Chapter 15 Ghost Attack

In twenty minutes.

"It doesn't matter."

Looking at the outline of the town gradually outlined in front of her, Tang Guan, who was originally loveless, slowly showed a smile on her face. Finally, she looked at Zhou Li, who was silent, and the corners of her mouth were grinning behind her ears. "Wrong judgment is also a part of life. Zhou Li, it doesn't matter. I won't laugh at you."

Zhou Li stood in front of the sign that said "Zongmu Town", crossed his waist and lost in thought. After escaping from Zhou Li's clutches, Tang Guan on one side carried her hands on her back and jumped on tiptoe to see the town in the distance. A moment later, Zhou Li looked up and said gravely:

"Something's wrong."


Tang Guan sighed at the words, stretched out her hand, put it on Zhou Li's shoulder, shook her head and said, "Zhou Li, there are mistakes and mistakes. You can't make more mistakes because of your momentary mistakes. Listen to me, let's calm down, before..."

Holding Tang Guan's small hand on his shoulder and holding it tightly, Zhou Li's eyes suddenly became sharp. With a beautiful arc in the air, Tang Guan was directly thrown to the road sign by a beautiful shoulder crossing by Zhou Li. Zhou Li squatted beside her and looked at Tang Guan, who was struggling to stand up and prepare to die with him, and said:

"Look at the dirt under the road sign."

Tang Guan and Zhou Li have always been both reasonable and arrogant. After Zhou Li said this, Tang Guan felt that he was going to be unreasonable. She lowered her head and carefully looked at the soil under the road sign. After a moment, she frowned and said:

"New mud is mixed with old mud."


Zhou Li nodded, stood up, looked at the town in the distance, squinted at the outline, and then said:

"It hasn't rained recently, and there is no animal near the footprints. But the soil under the road sign is half new and half old, and most of it is new soil on top of old soil. It should have been moved by someone."

As a member of the Tang Clan, Tang Guan also noticed something was wrong with this place. She frowned, bowed slightly, and warned subconsciously.

"Someone is going to ambush us?"

In the face of Tang Guan's question, Zhou Li did not answer it immediately. He rubbed his jaw and thought, as if observing something. After a moment, he shook his head and said:

"It's unreasonable. If we really want to ambush us, this man doesn't need to move this signboard, which only increases his weakness."


Tang Guan looked at Zhou Li and said, "Shall we go and have a look?"

Hearing the words, Zhou Li kindly patted Tang Guan on the shoulder and said, "Do you know that people like you in horror movies are the engine of mass destruction?"


Tang Guan was stunned, and then said, "Why do you want to sow seeds?"

"This kind of writing on the face of the problem is a pathetic way."


Tang Guan looked at Zhou Li's eyes and suddenly realized: "Let's change our way?"


Zhou Li waved angrily, then they turned around and left the road without hesitation.

The moon is bright and the stars are rare, and the black magpie flies south. When Zhou Li and his wife left the road leading to the villages and towns, something happened.

"It shouldn't be."

Shortly after Zhou Li and his wife left, the sound of soil friction came from the signboard. With the appearance of a somewhat smooth and round forehead, a scaly and bent "man" emerged from the soil, squatted beside the road sign, scratched his chin and said to himself, "Why don't you go?"

He looked up at the road sign with his head tilted, and his small eyes were puzzled. At the moment when he was ready to reach out to take off the road sign, a sharp wind broke behind him.


With a dull sound, the scaly man suddenly stumbled, and his eyes flashed with fear. Instinctively, the man put his hands directly into the soil, ready to perform the art of hiding. But just then, a white fog flashed before him.

Fuck me! Lime!

With a shrill cry, the scaly man immediately covered his eyes with his hand, and the Dun who was about to show off immediately held back. The fear in his chest reminded him that if he didn't do anything, he would become a fish on the chopping board. Therefore, even if his vision was blocked, the man also made a final struggle.

The scales on the body were all tied up, and the sharp edge flashed another cold light. The man covered his face, and the sharp blade on his body suddenly burst out. In a twinkling, the cold light and blood rain condensed by the blade shrouded him around, tearing at all creatures that could be torn.

A moment later, the man collapsed on the ground. He gasped, and the darkness gradually spread before his eyes. Slowly, the man lost consciousness and fell to the ground like a salted fish penetrated from below.

"Pinch it, and there will be a sword edge storm."

After a while, Zhou Li walked out from the side, patted the residual lime on his hands, and said with lingering fear: "Thanks to my left hand, I threw a lime bag."

Tang Guan, squatting on the side, poked out her head. It was obvious that she was the one who had just kicked the strange man in front of Zhou Li with a big flying foot. At this time, she was a little frightened, with a small white face. If not for Zhou Li's conditioned reflex just now, she would be a raw sliced fish.

"So, what is this thing?"

Looking at the "man" lying flat on the ground in front of her, Tang Guan took two deep breaths, walked to the other side, kicked Zhou Li and asked, "Monster?"

"It seems that... it is not."

Zhou Li reached out his hand and pulled out a few scales from his opponent's body. After looking carefully, he said, "There is no evil spirit."

At the end of the conversation, Zhou Li took out a dagger from his waist, drew a blood orifice on the monster, gently picked up a drop of blood with his finger, and after a short perception, he said, "There is no other person's blood energy, it should be a spirit. But... there should be a ban set by the monster in his body."

Hearing the word "demon", Tang Guan's face suddenly became solemn. All things in the Ming Dynasty have spirits, and people can communicate with spirits and practice Qi, while animals and plants can cultivate in two different ways, "demon addiction" and "essence", and finally become human beings, or even immortals.

The so-called demon addiction means that animals or plants make up for their own shortcomings by killing creatures and devouring the blood energy in them, and finally convert people with energy.

This way is extremely bloody and cruel. Even if it does not kill but consumes blood energy, it will also become violent and become a "monster". Therefore, monsters are often bloodthirsty and cruel, and enjoy killing. Their intelligence is not complete.

The essence is another way of "cultivation". The so-called essence is that animals or plants refine the innate energy in their bodies, finally perceive the "spirit" in the nature of all things, and open up intelligence by extracting the natural spirit with the internal energy. Those who practice in this way are generally called "ghosts".

Spirits are not bloodthirsty and cruel like monsters, but they have hearts and minds, so they are easily tempted by the secular world and finally become pawns in the hands of human beings. And the snake spirit that was squeezed by the whoring fairy before is a kind of ghost.

Now, what appears in front of Zhou Li and Tang Guan is such a monster.

A spirit controlled by a monster.