Chapter 55 Happy

"Hou Jue?"

When people heard the name, their faces showed their different expressions.

Zhou Li frowned and recalled the living eunuch on Lingjiu Mountain. Tang Guan stretched her neck, a little confused appeared on her pretty face, wondering why people in East Hall should report the name of Royal Guards, and began to think about the effect of eunuchs drinking sex.

Thousands of households?

Thousands of households are also recalling, but···

"Hou Jue..."

With his head down, thousands of households flashed a blank in their eyes, as if some memory was breaking through the ground.

He felt that he had heard of the name and that it was very important to him, as if someone had entrusted Hou Jue to him. Thousands of households frowned and tried to retrieve the keyword Hou Jue in their memory.

Soon, a room loomed in front of thousands of households. It seemed to be a warm and fragrant attic. The weak woman looked at herself and said Hou Jue's name. At that time, my heart was stuffy, and an inexplicable weakness filled my whole body, and I wanted to cry.

Do you mean?!

Qianhu suddenly raised his head, and a sense of amazement and clarity emerged from the eyes of the tigers.

Is Hou Jue my lost son?!

No wonder I feel depressed and powerless when I think of that beautiful woman, and I feel a little worried and afraid. If he had let his only flesh and blood fall apart because of his country's service, his strange mood would make sense.

My blood and flesh lost for many years···

Close his eyes, thousands of families sighed. In his impression, he seldom went back to his own home. He usually lived alone in some caves, or read documents in the stronghold of Royal Guards day and night. Isn't this a punishment for himself?

At the thought of this, thousands of households felt a twinkle in their eyes, and their heart, which had been somewhat blocked, suddenly opened up. He looked at Li Kuan beside him and said:

"Lord Li, it seems that Hou Jue is my old acquaintance. If you can, please let me meet him."

Old acquaintance?

Li Kuan was stunned for a moment. As a county magistrate, he knows a lot of slang in the Royal Guards. Sometimes, the "old acquaintance" of the Royal Guards may be some fugitives or traitors who are rebellious against the party. "Meet once" is to set a trap to catch the other party.

But to be on the safe side, Li Kuan still asked anxiously. He approached the thousand households and asked in a low voice, "What kind of old acquaintance is there among the large population?"


Qianhu's face showed a tangled look. He didn't know how to say it for a moment. After all, it was disgraceful to say that he was displaced, but he couldn't cheat others. After a short thought, he looked at Li Kuan and said carefully:

"This old acquaintance is an unspeakable one for me. If I saw it once, I might know something."

OK, fugitive, I see.

Li Kuan suddenly realized that, in addition to putting on a bad show, observing his appearance is also one of Li Kuan's means of survival in the workplace. He immediately saluted Qianhu, then withdrew to one side and explained a few words to the soldiers guarding the city.

Looking at the strong man with his father's love and the other county officials whose eyes were full of malice, Tang Guan turned her head and said to Zhou Li without expression:

"These two people definitely had a very boring misunderstanding."

"You know how barren."

I don't know when Zhou Li, squatting behind the pillar, put his hands in his sleeves, with righteous words written on his left face and watching good plays written on his right face. Zhou Li looks at the two people in front of him and says happily:

"How interesting."

Tang Guan was silent. After a moment, she learned from Zhou Li, put her hands in her sleeves, and squatted beside Zhou Li. The small white ball was very eye-catching. She raised her head slightly, looked at the thousands of families with rich expressions and the county magistrate with a good heart, and nodded clearly.



At the market in the north of the city, after chatting with the local Korean goods supplier, Guo Lingyun nodded and sighed: "Lord Li is really doing nothing."

"That's not true."

The merchant happily handed Guo Lingyun a large stack of billboards, collected three taels of silver, and then sighed:

"Lord Li has been in office for six years, but we haven't seen him send any notice. If the Imperial Court wants to reduce or increase taxes, Lord Li will directly paste the paper issued by the Imperial Court on the city wall. If someone yells at him, he will go to the local Dali Temple. If someone sees a rare animal, he will go to the Imperial College. If someone wants to see him, he will just stick it on the spot. Anyway."

Waving his hand, he said with some happiness, and the merchant sighed: "Nothing."

Guo Lingyun was stunned for a moment. Although the vendor said that he was nothing when talking about Li Kuan, his tone was very friendly. Seeing this, Guo Lingyun asked with doubts:

"Brother, I heard you say that Li Kuan is a man of no action and no ideas. Why do I feel that you think highly of him?"

"Hey, little brother, you are the Royal Guards. That's it. You must think far more than our old fogies."

He gave a big thumbs up, and the merchant laughed and said:

"But for us ordinary people, a county official is not greedy or corrupt. He lets professional people do everything and never tells people what to do. He is happy all day long, has no airs, and does not bully people. It is a blessing that we have gained in Beiliang for thousands of years if we can meet a county official like this. It is too late for other places to envy him."

Hearing the words, Guo Lingyun suddenly felt a little trance, but then felt a little funny. For these people, the highest standard of a county official is to be neither corrupt nor oppressive. As long as these two points are achieved, even if the magistrate doesn't do anything on weekdays, he will be loved by the people.

The world···

Guo Lingyun sighed silently in the bottom of his heart. He mentioned the notices, said hello to the vendors, and then turned to leave. At that moment, he suddenly heard a noise coming from the city gate.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? Don't take off my pants! Do you know if you broke the law?! I was a Royal Guards before!!!"


After hearing the familiar voice, Guo Lingyun was stunned. He picked up the cloth bag and walked to the city gate. Through the dark window beside the city gate, Guo Lingyun saw a familiar figure.

Why is this guy here?

Watching Hou Jue struggling to keep his neck pressed down by the guards' knees, Guo Lingyun touched his chin and a little hesitation flashed in his eyes.

"I tell you, I am a former Royal Guards, a four realm spirit energy master, and I can breathe with my buttocks! You can let me go as soon as you know what I am doing. Do you believe that my fart has the component of your breathing?!"

no way.

He raised his forehead and sighed. For a moment, Guo Lingyun didn't know why the Royal Guards had so many talented people who were pulling their bare bottoms. In order to prevent Hou Jue from further losing the Royal Guards' face, Guo Lingyun directly grasped the protruding stones on one side with his right hand, jumped down from the city wall and stood in front of Hou Jue.

"This man is my old acquaintance. Let him go."

At the end of the conversation, Guo Lingyun was afraid that the two soldiers might misunderstand his own statement and added: "It's true."

Hou Jue, who was held down on the ground at this time, heard what Guo Lingyun said. He tried to raise his head and catch a glimpse of Guo Lingyun's face. At once, Hou Jue felt happy and struggled while saying:

"It's too sad to be a brother. You look like Guo Lingyun, sound like Guo Lingyun, bow on your back like Guo Lingyun, even your name..."

"Grass, Guo Lingyun?!!"