Chapter 375 Watch out! (Wanzigeng, please ask for a monthly pass.)

"Dad, Mom is not at home."

When they returned to Sanlihe's residence with the same haircut, Zhiguo found no one at home.

Li Yuan looked at the shoe polish cap on the doorstep shoe rack and didn't screw it on. After tightening it, he said, "I guess I went to your grandma Cao. There are not many senior female cadres. She may accompany Cao Lao to meet Thatcher tomorrow, and she should come back late. Son, let's go out for a walk? How about having three jin of instant boiled mutton alone?"

Zhiguo laughed and said, "Dad, let's go to see Mom first. Mom will be worried about us. She can rest assured even if she looks at us first." ...

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