Chapter 106 Er Ya, Stop Crying

"Old lady, you've asked me ten thousand times. I'm really nothing!"

He Family, Silly Column leans against the bed, and some big heads say to the deaf old lady.

In order to prevent the old lady from going on talking, he took out a thick stack of black ten from his pocket and handed it to an aunt beside the bed, saying, "Yuanzi asked me to give it to you. He said he could not accept your money. But he still had to take the IOU, and he had to pour some money to get medicine for his father-in-law. That ginseng was not for free."

An aunt said "yo" and was so moved that she hurriedly said: "This child, since he is short of money, he can use it. How can he give it back to me? You can give it to him later

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