Chapter 44 I Write a Note

"Yuanzi, let me ask you something."

On the way to the rolling mill, Xu Damao tried hard to step on the stirrup, gasping and saying.

Sitting in the back seat, Li Yuan was wondering whether to find a "driver" in the future. Riding a car is much more comfortable than riding a bicycle, and it is also easy to oppress the prostate

Hearing what Xu Damao said, he smiled and said, "Brother Damao, what's the matter?"

Xu Damao said, "It's no big deal. Let me ask you something. Lou Xiao'e came to see you. What's wrong with her?"

Li Yuan Yue said, "Why do you ask? Can you ask?"

Xu Damao hurriedly said, "Brother, my brother is not bad hearted. My mother used to work in her house. The two families are close. I know she is ill, so let me ask you. Yuanzi, depending on our relationship, you can't help me with this small favor, can you?"

Li Yuan shook his head repeatedly and said, "I'm afraid it's not good. If it's an ordinary small problem, we can talk and laugh with each other. But this... I really can't say, don't ask. I'm a doctor. I have medical ethics requirements, and I really can't say."

When Xu Damao heard this, his heart felt cold. He was now 80% sure that Lou Xiao'e had a physical problem or a major problem.

Now let's wait for his father to go to the pharmacy of the workers' hospital to find out what medicine Lou Xiao'e takes, and then ask an old Chinese doctor to determine the final decision

Li Yuan knew what the Xus were inquiring about and what they were seeking, but he didn't take it seriously.

If they can persuade the Lou family to marry a daughter, it is their ability, and Li Yuan will not stop them.

If they can't persuade him to take the blame, they won't succeed.

The Xu family is not big in the yard, and they are still not big in the rolling mill.

Mr. Xu and his wife can't even defeat the stupid pillar, that's all

Xu Damao didn't know what Li Yuan thought. He pedaled his bicycle and "kindly" persuaded him, "Yuanzi, I saw the Lou girl staring at you yesterday, and I probably liked you. If she was good, my brother would certainly wish you two happiness. How rich the Lou family is. Marrying the Lou girl would be a blessing in life. But if she was ill, the family would not be easy to kiss. If you sell your marriage for money, your brother will look down on you! "

Li Yuan: "..."

This grandson is really his grandson.


"Uncle Sun, this is..."

After entering the steel rolling mill, Xu Damao left with a lot of worries. Li Yuan rode his bike to the workers' hospital. Without entering the building, he saw Sun Da standing there with a strange middle-aged man. After seeing him, he obviously gathered around, apparently looking for him.

Li Yuan only thought it was about the Nie family or Lou family. He did not want Sun Da to introduce him, but said, "Li Yuan, this is Zhang Daqing, Chief of the Fifth Procurement Section of our rolling mill."

Li Yuan shook hands and said, "Hello, Section Chief Zhang, this is Li Yuan."

Zhang Daqing is very energetic, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and seems to be upright. He holds Li Yuan's hand and smiles: "I heard that Chief Zhao has a proud disciple, a talented person. Today I saw it. It's better to be famous than to meet. Meeting is better than being famous!"

When Sun Da saw Li Yuan laughing but not speaking, he smiled and said, "Lao Zhang, you are all my own people. If you have something to say, it will be hard to say when there are more people."

Zhang Daqing said with a smile, "It seems that he is really one of his own. Xiao Li, I have been an old comrade in arms with your Sun Shusun's deputy for many years. Let's talk about it directly. There are five section chiefs in the purchase office of the rolling mill, and I am the fifth, who is in charge of unplanned procurement. The rest is easy to say, this is the meat. It's too difficult to get it. It happened that I heard recently that there was a group of fierce men in the Qinjiazhuang of the Red Star Commune below who led a militia company into the mountain and killed many wild boars and roe deer.

Xiao Li, if it hadn't been for the instructions issued by the government in May or June, all units in the city would not be allowed to send security forces to hunt in the mountains, we wouldn't have had such trouble. But after the order came down, no one dared to move. Now if you want to find meat, you can only go down and ask grandpa and grandma. "

Sun Da saw his wordiness and said to Li Yuan, "Lao Zhang learned that the militia leader of Qin Family Village was your second brother, so he came to see you. Li Yuan, if it's convenient for you, do me a favor..."

Li Yuan said with a smile, "Uncle Sun, what's the inconvenience for me? In this way, I'll write a note, and Chief Zhang will take it to my second brother. It should be no problem."

Sun Da: "..."

Zhang Daqing: "..."

Seeing no response from the two men, Li Yuan took out a pen and paper from the liberation bag and wrote: Second Brother, Section Chief Zhang Daqing is my uncle Sun's comrade in arms, please help me.

After a pause, he wrote another line: at least one wild boar and two roe deer.

Finally, I signed my name.

After tearing off the paper and giving it to Zhang Daqing, Li Yuan smiled and said, "If there were nothing else, I would go to work."

Take the militia into the mountain to hunt. The prey must be returned to the public.

So whether to sell or not has nothing to do with him.

Li Yuan guessed that Li Jiang, his second brother, took the militiamen into the mountain, mostly to travel, and then went hunting in the mountain with the Li brothers.

Once the road is ripe, it's easy to fight.

The brothers of the Li family are very skilled.

After sweeping the paper, Zhang Daqing quickly smiled and said, "Secretary Li, go up. Thank you."

Sun Da also smiled and raised his chin, motioning him to go first.

After Li Yuan left, Zhang Daqing looked at his back disappearing at the gate and said, "Old Sun, this disciple you received is amazing. You are born to be a leader. This is a level seven clerk. It's natural to write a note."

Sun Da also felt funny, but he touched his chin and shook his head, saying, "You don't know him. The child really doesn't have any idea about this. Yesterday..."

He said that the Nie family was going to run Li Yuan to work as a health care doctor for the big leader on Hong Kong Island, and talked about things with Nie Yuanchao's daughter. At last, he said, "He refused to do such a thing without thinking. Can you do it for you? At noon, Nie Yuanchao personally asked him to go to the second floor and asked why he didn't go to Hong Kong Island. It seemed that he wanted to persuade him again, but he refused. Do you think he is deliberately making people laugh? "

Zhang Daqing was shocked when he heard the speech. He looked at Sun Da and said, "Really?"

Sun Da said: "You are used to being wild outside and don't inquire about the factory. If you don't believe me, ask Nie Yuanchao's daughter if she can carry the boy into her pocket. The bullies won't let other little nurses see him. What do you think? Come on, you can be a little cheap and be good.

Let me tell you that Xiao Li has a very strong medical talent and is dedicated to it. Now, it is not our old Zhao who teaches at all, but our old man who teaches himself. What he teaches is the unique learning of the Zhao family that Lao Zhao has never learned. In the future, I don't know when you will ask someone again... "

Zhang Daqing couldn't laugh anymore and said, "Old Sun, I'm going to make a joke. Don't talk about it later. Now I'm going to beg someone else. Am I the kind of person who can cross a river and destroy a bridge and turn his face against others? By the way, you have to tell me what to give Xiao Li? How can I say I'm an elder, and I can't take advantage of the younger generation in vain?"

Sun Da smiled and said, "I remember you just got a watch ticket before you? It happened that Xiao Li didn't have a watch yet. Lao Zhao wanted to give him my watch, but the child refused to take it alive or dead. Although he laughed all day long, his idea was right."

Zhang Daqing scolded: "Grandma! The old regiment leader used to scold you as a weasel, which is true! Come on, who let me owe him another elder, I will send this ticket back later!"

Watch tickets, which are scarcer than bicycle tickets.

In such a large steel rolling mill, there are always about ten bicycle tickets issued a year, but it would be good to have two or three watch tickets.

At present, there is no domestic watch at all. All of them are foreign watches, especially Roman watches, such as the famous plum blossom watch.

In the courtyard at No. 95, Nanluogu Lane, there are not few people with high incomes.

Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong are representatives of workers with absolutely high salaries in this era. Even if they buy chicken every day, they have no problem with money.

But even so, no one has a watch.

The watch price of up to 32% has kept most workers away, not to mention the need for more scarce watch tickets.


"Go to your house for dinner? Forget it. It's really unnecessary."

As soon as Li Yuan entered the consulting room, Nie Yu came in. His eyes were red and swollen like apricots. He invited Li Yuan to her home for dinner in the evening.

Seeing that Li Yuan didn't even think about it, he declined. Nie Yu cried again and didn't speak. He looked at Li Yuan straightly, looking fragile and heartbroken.

Li Yuan was afraid, and explained: "I'm learning acupuncture with my master now. Every night after work, I go there without even eating dinner. After learning, I can eat. Except weekends, I can't eat less every day. This is the rule set by the master when he asked him to pass on his skills. So, it's really not good at night."

Nie Yu stepped back and said, "Then noon!"

Li Yuan said reluctantly, "At noon..." Seeing her approaching, he quickly said, "OK, OK, you can call me at noon." After saying that, as if to save his face, he complained, "Really, you are going to Hong Kong Island, not to the West for Buddhist scriptures. What are you doing so sad? Your parents are here. You must have the opportunity to come back often. Don't make it look like parting in life or death."

Nie Yu was stunned at the words. After staring at Li Yuan for a moment, he glared at him and shouted, "You know what a fart!"

After saying that, he turned and walked away, not so sad.

Li Yuan wiped the sweat on his forehead, so don't play the game of martyrdom.

Men and women who engage in dating are afraid of over brain tonic.

What's more, I haven't even got a partner yet. How can I be so affectionate

Alas, being too good is also a worry.

Through the window, the cool wind blows in, mixed with the unique red flavor of this era, but it blows away a little sadness

It seems that there are few patients today. Li Yuan read books for an hour in the consulting room, but none of the patients came. He put the books away and went to Zhao Yehong's consulting room.

Zhao Yehong is treating the patient. He consciously went to the side and began to help record the prescription.

It's the end, and it's a common disease, so Zhao Yehong didn't let him start.

After the patient left, Zhao Yehong asked, "What are you doing here?"

Li Yuan told us all about the diagnosis of Qin Huairu last night, but he didn't say that Qin Huairu went to the hospital at twelve o'clock and treated her as an ordinary case.

After listening to this, Zhao Yehong frowned slightly and said: "In this respect, traditional Chinese medicine is still inferior to western medicine. Your prescription is nothing more than Xiaoyao Pill plus loofah, tangerine peel and angelica. But if she is serious, she needs surgery. The surgery may not be good, so don't delay others."

There may be people who can treat cancer with traditional Chinese medicine, but it is certainly not their master and apprentice.

So Zhao Yehong suggested Li Yuan to avoid risks

Li Yuan hurriedly said, "I have got started. I am soft, and most of them are benign."

Generally speaking, soft breast nodules are better than hard ones, and soft ones are more similar to healthy tissues.

How to judge whether it is soft or hard?

Touch the lips, similar to the lips, which are soft.

Touch the tip of the nose. It is similar to the tip of the nose. It is tough.

As for hard texture, it is hard to feel, similar to the forehead. This situation is very dangerous

It's made of Qinhuai Ru and feels very soft.

Zhao Yehong nodded slightly and asked, "How are you going to treat it?"

Li Yuan said, "I plan to use acupuncture and medicine together. My master has taught me that mastia can be punctured with fire needle at Shaoze, Tianzong, Zulinqi, Taichong, Xingjian, etc. The patient's condition is not serious, so I am more confident."

Zhao Yehong frowned and said, "Since the condition is not serious, don't rush to use the fire needle. How long have you been learning, you should use the fire needle? The fire needle is a big needle, or you should use the filiform needle first. You are still young, don't worry. If you really cure this case, there will be more cases for you to treat later. Practice more, and then use the fire needle."

Although the fire needle only heats the silver needle on the fire, the change of the temperature of the silver needle will greatly enhance the stimulation of the acupoints, which will trigger the stress of the whole body, and the stimulation intensity is far beyond that of the filiform needle.

The natural effect of good treatment is greatly enhanced. If not, it will cause rapid deterioration

Li Yuan thought for a while, and he was right. When Jia Zhang came to him for acupuncture one day, he should use the fire needle again.

This old woman resists fabrication

When Zhao Yehong asked about Li Yuan's treatment of an aunt, she heard all about it.

Li Yuan said with a smile, "It's nothing but salvia miltiorrhiza, sandalwood, amomum villosum, and Chuanxiong, borneol. The master helped with the pills. In fact, if you really want to have angina pectoris, you'd better let people take nitroglycerin tablets as soon as possible. Although it's only two minutes fast, you won't suffer much pain."

There is a difference between three minutes and five minutes.

However, Suxiaojiuxin Pill is far more effective than nitroglycerin when it is taken without too many side effects and drug resistance, as long as it is not urgent, and the heart and mouth are stuffy, painful and arthralgia syndrome.

Zhao Yehong said with a smile, "Chinese medicine has been scolded and bullied for so many years. You don't mind at all. Where would you recommend it?"

Li Yuan shook his head and said, "What do ordinary people care about? They use whatever they can cure. Regardless of Chinese and Western medicine, the most important thing is the word" medicine "in the back. When I learn the Huashi bone setting technique, the unique skills and dialectics of attacking the evil Li family, I may also read some books about western medicine. Now the above is calling for Western medicine and Chinese medicine. I don't think Chinese medicine should be complacent. It's not bad to learn more Western medicine. "

Zhao Yehong said, "I see how much energy you have. It's really greedy." After a pause, she asked, "It's good for you to concentrate on your studies, but you can't delay the important things in life. You are 20 and old. Did Nie Yu come to you again?"

Li Yuan smiled and said, "I came early in the morning and asked me to have dinner at her home in the evening."

Zhao Yehong raised her eyebrows and said, "What do you say?"

Li Yuan said boldly, "Of course I won't go. I told her that I would go to the master to learn acupuncture at night, but even if he came here, he couldn't do it."

Zhao Yehong laughed and scolded, "You are so handsome because of your face, otherwise you can go to be a bachelor all your life. What did she say?"

Li Yuan said reluctantly, "She took a step back and said that she would go at noon. I can't help it. There is no good feast. Deputy Director Nie is not easy."

Zhao Yehong scolded: "Don't say that, just go to have a potluck. As long as her family is not too strong, you are a man, and bear with it, Nie Yu will leave in two days anyway."

Li Yuan smiled and said, "That's why I don't want to be close to the children in the yard. No matter what is right or wrong, I have to bear it. I have to bear it, I have to bear it."

I will endure fart!!

To live a new life is to live a happy life, not to suffer humiliation.

Now is the most glorious era for workers. If they can bear it even at this time, can they live in the future?

However, based on his understanding of Nie Yuanchao, this person should not be confused.

If he really wants to sacrifice and wronged a nobody because of his daughter's eagerness, that nobody will give him a big surprise
