Chapter 444 "Are you betting that I won't kill you?"

According to the previous agreement between Zheng Jirong and Gao Jin, he will help Gao Jin as a guarantee to ensure that he will not be coerced by any force after retiring from the Jianghu, and he also told his brother Gao Yi in advance that he has been plotting against him.

With his help, Gao Jin not only kept his wife alive, but also killed Gao Yi ahead of time.

And his request is also very simple, just need to lose to A Xing in the final.

Zheng Jirong does not distrust Ah Xing's strength. On the contrary, after his trip to Shanghai Beach, in his eyes, Ah Xing's special function is definitely stronger than Gao Jin's.

In addition to simple perspective and changing cards

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