Chapter 136 The Ape Wind Strives for War

After seeing those outsiders leave; One of Lei Tieshan's confidants asked Lei Tieshan unintelligibly: "Since the general knows the outcome of the battle, he can leave alone. Why should he take these people with him? With their hearts, I'm afraid that when the time comes..." Although he said clearly; But its meaning has already been revealed.

Lei Tieshan heard his question and knew that there was a question in his heart; Since he was his own confidant, he didn't intend to hide it, so he explained: "I have been their boss for so long. Although they seem to take me as the leader in everything, they really think; you think I will not know? But you may not know! Except for some members who have genuine talents but fail to succeed, the rest of these people are mostly noble members. Although it is not difficult for us to escape today, what about the future? Although our Lei family is now in a big position, if the royal family has such a handle, it will be hard to escape the involvement. "

Hearing Lei Tieshan's words, the confidant replied with a sense of understanding: "That's why the general just carried them into the water, isn't it?"

When Lei Tieshan heard this, he laughed and admitted: "No mistake! But the most important thing is to let them speak the same language when the time comes. Once the old man and the crazy man Tie Zheng died here, we didn't decide what happened here at that time. What would happen if I blamed the old man for all the mistakes? "

Hearing Lei Tieshan's words, the man couldn't help admiring him and said, "The general is really powerful. If he blames the old man for all the crimes, the general may be involved. But if he can join the families behind those people to attack the royal family, it may not be possible."

Lei Tieshan could not help but snort: "If it hadn't been for the existence of that team, our Lei family would have taken their surname Boerzhijin (the surname of the royal family of the Yuan Dynasty, which was searched on Baidu, I don't know whether it is true or not) and replaced it. Even without those families talking around, I'm afraid that their royal family would have been afraid to do anything about themselves."

of course; Of course, these words that Lei Tieshan thought in his heart could not be said to others, but only said: "You go down and prepare! After you pack up, we will withdraw from the secret road at the third watch tonight." Hearing Lei Tieshan's words; The others quickly nodded to show their understanding; Then they dispersed.

But Yu Ling said that after burning the old marshal's military depot, he gathered the ape men together, and instead of pushing too far, he contracted some lines of defense. It was precisely because the rain spirit had not yet attacked that the old marshal was free to hold a meeting; Lei Tieshan has time to plan how to escape.

After hearing the order of Raining Spirit to stop the attack, although the ape man obeyed the order, the ape man who was fighting happily must be a little upset. see! Only one team is stationed; The ape wind went to the rain spirit and said, "Lord, our morale is high now. Those Yuan soldiers are not our opponents at all. In a few hours, I will be able to take this iron collar pass. Why did the Lord order to stop the attack at this time?"

When Yu Ling knew that he was unhappy, he said straightly, "Ape Feng, why do you need to be angry and come here? Let's sit here and say, I naturally have my own thoughts when I do this. Do you really think that the Tieling Pass is so easy to fight down?"

Although ape wind sat down according to his words, he heard the words of rain spirit; Still could not help but retort: "Isn't it? It has only been a long time since we entered the Iron Collar Pass; we have already laid down most of our territory, and other Yuan soldiers have also made a mess. If we try harder, we may be able to win the Iron Collar Pass soon. Now you have ordered us to stop attacking. Isn't this a chance for those guys to retreat? In my opinion; Why don't we send our troops now and catch them all before they come to escape? Otherwise, what if they take all the good things away? "

The rain spirit can't help being speechless, even if you really have this idea; You can just think about what you want. What do you want to say? Yu Ling could only smile awkwardly, and then explained: "Ape Feng, it seems that our progress is very smooth now. Have you ever thought about it? Why is there only so few people in such an important place as Tieling Pass, and do you know how the fires just across the street happened?"

But don't want to; Hearing what Yu Ling said, the ape wind said righteously, "How do I know these things? We ape people fight; just rush forward, other things; what does it concern us?"

Hear the words of the ape wind; The rain spirit could not help but speechless, but in order to prevent him from making trouble again, he had to explain reluctantly: "ape wind; do you know that there were more than 100000 soldiers waiting for you to die before, and you can also know that I burned their munitions warehouse in those fires just now. If I hadn't burned down their military stores, I'm afraid they would have used the weapons that attacked you last time. What do you think you can do with such an attack? "

When I first heard that there was a weapon that attacked me last time in front of me; The ape wind was still a little guilty, but when he heard that the rain spirit had burned their military depot, he was overjoyed and said, "If it were true, as the lord said, we might lose a lot, but now you have burned their military depot? Without arrows, even if they had the weapons of the last time, they would not be useful. We only need a charge to take them down, and you can give the order! "

Hear the words of the ape wind; The rain spirit could not help being silent. It was a smart monkey; How can I become stupid now? But even if he is no longer enlightened; Rain Spirit also had to explain: "You don't want to think about it. Although I burned their munitions warehouse, who knows if there is anything missing. If they have enough arrows, you can rush up like this; it's not death. And none of us knows if they have any other preparations. They rush forward so recklessly. Aren't you joking about your people's lives? "

The ape wind seemed to be determined to go to war. Even if the rain spirit was right, he would not hear about it. Instead, he asked the rain spirit, "There is no reason why the two armies will fight. If there is no reason why people will not die, there is no way to do it. But if you sit here and do nothing like the king, when will you be able to win the iron collar pass. and; I heard that they still have reinforcements. If we don't speed up our action, their reinforcements will arrive at that time; Don't we lose the chance to occupy here?