Chapter 210 The Shura World Never Heard of by Yang Gui

The head of an old Taoist priest is just like a halberd. He glares at the geology and asks why others cut off his head. This scene is really weird and funny.

There's no need to mention the strangeness. It's funny that Yang Gui is playing with Zhang Sanfeng's head as a ball in the cos dung beetle. Zhang Sanfeng's voice is bumpy, up and down, like a disk.

"Old Wuwuwugui cluck cluck, what the hell are you doing pushing me?"

"Nonsense, Mr. Turtle has no legs now. It's easier to push you."

Yang Gui's action is inconvenient, and the world's suppression of Zhenyuan is also great. Just now, for more than two hours in a row, it seems like a management

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