Chapter 27 Promotion

From Xinyuan Tractor Factory to Xinyuan Aerospace Power, in addition to the enviable technology and processing strength, the rest of the oddity is the R&D Department.

The R&D Department is a department that exists in almost any technological enterprise. Of course, there was also a department called the Technology Department before.

However, the R&D Department of Xinyuan is different. Whether it is field work or theoretical design, as long as it is a skill category, all of them should take a temporary position in the R&D Department.

Although Jiang Tianhao is young, he has been an old employee for three years.

Yes, he came in as an apprentice when he was in the tractor factory, and his main job was fitter.

This is a busy job, especially because the tractor factory processes fewer parts. In order to save money, some processes will be handed over to fitters.

Later, he was an ordinary skilled worker who was transformed from a tractor factory to a rocket factory. Instead of being dismissed, he continued to work with the company, but only in charge of the corners.

The master who once led him is now only in the middle. He has repeatedly warned him to improve his skills, otherwise he will not stay any longer.

However, Jiang Tianhao himself is not smart. Otherwise, he would not come to the town tractor factory to find a job at an early age. Although he is not lazy and can learn, some people are born with limited talent for learning. It can't be said that there is no effect, but the promotion is really slow.

At the end of August, when the factory was upgraded for the second time, the R&D Department led all the factory workers to participate in training.

With newcomers, every three or four people can have a master, but the master who teaches them also needs to learn more advanced technology and aerospace production standards.

It is reasonable to say that their learning progress will not be too fast at this time, and it is only right that they will accept new things slowly when they become adults.

However, when learning under the plan of the R&D Department, Jiang Tianhao felt that his brain seemed to be getting smarter and his learning progress began to speed up.

Not only he, but almost everyone found that the technical books that could not be read in the past could be bit by bit moved, the hand of electric welding became more and more stable, and the "feel" of the masters could also be felt when touching the surface of the workpiece.

Driven by Lin Ju's cash ability, these employees have become apprentices and low-level engineers of the System Research Institute, and can improve their skills by increasing investment or carrying out projects.

The improvement speed is not fast, but it is also better to learn as long as you can, which is almost the same as opening and hanging learning machine.

Of course, the speed of upgrading from low to high will be slower and slower, but the backbone of the factory is low and intermediate engineers and technicians, and there are not many high-level needs.

During the 15 days of training, Jiang Tianhao experienced a feeling that he had never experienced since he was a child to most people. Every time he acquired new knowledge, he felt happy from the bottom of his heart.

Even if he enters the post after training, he can feel his skills are improving slowly when he works. The teacher who took him has said that he will be able to take the examination of Grade 4 fitter in another year, which makes him more excited.

You know, generally those who can obtain the certificate of Class IV fitter are those who have been employed for more than ten years. Doesn't that mean that he is also a genius?

Now the R&D Department holds technical meetings every week to explain the logic from low to high, from processing to design, and share new technical methods. The effect is even more remarkable.

The general quality of technical talents in the factory has improved, enabling Guo Shen to thoroughly implement the high standards, which further improves the production efficiency and reduces costs.

Outsiders are not clear about this. Only our employees can clearly feel their own miraculous changes, but there is no big reaction when talking about it.

After all, they are basically new to aerospace. Maybe they are thriving after changing the track?


"K120V, a reusable engine improved from K120, will be used for the first time in the first and second stages of the Xinyuan 1 B carrier rocket with a diameter of 3.5 meters. Its main purpose is to be used as a rocket recovery experiment.

The core level will retain about 10% of the fuel, adjust the attitude through the swing of the movable grille rudder and the rocket nozzle, and realize the vertical landing recovery in the predetermined area. The four strong support legs are made of high-strength elastic materials... "

This text is accompanied by the animation simulation video of Xinyuan 1B reusable rocket just uploaded by Xinyuan Aerospace Officer Wei Gang.

Yes, President Lin is sending PPT again!

Netizens have been immune to Lin Ju's flowers. Most of the comments below are funny, and few people really believe that:

"If you fall down from the stratosphere again, the fuel will not hold up at such a high speed, will it?"

"After falling hundreds of kilometers high, and then landing precisely in an area the size of a basketball court, Lin was infected by the old horse bragging every day when he was studying in America."

"Look at the fireworks of the Chinese version of Falcon!"

"The expected recovery time is before June 2015? How many pieces will be blasted before that?"

"Can I put a camera behind the nozzle? I want to see the first-hand video of the explosion."

"Now Chinese enterprises are becoming more and more pompous. What is the strength of KongFork? With the support of the Aramco Space Agency, can a private enterprise do it? Don't know that strength."


As usual, Lin Ju will reply to some interesting comments, and directly delete the last kind of comments. Even now, all the well-known big Vs. with certification are not allowed to comment.

But now he is on the plane, accompanied by Hu Bo, the newly promoted deputy manager of the production department.

The place they will go to is not ordinary. It is a semi open military airport in the north.

When they got off the plane, a military vehicle took them to their destination, which was a military airport or base with a sense of age and seemed deserted but still on duty at a low level.

The airport apron is full of aircraft, including J-6, J-7, J-7, Y-7, Y-8 early type, H-5... and four Tu154 passenger aircraft.

Obviously, this is a special place for storing and eliminating master machines. Although these master machines are sealed in theory according to the regulations, they can continue to fight after being pulled out for cleaning.

But in fact, if one day these old guys will go to the battlefield, I'm afraid there will be no less than 1 billion people left in the whole human race.

Therefore, although the base is still affiliated to the military, it is actually similar to an enterprise. It does some maintenance work and allows self reliance to earn some extra money.

However, the only way they can earn extra money is to repair motorcycles for passing herdsmen, or sell self-made agricultural machinery to autonomous regions, which is better than nothing.

However, Lin Ju has brought about cooperation worth tens of millions this time, and the cooperation object is the four sealed but still flying Tu154 passenger planes on the apron.

In the last century, China purchased a batch of cheap Tu154 passenger aircraft from the Alliance for civil aviation, which was also operated by the Air Force at that time.

The plane made by Lao Maozi has nothing to say. It is tough and maneuverable. Part time air force pilots use it to play various big elevations, climb quickly, and land in bad weather.

It is said that Maozi Airlines can arrive ahead of schedule after a delay, land in a blizzard, and so on. But those are the leftovers of military pilots at that time. Now, in many weather conditions where civil aviation is not allowed to take off, they fly without delay, fast and hard, and passengers feel like they ride on a roller coaster.

Later, the air force released the civil aviation control, and the serious civil aviation began to operate, so they did not dare to play these extreme operations again.

The Air Force wanted to sell Figure 154, but the plane was too fuel consuming for civil aviation to afford. In the 1990s, there were several serious accidents and nobody wanted it. So they had to keep it as an electronic jammer or intelligence gathering machine.

The rest occasionally ran away for transportation, but were finally squeezed out by professional transport aircraft, and were left here for storage as the years increased.

The purpose of Lin Ju is to let these sealed old aircraft continue to play a role.