Chapter 514 Reincarnation of the Sui and Tang Dynasties

The man in a hurry is the supreme god of Lei Bu, the leader of Shenxiao Yuqing Mansion, the heavenly god who was popularized by the thunder of the Yuan Dynasty in the ninth day, and the grand master of the past Shang Dynasty, Wen Zhong, a disciple of three generations.

In addition to being the highest upright god of Leibu, he is also one of the four true teachings of the cut-off. Now, he is the proud disciple of the Goddess of Jinling, the original monarch of Zhongtian Brahma Qi Doumu. Although the Holy Mother of Jinling was listed as a dead spirit in the mass robbery, it was hard to improve her practice, but it was after all three corpses who were supposed to be saints.

Under the saints, the top battle force in the heaven. Although they can only rank at the bottom of the three corpse quasi saints' power, they are only a few. So together, Wen Zhong is

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