Chapter 78 Social Death Skill

Focus shifts to your mind.

He saw that there were two light spheres suspended on the system panel, emitting bursts of blue light.

Zheng Jirong rubbed his hands and looked forward to it.

Zheng Jirong thinks he has learned something about the system that has been with him since he came across it.

After taking over the task of "Mongkok is all in one", he actually thought about what the reward might be.

Upgrade primary firearms proficiency to intermediate level?

The super sensitive warning is two or three seconds ahead of time?

Increased carrying capacity?

Zheng Jirong's face was beaming with joy and he shouted in his mind to get it.

The light on one of the blue light balls exploded violently. Zheng Jirong took a close look and was shocked when he saw the four words "thunder and lightning" in the front. Then he was ecstatic.

Is this the way to cultivate?

Ray in the palm? Five Thunder Palm? Lightning and Thunder Fist?

Zheng Jirong had imagined that he would become a successful monk, and he hummed excitedly:

"The way of the world! The way of the world... The way of the world can be described, the way of the world is unique, and the way of the heaven is authentic..."

But when all the lights were gone and the words behind were revealed, he was stunned.

[Thunderbolt and lightning are fast to be shadowless

This... This... What is this special thing?!

The first eight words are quite normal. Why are the last three words so abrupt???

Before he had a reaction, the reward he received had been integrated into his body, and he felt his hands were constantly moving.

Urgently want to take off whose pants!

At this time, he also understood the source and use of this skill.

[Thunderbolt and Thunderbolt Are Fast to Shadowless Skinny Hands] comes from the movie "Trick Expert", which is the unique secret skill of the main character He Jing.

As long as it is within the reach of both hands, you can take off anyone's pants in a flash.

After seeing the use of this skill, Zheng Jirong shook his head blankly.

Take off other people's pants in a flash

Even if you want to take off other people's pants, it's just a few seconds.

Wait a minute, Zheng Jirong suddenly thought that this skill could be combined with his own personal space.

After taking off other people's pants, they immediately hid in their personal space, so that no one would suspect that it was his hand, and the person who took off his pants would only think that he was evil.

Good good!

Zheng Jirong looks excited when he thinks of this place. Later, he will meet anyone who is more arrogant and likes to pretend than him.

Take off his pants first and let him die on the spot.

It's a pity that I had this skill when I negotiated with Big Brother B two hours earlier!

After receiving the Pant Puller, Zheng Jirong turns to look at another reward.

Contrary to the pompous and explosive name of the last reward, the name of this reward is simply three words - "Heart Saving Pill"

Function: Cure all heart diseases


Zheng Jirong was surprised, not only because the reward could cure Ah Mui's congenital heart disease, but also because he found that the system seemed to hear his voice.

I have been worried about how to cure Ah Mui's illness for a long time, but I didn't expect that the system would think of a solution for him so thoughtfully.

After receiving the award of "Heart Saving Pill", Zheng Jirong has a white bean size in his personal space


At this time, the text on the system panel changes again.

New task: unifying all community forces in Yau Tsim Mong District

Zheng Jirong nodded quietly, as he expected.

Mongkok is all the same. The next one is Youjianmeng.

Yau Tsim Mong District has a lot of community forces, which is not as easy to solve as Mong Kok. In particular, there is an Ah Le in Jotun. How to complete the task has to be considered in the long run.

Well, I have to apologize to my two confidants.

After receiving all rewards and accepting the next task.

Zheng Jirong took a deep breath to calm his mood.

After seeing the "Heart Saving Pill" in his personal space, Zheng Jirong touched his chin. It's time to save Ah Mui!



At this time in the public house, Ruan Mei was leaning against the windowsill and staring at the moon in a daze.

I haven't seen Brother Rong for nearly half a month. I don't know what he is doing now.

Rong used to see him every day when he was setting up a stall to sell meat, but since he joined the society, he always came to see him once every ten days and a half months.

The most strange thing for Ruan Mei is that Brother Rong likes society? But why did you see him on TV last time.

And the police chief shook hands with Rongge.

It's said that Brother Rong was also awarded the status of honorary citizen.

Brother Rong, why is the society so strange.

While Ruan Mei was wandering in the sky, she suddenly saw a familiar figure standing out of the gate of the public house downstairs.

It's Brother Rong.

Zheng Jirong also saw Ah Mui leaning against the window at the windowsill on the fourth floor. He waved to Ah Mui happily.

Ruan Mei smiled and nodded, then turned and walked outside, passing Grandma's room.

She secretly slowed down, went to the door and quietly opened the door.


Zheng Jirong saw Ruan Mei trotting towards here excitedly, "Slow down."

When Ruan Mei ran to her front, Zheng Jirong held her up and turned her around for several times before putting her down under Ah Mui's cry.

Ah Mui blushed and patted her heart. Her heart was beating fast when she was picked up by Brother Rong.

After she calmed down for a while, she couldn't help asking, "Why did you come to see me so late today, Brother Rong?"

Zheng Jirong smiled without making a fuss, and opened his right hand to Ah Mui.

A white pill the size of a soybean grain is lying in the palm.

Ah Mui looked a few times and said curiously, "What is this?"

Zheng Jirong said with a smile: "After I joined the club, I used all my strength to find a way to cure Ah Mui's disease, and finally found it for me today.

This pill is called Jiuxin Pill. I bought it from others at a high price. Ah Mui, your illness is cured. "

Ah Mui was moved when she heard this. Although she didn't believe that a single pill could cure her heart disease, she could not help holding Zheng Jirong and sobbing:

"Rong Ge Ni joined the society for me."


Zheng Jirong found that the play seemed to be over played. He coughed softly and said:

"Brother Rong is willing to do anything for you."

Then he handed the pills to Ah Mei, "Go ahead, Ah Mei."

Ah Mui looked at the snow-white pill, hesitated for a moment, put it in her mouth, and swallowed it under the supervision of Zheng Jirong.

"What does it feel like?"

"It seems that my heart is cold, but I don't know the others?"

Zheng Jirong frowned, which made him feel peaceful.

When he first got the super feeling, he was directly hit by a heavy blow.

Ah Mui saw Brother Rong frown and asked anxiously, "Is this medicine expensive, Brother Rong? Can you be cheated?"

Zheng Jirong raised his eyebrows and said, "There is a way to verify whether it is cured. Do you want to try, Ah Mui?"

Just as Ah Mui looked up and wondered what to do, she saw Rong's face getting closer and closer to her.