Chapter 8 What are you doing

Guo Xiang frowned at the boy in front of him, "What are you shouting about?"

But Yang Guigang didn't call it that. Even if he knelt down and kowtowed to Grandma Zu, he couldn't stop Guo Xiang from attacking him with a sword.

However, she has a psychological shadow over the word "aunt".

Of course, there are some strange illusions.

Many times she dreamt back in the middle of the night, thinking that if she could be born 20 years earlier and become a dragon girl, she would ask Yang Guo to call herself "Aunt" and say sorry to Xiao Longnu. This kind of lovesickness, even if the country is destroyed, can not be contained.

Guo Xiang blushed a little when he thought of it.

Yang Gui was still immersed in the shadow of near death and did not speak.

The Heaven Reliant Sword was originally forged by the two swords of a gentleman and a lady. If Yang Gui were to be struck by a single sword, the Yang family and his son would have the same fate with the same sword under the Guo family sisters.

This will be passed on to later generations, and people will not laugh to death.

But the old ladies' waists are really soft. Yang Gui has never seen such a beautiful woman as Guo Xiang in his life. Now his mind is blank, only instinct. Holding Guo Xiang's waist, his mouth almost dribbles.

Guo Xiang carefully looked at the young man she had chased for thousands of miles for more than ten days for the first time. He found that the young man was so handsome, with a sharp face and sword eyebrows. He seemed to be more handsome than her big brother.

That's right. When she saw Yang Guo, he was depressed, slovenly, and plain. His face value has dropped a lot compared with that of his youth. Besides Yang Gui's handsome, there is also the incomparable beauty inheritance of Xiao Longnv. Even the young Yang Guo who just came out of the ancient tomb is inferior.

"It's just his manner..."

Guo Xiang watched the handsome young man kneel on the ground and hug his waist tightly, with a dirty smile on his face and a deeper frown.

She picked up her sword again.

The chilly Yang Gui suddenly regained consciousness and shouted, "Don't cut, don't cut, aunt, I'm your great nephew!"


Guo Xiang scolded angrily: "My brother died in battle when Xiangyang City was broken, and he didn't marry before he died. Where did I come from?"

Yang Gui pouted, "You can say that I am the son of your elder brother Yang Guo."

"You want to die!"

As soon as this sentence was uttered, Guo Xiang's eyebrows turned upside down. His murderous intent was more than ten times stronger than that just now. When he raised his sword, he would kill Yang Gui.

How can she allow such a cheap philanderer to insult her big brother!

"No, don't, you old tiger ladies, your Heaven Reliant Sword was made for you by my sword. Your sister used it to cut off my father's arm in those years, and you came to cut me today. Do you talk about martial virtues?"

Yang Gui was an old crosstalk fan for more than ten years in his previous life. He could not do anything with his nine character skills. Under the threat of death, his mouth shot out like a machine gun, and his speed of speech directly chased Wang Yuyan.


Guo Xiang stopped again after hearing this. The sword leaning on the sky in her hand was forged after the two swords of a gentleman and a lady were melted. With the Guo family dying in the city, only the ancient tombs should know about it.

"You are so big... Are you really his son?"

"Of course." Yang Gui said sincerely, "No, you can't recognize the martial arts of the Ancient Tomb Sect?"

"You... Hum, I haven't seen Sister Long do it." Guo Xiang hummed and looked carefully at Yang Gui's face. There were five points like Yang Guo between his eyes and eyebrows, so he was even more sad because the other five points were like Little Dragon Girl.

Yang Gui also deserved it. It was a lifelong thing to have to pursue a handsome man. He disliked his father's method of driving people with force. If he could use a move today, Guo Xiang would not be unable to recognize his identity.

But he was unconvinced. "You don't know each other, don't Grandpa Guo?"

"Will you fight with each other?" Guo Xiang said in surprise.

The Yunv Suxin Sword was sent by one person, and it really cooperated closely. In Guo Xiang's opinion, this sword move cooperated freely, as if there were no flaws. She had seen the number of magic skills and top experts in her life, which was beyond ordinary people's imagination, but there was no such sword technique.

Therefore, she only regarded it as a kind of excellent swordsmanship, but did not think that it was actually a combination of two swordsmanship.

Of course, the main reason is that Guo Jing doesn't know all true swordsmanship, and she has never seen it.

"How fresh are you? My jade maiden plain heart sword is a combination of jade maiden sword technique and Quanzhen sword technique, and authentic old Quanzhen fights with each other from left to right. My parents said that in order to save old Huang and your sister, they fought with Jinlun Guoshi, but they could not fight at first. Later, they understood the essence of the couple's protection and mutual understanding, and beat the old bald ass......"

Yang Gui found that the more he said Guo Xiang looked ugly, the later he saw that he was going to kill himself with the Heaven Reliant Sword. He was embarrassed and stopped talking.

"Well, no one has told me about this past, but it's also... it's new."

Guo Xiang's original tone was cold. Later, he thought that his mother, Huang Rong, knew that she was deeply in love and could not tell the story in detail. Why did he bother to get angry with a child? So his tone softened again. At the same time, Guo Xiang believed Yang Gui's identity when he was able to tell the secret that he didn't know.

Then she changed her tone and became serious again: "What's your name?"

"Yang Gui."

"Don't you let go?"

Guo Xiang then looked at Yang Gui's hands tightly around his waist, and his face was a little red.

"I'm numb and can't move."

Yang Gui uses the bitter meat trick to take advantage.

Again, Guo Xiang's waist is really soft.


Guo Xiang pressed his shoulder, and two internal forces hit his body. After two weeks, Yang Gui only felt warm. At least his body could move.

"Get up quickly."

Yang Gui looks at the eyeplate.

Big event: You were treated by Emei Nine Yang Skill, and your injury recovered.

Yang Gui could not help but let go and stood up

"Yang Xiannephew, you are famous. You have such martial arts skills at a young age. You may not be able to compete with your father in the future. How can you do such a thing?"

Guo Xiang raised his face and angrily scolded: "What a sin it is to prostitute women, kill people, collude with Mongolia, and... what a sin? Fortunately, I met you. There is still a way back. You can go back to the ancient tomb with me and plead with your parents. Maybe you can survive, or no one can save you."

"What are you talking about?"

Yang Gui almost jumped up and scolded the street. What's wrong with this? It's clear that you attacked me and chased me for thousands of miles when you didn't agree with me. How can I be so wicked?

Before he finished speaking, he felt the ground tremble, as if there were dull thunder outside the town.

Guo Xiang looked ugly: "No, the cavalry of the Tartars are coming."

She was very familiar with this voice. After the Xiangyang City was broken, she was also chased by the Yuan army for many times, and she nearly survived several times.

She pulls Yang Gui to the room, but feels her hands sink.

"What are you doing, looking for death?"

Guo Xiang only thought Yang Gui didn't want to escape.

"You dare to ask!"

Yang Gui was very angry and said, "It's not your old tiger who beat me. It's good that I can still live with that move of the tortoise school Qigong yesterday. Now my internal breathing is disordered. How can I use the lightness skill?"

"There's no way."

Guo Xiang said in his eyes, "My aunt will die here with you today."

"No, you old tiger ladies are talking nonsense."

Yang Gui, who opens the perspective of God, can't speak big or small. If Guo Jing were here, he would have to slap him on the wall. But Guo Xiang was called Little Dongxie in the past, and he didn't care much about it.

"Why, do you still have a way?"

Yang Gui also frowned. How could it be a crisis of life and death when he went down the mountain? "I have seen the Tartars outside the town. There are only about 400 people. The cavalry in the town can't use them, not without opportunities."

"Are you sure you can get out?" Guo Xiang said, not to mention four hundred people. At that time, Huang Yaoshi and other three Wujue were surrounded by three hundred Mongolian cavalry, and they were determined to die. What's more, now they are both seriously injured, Yang Gui?

"Of course not."

Yang Gui looked at Guo Xiang with a fool's eyes. "You can't even escape. How can you fight? Just run away."


Guo Xiang said flatly, "If we want to go together, how can I leave you here alone as an elder?"

"No, you let go, you go first, hurry up, don't wait!" Yang Gui's voice was very anxious.

"No, even if I die here today, I will bring Brother Yang's blood and bones out!" Guo Xiang's hand grasped Yang Gui like a pair of iron tongs, and could not break it.

"What are you doing? Alas!" Yang Gui looked worried and cried. "Are you sick? Tartar didn't know who I was. You hold my hand like this and tell Tartar that I colluded with the Guo Family!"

"Huh? Huh?"

Guo Xiang's brain was short circuited, and Gao Leng Yu Jie looked a little stunned, "Yes... Yes."

Quickly let go of Yang Gui's hand, but it was too late.

"The villain Guo Xiang! There are also accomplices. Kill them!"

Tartar's army has entered the town, and the leader waved and shouted.

Yang Gui covers his face in pain.

"I will die in your hands sooner or later."

In this case, Yang Gui did not hesitate to reach out and pick up the two long swords that were smashed into pieces by Guo Xiang, and threw them at the Yuan army with the method of rain and flowers all over the sky.

"Ouch! The villain is fierce. Go for me!"

The leader's face was scratched by the debris. At the command, he started to rush.

As he got closer, Yang Gui could even see the ferocious expression on the leader's face.

"Not right."

Yang Gui suddenly found his blind spot, "I can see his face now. What's the strength of the leader? You can see your face from such a distance just now?"

"What do you see clearly?" Guo Xiang disdained: "Tartars still need reasons to kill people? When he saw us standing in the street, it was an order to kill people. Let alone the two of us. If we can kill us, the people in the town will have to be broken open and looted one by one."

"Huh? Huh?"

Yang Gui lost his eyes. "So, if I hadn't started just now, I might have paid some money to go there?"

"Yes," Guo Xiang said naturally.

"Yes... I killed me?"