui went around and bought this Swiss product at a discount.

Li Ye has never played with a watch in his last life, so he can't tell the true from the false, but the style and fur of the watch are very exquisite and eye-catching.

Just now, after Li Ye stretched out his arm and lit his watch from his sleeve, Cui Aiguo, the son of a bitch's cousin beside him, almost looked straight at him.

[Puck, I'm greedy for you. Don't know me!]

After the paper was handed out, Li Ye picked up a pen and began to fill it. The rustle of the pen did not stop.

It's too simple. The first part of the question is Pinyin, but it's not a rare word. It's just a common word.

[This question is really water.]

Li Ambition had just started this idea when he heard the very stern voice of the female teacher on the platform.

"Don't look at others' papers. If you find them again, confiscate them immediately."

[Which academic punk recites so much? This question still needs cheating?]

Li Ye looked up, just in time to see a few students, hurriedly turned their heads back, and their original target was his Li Ye.

These students are from the Second Middle School of the county, their cousin Cui Aiguo, and Jiang Xiaoyan.

[Didn't you tell them about the rules of examination? Why are you so careless? It's not good to be watched by the teacher.]

Li Ye didn't understand Jiang Xiaoyan's behavior, but five minutes later, Li Ye saw behind Jiang Xiaoyan's ears in front of him, and he was sweating.

He suddenly understood that Jiang Xiaoyan's Pinyin level should be poor.

Li Ye mainly tutored you in math, physics, chemistry, and English, which are easy to score.

Because he doesn't have much advantage in Chinese and politics, especially politics, he doesn't touch it at all, so as not to reveal his details.

A little dabbling in Chinese, but also just writing skills and so on, quick success content.

So he really didn't know the language level of Jiang Xiaoyan and others. At most, he knew how many scores they could get and how many places they ranked in the class.

[This psychological quality is really worrying!]