Chapter 67 I'm also a Butcher

In a high-class restaurant in Tsim Sha Tsui, Johnston is tasting caviar gracefully in front of him, and the table in front of him is full of various delicacies.

Across the table, Amiao read the information and looked at Johnston suspiciously.

After picking out the information of different employees from several taxi companies, this guy took Amiao into this restaurant. He not only ordered a table of abalone and lobster, but also told Amiao in advance to remember to pay.

He looked at the table full of seafood. Although Rong brother gave him a high salary, he ate up his salary in January.

This guy isn't here to cheat, is he?

Seeing that the information about A Miao stopped suddenly in the middle of reading, Johnston said unhappily, "Keep reading, are you hungry? Eat after reading."

A Miao's mouth curled. "The information just read is finished, and now it's a new one. The driver's name is Lin Guoyun..."

At this time, outside the door of a nightclub in Yau Ma Tei.

Wu Liushou and Wen Tailai look at Chen Guibin who is crazy.

By the taxi beside the road, Chen Guibin looked at the air in front of him with a frightened face and screamed, "Don't kill me! Please don't kill me!"

Just after the words, he suddenly turned around and kicked his feet at the position he had just stood, and said grimly, "I make you look down on me! I let you vomit on my car!"

Then he pulled out the belt on his pants and pulled it on the ground.

After a few puffs, he twisted his body and fell back to the position just now, and tightly wrapped the belt around his neck, crying for forgiveness while wrapping it: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Please forgive me!"

Wen Tailai smacked his mouth and said to Wu with a look of amazement: "Elder martial brother, this guy seems to be a psychopath?"

Wu Liushou patted him on the shoulder and said, "Be confident. I'm not as crazy as he is."

Wen Tailai still wants to say something, when he suddenly sees Chen Guibin's face is dark purple with the belt around his neck.

The two martial brothers rushed out, and Wen Tai came to scold in his heart.

The elder martial brother is right. He is not as crazy as he is!



An hour later, Johnston burst into Monroe Bar excitedly.

"I found the murderer! Lin Guoyun! Lin Guoyun is the butcher on a rainy night!"

Zheng Jirong was surprised to see Johnston beating the ground with a guide stick.

"Temple, lead Mr. Zhuang here."

With the help of A Miao, Johnston walked quickly to Zheng Jirong.

"Mr. Zheng, I found out! According to the clues you gave, the only possible killer is Lin Guoyun! I also checked the address on the entry file of the taxi company, but Lin Guoyun moved there a few months ago and didn't find him."

Zheng Jirong nodded, "Mr. Zhuang is worthy of the name of" blind detective ". He is really good at solving criminal cases. No wonder even those Sirs who can't solve cases have to come to you."

He then calmly said: "As for Mr. Zhuang, don't worry about Lin Guoyun. I have sent someone to inquire about his current residence. I believe that there will be results soon."

"Oh?" Johnston frowned, pulled back his guide stick and asked incredulously: "You already knew that the murderer was Lin Guoyun?"

Zheng Jirong shook his head and said, "No, it's only half an hour earlier than you. Mr. Chen Guibin called me half an hour ago. He not only told me that Lin Guoyun was the murderer, but also asked me not to waste time looking for the address on his data. Lin Guoyun moved after killing the first victim."

Johnston sat down on the sofa discouraged after listening to this. He had heard of Chen Guibin's name as a "detective" in the police station before. He thought it was boasted by others, but he did not expect that there were two brushes.

Seeing Johnston's frustrated face, Zheng Jirong coughed and said, "Although Mr. Zhuang is half an hour slower than Mr. Chen, I will give you a lot of the money I promised."

After hearing Zheng Jirong's words, Johnston looked sad and said with a smile: "Mr. Zheng is really grand and deserves to be a big businessman."

Zheng Jirong didn't say much. He asked Amiao to lead Johnston upstairs to get the money. A few days ago, he found tens of millions of black money that had not been washed out from several crabs of the Ding family. Now he has nothing but a lot of cash.

Touching the glass in his hand, Zheng Jirong's eyes were full of worry. It had been five or six hours, and he didn't know whether the little girl had

At this moment, the mobile phone rings at the right time, and Zheng Jirong hurriedly connects.

"Left hand?"

"Okay, I see."

After hanging up the phone, Zheng Jirong punched his excited right hand in the palm of his left hand.

We found him!



Compared with the prosperous Tsim Sha Tsui and Mong Kok, Yau Ma Tei is the most dilapidated place in Yau Tsim Mong District.

Many years ago, the land in front of Tianhou Temple was the place where fishermen used to hang hemp cables on their boats. Many stores operating tung oil and hemp cables were opened there, so it was called "Yau Ma Di".

In the shantytown on the side of Guolan.

After finishing making up for Xiaomei, Lin Guoyun sat down close to her and whispered in her ear how he treated the first few women he had brought here.

Speaking of enjoying herself, Lin Guoyun put out his head and pressed it against Xiaomei's face, sniffing her body.

Xiaomei's mouth blocked by the cloth made a fearful whine, and she struggled to shrink back.

After Lin Guoyun saw it, he asked angrily, "Are you afraid of me? Why are you afraid of me?! I haven't killed you yet, shouldn't you thank me?"

He took out Xiaomei's cloth and shouted, "Speak! Why don't you speak?"

Xiaomei sobbed, "What do you want to do?"

"Didn't I say that? You are pure and lovely. Different from other women, I want to marry you."

Xiaomei looked at him in amazement: "Marriage?"

"Yes," Lin Guoyun looked at her stupidly, stroked Xiaomei's face with his hands, and muttered to himself, "We are getting married now, and you will be my wife later."

As soon as he spoke, his hands were like iron bands around Xiaomei's neck.

He put his head on Xiaomei's forehead, staring at her with bloodshot eyes, and the strength of the hand holding her neck was increasing.

Xiaomei's face turned red when she was pinched. She didn't understand why the pervert said she wanted to strangle her the second she got married. She closed her eyes in despair.


A flying knife shot into the room from the window, pierced the glass, and then nailed Lin Guoyun's wrist!


Lin Guoyun painfully loosened Xiaomei's neck, covered her wrists and screamed.


Zheng Jirong flew in from the window. Lin Guoyun was kicked to the ground before he could see who it was.

Xiaomei opened her eyes blankly, just in time to see this scene, and she was surprised beyond belief: "Uncle!"

Zheng Jirong smiled and nodded, fortunately, he caught up.

He went to Xiaomei and untied her. As soon as she untied the rope, Xiaomei held Zheng Jirong's waist tightly and sobbed, "Thank you, uncle..."

Zheng Jirong touched Xiaomei's head, which had a great impact on her psychology.

At this time, they also kicked the door open and rushed to the temple. Zheng Jirong took Xiaomei with soft legs to the temple and "sent her to the hospital."

Xiaomei's eyes were red and she looked at Zheng Jirong intently. The uncle saved him when she was most desperate.

After A Miao took Xiao Mei with him, Zheng Jirong bent over and glanced at Lin Guoyun coldly.

"[Butcher on Rainy Night]?"

Lin Guoyun looks at Zheng Jirong gingerly. The man's eyes in front of him make him jumpy unconsciously.

"Who are you?"

Zheng Jirong suddenly smiled with a cold face: "People call me Zhen Guanxi."

At the end of the conversation, Zheng Jirong took out a butcher's knife from the pocket in his sleeve and said gently, "I'm also a butcher."