Chapter 452 Doctor Li, we are all Chinese, we must unite!

"Why, can't you sleep? Let me prick a needle..."

In the bedroom, the air conditioner is set at 26 degrees, covered with silk quilt, and it should be very comfortable to sleep, but today several wives are tossing and turning to sleep, Li Yuan Wensheng cares.

Lou Xiao'e opened her eyes and said with a smile, "No, I just pierced it..." She turned to look at Li Yuan and said, "Yuanzi, I don't think it's strange. Before, I didn't think it would affect me if I returned or not. Our family was so miserable in those days. My father's steel rolling plant, which he worked hard for for generations, was jointly operated by the company. Later, people came to visit us from time to time. In order to escape

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