I had no choice before Chapter 82

Wu Liushou frowned when he heard the words and asked doubtfully, "The dwarf you just mentioned doesn't mean me, does he?"

"It's you! How about it?! You can play one-on-one with me. I'll kill you!"

Wu Liushou nodded, "You have seed, so let me Wu Liushou to weigh you!"

"Buzz, it looks like something!"

The prince spat scornfully.

When fighting with this dwarf later, he will pretend to be invincible and escape to the back door behind the challenge arena. When the dwarf thinks he has a chance to win, he will suddenly attack him! They will be shocked when they leave. They will just catch the chance to escape from the back door!

As for losing?

Jokes! I am Prince Hongxing!

The next second, a shock interrupted his dream.

Wu left his hand and left his right foot on the ground, jumped into the challenge arena in a somersault, and his feet landed heavily on the table.

With a wave of his hands, his coat burst!

"The tenth generation leader of Huangjijingtian Fist - Wu Liushou!!!"

One minute later.

Wu left his hands wondering and looked at Prince Hong Xing, who fell on the ground with a black nose and a swollen face.

It shouldn't be. Why did he fall down when he didn't even use half his strength?

Wu Liushou looked suspiciously at his left hand and asked:

"Is this the prince they can beat most?"

With his left hand, he glanced at the prince and said with a smile, "Yes, Brother Hands. It's not that Prince Hongxing is too weak, but that you are too strong. Wow, you killed him in less than a minute. Brother Hands, you are really my idol."

After hearing this, Wu Liushou looked at the rags all over the floor.

Shit, I thought I was an expert. I knew I wouldn't burst my clothes.

Zheng Jirong hangs up the phone from his left hand, and his mouth rises.

Prince Hongxing was killed on the spot by Wu!

Hong Xing's territory in Tsim Sha Tsui has all changed owners!

At this time, he was half lying on the bed. After receiving the good news, he couldn't help shaking his fist heartily.

Now, in the whole Youjianmeng District, people like Arle and Han Chen in Jotun have no place to earn money.

Mongkok and Tsim Sha Tsui, which are the largest in oil and water, are almost all in his pocket.

However, there is a dinosaur in Tsim Sha Tsui who is very eyesore.

Hong Xingcai just died this afternoon.

Dead dinosaurs are good dinosaurs!

Why are extinct animals still alive?!

Zheng Jirong patted the quilt with his palm. Dinosaurs are not difficult to solve. This Yau Ma Tei is the last key to unify the Yau Tsim Mong community.

Although Yaumatei doesn't have such powerful forces as He Liansheng, Hong Xing and the Number Gang, there are a lot of small characters.

Among them, the most influential are Brother Yaowen from Hengzi Dui and the Twelve Youngsters from Temple Street.

How to win Zheng Jirong, the Twelve Young Scholars, has had some ideas, but this brother Yaowen gives him a headache. This man has been working in Yau Ma Land for many years, and his power cannot be underestimated. It is almost impossible to win him easily, unless

Zheng Jirong's face suddenly changed. His hand on the quilt pressed down hard. After shrugging a few times, Zheng Jirong sighed.

The quilt under her body then jerked a few times, and Liang Wanting came out of the quilt with a red face and sweet sweat.

She wiped the corners of her mouth and said in a charming voice, "Brother Rong, tell me in advance when you come out next time."

Zheng Jirong patted her little head and comforted her, "I know. Next time, I will tell you first. You should brush your teeth first."

After Liang Wanting went to the bathroom with her mouth covered, Zheng Jirong called Ah Fei and Ah Ji.



It's still the roof terrace.

Ah Fei and Ah Ji hesitated in front of the stairs inside the roof top door.

I always think it's bad to go to the roof every time.

"Archie, Brother Rong won't..."

"Won't you? Brother Rong won't just give us money and push us to die?"

"That's reasonable, but why did Brother Rong make an appointment to meet at the rooftop again this time?"

"Maybe Brother Rong has some special hobby."


At this time, the roof top door was opened from the outside.

Zheng Jirong said to the two men who were still whispering at the stairs, "Don't you hide to speak ill of me?! Hurry up!"

"Oh......" × 2

After they both walked to the roof, Zheng Jirong changed his face and asked about their recent situation with a smile.

"Very good, Brother Rong, you gave me so much money. Now we just eat, drink and have fun every day. We need two more cups of coke to order a pig's feet meal."

"Yes, it's a million dollars. Ah Fei and I can't spend all our lives."

Zheng Jirong put his arm around their shoulders and said with a smile, "You are all my good brothers. You have helped me for so many times. What does some money mean?"

Smiling, Zheng Jirong patted them behind their backs. Suddenly, his face darkened and he turned his back to the night sky and sighed:

"Half a year ago, I just joined and got my first piece of territory, which was a great success!

My brothers and I are ambitious and determined to make a world of Hong Kong Island.

But in the next six months, I was assassinated many times in succession.

God bless! Every time I come here without danger, but I have more and more lives on my hands. "

Speaking of this, Zheng Jirong looked back at the two men and said:

"The fortune teller said that I was a successful man, but I don't agree. I think it's up to me to decide whether to live or die."

Zheng Jirong raised his hand and pointed at the two people who were in a state of confusion, saying: "Since my debut, Zheng Jirong has only won the territory twice without spending a soldier and a general, one time is Ren Laojiu and the other is Thirteen Sister.

With your help, I expanded my power without killing anyone. "

After saying that, he sighed, "I don't want anyone to die because of me, even if it's the bad guys in the club."

He patted them on the shoulder and said solemnly:

"I had no choice before, but now I want to be a good person.

Hang Zi Yaowen, who helped me undercover in Yaumadi, I want to kill him without bloodshed. "


Ah Fei and Ah Ji looked at each other and couldn't help asking, "Brother Rong, do you mean that... Ah Ji and I need to continue to be undercover?"

Zheng Jirong shook his head and said, "How can you call yourself that? As the saying goes, every profession makes a champion! Even if you are undercover, you two are trumps in undercover!"

"The ace in the undercover?" Ah Fei was curious.

Zheng Jirong nodded, "Yes!"

"What is that?"

"Still undercover!"

"Cut to"

Seeing that they were still reluctant, Zheng Jirong tried to persuade them: "Why don't you understand my painstaking efforts, Brother Rong? You follow me to fight and kill every day, and sooner or later you will die in the street.

Now you are undercover for me, and nothing that breaks the law can fall on you. Other leaders did not expect that such a smart person from Hei Society would send someone to undercover another gang.

You work for three weeks, three months at most, I promise not to exceed three years!

You can retire safely. "

When he said this, he cleared his throat, raised his eyebrows and smiled at them, "My company is developing real estate these days, and I have spoken, leaving you two with a big flat floor! Don't say thousand feet, there are more than three thousand feet!"

On hearing the words, Ah Fei and Ah Ji said happily, "Is it true, Brother Rong?"

"More real than real gold!"

They opened their mouths in delight, but at the thought of going undercover next, they said with a bitter face:

"Brother Rong, you promised, three months at most."

Zheng Jirong led them to swear:

"I won't tell you. I promise it will not exceed three years!"