Chapter 26 The Immortal Man Shakes His Head

Early the next morning, the three members of the Li family took the first bus back to Qin Family Village with Qin Jingru.

I didn't let Li Yuan send me, but I still had a heavy heart when I came here. On the way home, I felt the sky was blue, wonderful!

Even Li Yuan has no worries about the foreign debt he owes. It will not be a problem to pay it off in 30 years.

Li Yuan's life has also returned to the normal rhythm, getting up early, doing morning exercises, reading, eating breakfast, going to work, and transferring all the things brought at home to the space

This time, the couple Li Gui and Li Hai brought a lot of things. It is inevitable that some people will miss them.

He also killed the two chickens and left them in the space.

In order to avoid the trick of stealing chickens from saints

In the courtyard, Silly Zhu still didn't fight Xu Damao. The second uncle got up early and beat the children as usual. The biggest change was probably that Jia Dongxu began to hate Silly Zhu, but it was nothing. With Yi Zhonghai in the room, they could not make a scene in the open.

The third uncle is still good at calculation and always wants to take advantage of others. Jia Zhang still takes the bitch's eyes at people and mumbles about who he is cursing

Apart from Li Yuan, who has a carefree life, the quadrangle is still the same

Workers' Hospital.

Li Yuan had just stopped his bicycle when he happened to "bump into" two nurses and greet him, saying, "Doctor Li, are you here so early?"

Li Yuan recognized them and laughed: "Lin Xia and Gu Hong, you two were on night shift again last night?"

The two men are of medium beauty, but they are young without ugly women. Their laughter is not pleasant, but it also makes people happy.

Lin Xia complained cheerfully: "Yes, Doctor Li, we are on night shift again. Alas, obstetrics is tired, unlike your traditional Chinese medicine department, we can still work normally. Doctor Li, could I transfer to your traditional Chinese medicine department?"

Li Yuan smiled and said, "I'm sure I will, but the nurses in the Chinese medical department should also have training on Chinese medicine. They have to carry a lot of things and recognize a lot of herbs..."

When the two nurses heard that their heads were big, they quickly surrendered and said, "That's OK." Then the conversation turned, and Jiao Didi asked, "Doctor Li, why are you dressed so single? Although it's April, the capital is still cold in the late spring. I heard that it snowed heavily on the West Mountain last night."

Li Yuan was stunned when he heard the words. He looked down at his body. The ordinary black Zhongshan style jacket was not wrapped in a cotton padded jacket like others.

In addition, it is clean and upright, and with his scholarly spirit, it is really good.

As for why we are not afraid of cold

Of course, he couldn't say that he was wearing warm underwear with plush and thickening.

Later generations have abundant materials and fierce business competition, especially those small brands that are not famous. In order to survive in the market, they are really willing to thicken their thermal underwear into airtight sweaters, which are very warm.

But it was impossible to say that. Li Yuan smiled and said, "I'm in good health and I'm not afraid of cold."

The two nurses had no idea what had come to their mind. Their faces turned red, and then they giggled.

The three people went upstairs together, and just arrived at the entrance of the second floor, a girl dressed as a nurse stood on her hips and glared, "Lin Xia and Gu Hong, you don't work in the inpatient department. What are you doing in our TCM department?"

Lin Xia may be overwhelmed by "love". She also crossed her arms and said, "How about we send Doctor Li up? Can't we?"

But just for a moment, he waved goodbye to Li Yuan, ran downstairs with Gu Hong, and went home from work.

This girl can't be provoked

The girls at the stairs are much more attractive. They have crooked eyebrows and cherry mouths. Their almond eyes are wide open with anger. They look at Li Yuan angrily, as if they are looking at a heartless man who attracts bees and attracts butterflies.

Li Yuanle is happy. His name is Nie Yu. Normally, he should not be a child in a large hospital, because he is not a nurse in a factory hospital.

But her father is Deputy Director Nie of the factory. The hidden background is quite hard, far above Li Huaide. Xu Damao will fall on this person in the future

But just because of this, Li Yuan doesn't want to have a deep relationship with such a girl.

It's not that he belittles himself, but he still likes girls who are obedient, clever, ordinary and obedient.

He didn't say that a girl of high family background was bad, but it was not suitable for him who wanted to live a happy life.

As a great man in the 21st century, I'm afraid of the pain of fairy boxing

It's not easy to live a lifetime again. I'd better let myself go.

As for the background, he really doesn't care.

He is a worker cadre who has been in the imperial city for a long time. The bandits and bullies in the idle villages, the county magistrate and the officials who destroy their families and other common people worry about breaking things, which usually do not fall on him.

So why not choose the most comfortable way to live?

Moreover, marriage is never a matter for two people, but the integration of two families to some extent.

But is Coleman willing to integrate with the Li family?

If he were Gao Men, he would not like it.

it 's only human.

With a polite smile on his face, Li Yuan greets Nie Yu generously: "Good morning."

Then he bypassed her and went to Zhao Yehong's consulting room.

Nie Yu's face reddened when she saw the anger, and the tears of grievance rolled around in her eyes. She still didn't understand what she had done wrong and let Li Yuan avoid like a snake and scorpion!

The head nurse behind him sighed when he saw this scene, and came forward to comfort him: "Xiaoyu, it's not Li Yuan who thinks you are bad, it's your family that puts too much pressure on him. You are also an old Pingjing person, don't you know that? Otherwise, which alley children will mix with the children in the courtyard?

Even the same naughty children have different names.

The people in the Hutong are called the villains, and the people from the courtyard are called veterans. They always keep the water from wells.

In their words, one is a pot, and the other is a porcelain. At a glance, it can be seen that it is not the same game. "

Nie Yu was not convinced: "Li Yuan is not an ordinary string of hutongs."

The head nurse laughed angrily and said, "Listen, listen. You call the boys living in Hutong Chuanzi, which is a good thing? Xiaoyu, listen to me, not in a circle. Don't try to get together. Both sides are uncomfortable. Come on, go and fill the medicine quickly."

Hutong Chuanzi refers to people who wander through the alleys and do nothing, but it also implies that female ticket passengers are inferior.

Nie Yu is arrogant and doesn't look at the men in the alley more often.

The worker who came to the hospital to see a doctor, she only asked questions according to her professional ethics, and she was deeply moved

Only Li Yuan, who is clean and fresh, with pure and handsome eyes, can make her willing to let go of her prejudice against hutongs and rural areas, and can't help but want to get close

When he was young and fearless, the head nurse could not listen to him. Nie Yu refused to admit defeat easily, snorted and turned away:

wait and see!

Li Yuan enters Zhao Yehong's consulting room. Zhao Yehong hasn't come yet, but the table has been wiped clean and the floor has just been dragged. There are two enamel cups on the table, which are also full of hot water and steaming.

Li Yuan saw this and talked about it. It was originally his apprentice's job. Now there is no dedicated logistics department in the hospital to arrange professional cleaning services.

But now everything is going well. It is obvious that someone helped.

It would be better if Nie Yu did it herself, but Li Yuan knew that she was also helped.

Nie Yu is the daughter of Deputy Factory Director Nie in the factory. Although he doesn't talk much on weekdays, Deputy Factory Director Nie is just in charge of the hospital, labor union and transportation department.

Not to mention the transportation department, the hospital also has the workers' (people's) association, but it happens to be the leader in charge of the workers' hospital.

So let alone ordinary nurses let Nie Yu, the head nurse and the dean, coax her.

Li Yuan is not cynical, nor has he ever thought of the world as a whole, because even in Utopia, this kind of human relationship is inevitable.

But it's too insincere to chase a man and ask someone to do it for him, isn't it?

Xiaoxian man shook his head straight!

After he sat down and read for half an hour, it was almost time. Zhao Yehong stepped into the door and asked, "Did you provoke Nie Yu again?"

Li Yuanyuan said wrongly, "He smiled and said, 'Good morning'. Why did he get into trouble?"

Zhao Yehong glanced at him and said, "You know it yourself."

Li Yuan said happily, "I think very clearly. It's her. I'll tell her later that I have fourteen nephews, four nieces and five newly conceived women and men in my family. This family has an agricultural registered permanent residence and will have to talk about it in the future. I'll ask her if she is afraid! Ha ha ha!"

Zhao Yehong saw that he was still so happy, and she didn't know whether to smile or be angry. She didn't have a good way of saying, "You can't pull so much when you're tired. Are you happy?"

Li Yuan is still happy. It seems that he is really happy. Zhao Yehong shakes her head when she sees it, but then smiles: "It's better to be happy."

The master and the apprentice did not speak again. They looked through their cases and waited for the first patient to come.

Just after eight o'clock, the first patient came to the door.

A young couple, pregnant, had some difficulty walking.

After sitting down, Zhao Yehong only looked twice and said to Li Yuan, "Pregnancy edema, you can have a diagnosis, and you don't need to ask more about anything else."

The diagnosis of traditional Chinese medicine should be based on seeing, hearing and inquiring. The combination of four diagnostic methods is indispensable. However, since it is a master apprentice examination, we should only improve the difficulty.

Li Yuan observed the patient's face. The eyelid was slightly puffy, and he looked at his wrist. It was also OK.

He did not know how Zhao Yehong determined pregnancy edema at one mouthful, and said to the patient's husband, "Please pull up the trouser legs."

The man is also an honest man. He squats down and rolls up his wife's trousers, and carefully pulls up his pants.

This shows the obvious edema.

Li Yuan observed carefully for a while, then looked at the coating of his tongue, and finally began pulse taking. Five minutes later, he put down his hand and said to Zhao Yehong, "It's swollen. The disease is kidney yang deficiency."

Zhao Yehong said noncommittally, "Let's talk about it again."

Li Yuan cut the pulse again and said: "The patient's face is puffy, and his limbs are puffy, which is obviously due to the water dampness. The diagnosis of his tongue is that his tongue coating is white and greasy, which is also a sign of dampness, turbidity, and internal stagnation. The diagnosis of his pulse is that his pulse is a slightly slippery and late pulse.

Sinking pulse is for internal syndrome, slow pulse is for cold syndrome, and slippery pulse is for pregnant pulse. Just now, I touched the patient's hands and feet, and found that his limbs were slightly cold, with the appearance of limb cold.

To sum up, I judge that the patient is suffering from yang deficiency of the spleen and kidney. Yang qi is insufficient, and yang qi is suppressed by water dampness. Therefore, Zhong Jiao Jianyun is out of control, unable to transport water, resulting in the accumulation of water dampness, which leads to a flood of water dampness, leading to pregnancy edema!

The therapeutic method should be warming and tonifying the kidney yang, strengthening the spleen and removing dampness. They use Zhenwu Soup to add and subtract. "

The more he said, the more confident he was. It was like doing a big math problem. The more he solved it, the more correct he felt.

However, when he finished speaking, Zhao Yehong said with no expression: "Let's argue again."

Li Yuan was stunned when he heard the words, then he smiled, and then became serious. He felt his pulse again. This time, it took a little longer. After ten minutes of double checking the two pulse, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's swollen. The disease is due to spleen deficiency!"

Zhao Yehong raised her mouth slightly and said, "Continue."

Li Yuan knew better, and said: "The patient was unlucky because of water dampness. What he had just diagnosed was slow pulse, but it was really bad, it was slow pulse. The patient's left hand was heavy and slippery, and his right hand was slow and weak. The patient had spleen deficiency, and the spleen yang was weak, so he could not transport water dampness, resulting in stagnation of water and gas, which invaded between the four limbs of the skin. So the patient's swollen skin was thin and bright, and he pressed it to depression. The therapeutic method should be to invigorate the spleen, remove dampness, and remove swelling through water. Baizhu Powder is used for addition and subtraction. "

Zhao Yehong nodded and smiled, saying, "So we must be careful in pulse diagnosis, right? The cause of pregnancy edema is the liver, spleen, and kidney. To put it bluntly, it is qi stagnation, spleen deficiency, and cold kidney. Qi stagnation leads to loss of control in the rise and fall of the body. Clear yang does not rise and turbid yin does not fall, so the feet start to swell and the legs gradually reach. Muke soil, the normal discharge of the liver can restrain the sluggish spleen and water dampness. When the liver qi stagnates, the water dampness will not melt, leading to the internal stop of moisture.

Traditional Chinese medicine is not to cure people's diseases, but to treat people. He who is equal to others is not ill. A healthy person will not get sick. If you are sick, your body must have a deviation.

Prescribe medicine, adjust and balance the deviation of the patient's body, and the disease will naturally heal. Rectify the deviation of the body with the deviation of the medicine nature. "

While prescribing the prescription, Li Yuan said cunningly, "Master, in fact, if you treat it according to the last pulse diagnosis, it can also have an effect, but the effect is poor and the delay is longer."

Zhao Ye's Red Cult said: "Can this kind of mentality of being muddied? Many times, it's not that traditional Chinese medicine is slow to take effect, but that doctors are not dialectically correct. They don't prescribe the right prescription, and the medicine is not correct. How can it take effect quickly? As long as the prescription is correct, it usually has the effect of a drum. Even many of them take one dose of medicine to set up a disease!" After the lesson was finished, he warned: "However, women should give priority to peace when taking medicine, especially for pregnancy diseases, and should be careful to use warm, cold, harsh and slippery products to avoid damage to the fetus."

Li Yuan answered carefully and handed the prescription to the patient, telling him how to use it.

The puffy woman looked at Li Yuan's beautiful face and said with a smile, "Little doctor, you'd better learn more from your master. Famous teachers make outstanding disciples. I believe you will be better and better in the future."

That is, Li Yuansheng is so good that the patient has such patience.

Otherwise, it would be ugly and people would curse the street.

Li Yuan was also grateful and smiled: "Thank you for your kind words, sister-in-law, and I wish you a speedy recovery. If you have any more problems, you are welcome to come to me at any time."

The patient's husband laughed and hurried out with his wife.

I made up my mind that I would not come to this consulting room in the future.

Why is a man so beautiful?

