Chapter 469 Commander in Chief of Western Learning

The Lingxiao Temple is full of chicken feathers. There are many inquirers, informants, and sarcastic people about the Jade Emperor. Even in the end, there are people who drink and play boxing, dance in public, and sleep soundly.

I can't help it. Immortal, what is important is to be spontaneous. You are my slave owner, Your Majesty? Dream you!

In the original book, the Monkey King's wild monkey didn't have a proper shape when he went to the temple. When he saw Sanqing, he called it "old"; Feng Sidi, who is called "Your Majesty", is worthy of being brothers with other gods. Today, he travels to the east, and tomorrow, he will swing to the west. The clouds will come and go, and his whereabouts will be uncertain. Not to mention the old immortals. ...

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