Chapter 285 The Holy Church asked me to give you a message

Whether to say it or not, Zhang Xiaofan's tea art can also be used.

The people of Qingyun Sect killed two foxes, so you can say that he took the Xuanhuo Jian and came to ask for it; The people of Tianyin Temple killed all the foxes in the mountain, and didn't see you fart.

You mean my Qingyun Gate is inferior to Tianyin Temple?

Although the position of Qingyun Sect as the leader of the righteous sect has indeed declined year by year since Wudang, it is not your turn to challenge our position as a barbarian in the south.

Taoist Xuan stood up with a black face.

"Shangguan Daoyou, it's our duty to kill demons and demons, and this is also

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