Chapter 116 The Dungeon

As he walked along, the rain spirit saw that the city lord's mansion had been destroyed beyond appearance; He frowned and asked the servant who was leading the way, "Why is this place so badly damaged? Even if the city is occupied, you can just go with valuable things. Why did you destroy these houses?"

The rain spirit was not happy; The servant thought that Yu Ling wanted to live in the city lord's house in the future, and was dissatisfied with the destruction of his future house by other servants, so he hurriedly explained: "Because the city lord is more harsh; he always beats and scolds servants, and many servants are dead at his hands. Now the city lord is captured by the king, and those who are angry with the city lord; Naturally, we take his things to vent our anger. It is inevitable that the house will be damaged. "

Hear his explanation; After the rain spirit nodded his head, he stopped talking and let the servant feel relieved.

The servant always took Yu Ling to the master's study. Maybe he didn't think there could be anything good in this place! There was no other servant nearby, which also made the servant who led the way feel relieved.

The rain spirit looked at the well preserved study; Suddenly he asked the servant leading the way, "What's your name? Are you interested in going to other places with me to be a housekeeper?"

I looked at the rain spirit strangely; Obviously, he didn't expect that Yu Ling would suddenly ask him such a question, and when he was nervous, he replied in a flurry: "My name is Zhou Liang, well, I was lucky to see a villain, but I still have my mother waiting at home, so I can't leave the Qingfeng City. Please forgive me."

Since others are unwilling; Of course, Yulin would not stick his hot face on others' cold buttocks. After turning around, he was ready to enter the study. But finally, he did not know what the purpose was, and suddenly threw a gold ingot to Zhou Liang. He said coldly, "This is the reward you gave me for leading the way. If you don't want the one in your family to be busy; I advise you to go back early and take your mother to leave the Qingfeng City. I gave my subordinates the order of the Three Light Policy, if you left late; I'm not sure what will happen then. "

Although I don't know what kind of "three lights" Yu Ling said, Zhou Liang knew it would not be a good thing. Thinking of his mother who was still at home, Zhou Liang kowtowed to Yu Ling and left in a hurry.

With a deep look at Zhou Liang who has left, Yulin turns and enters the study. As Zhou Liang said; It is obvious that the study has been ransacked by those servants. All valuable things have been removed. But fortunately, documents and other things may not be very important in the eyes of those servants; So although it has been scattered all over the place, at least it has been preserved.

Pick up a piece of stationery on the ground; Yuling saw it there

Although there are many documents on the ground, most of them are unimportant things, such as letters he had an affair with Mrs; For example, there are a lot of messy letters written to a slave merchant, but none of them is related to the iron collar customs.

The rain spirit reluctantly put down the last letter in his hand; There is still no useful information. It's all ugly things. I didn't expect that the city lord had done so many bad things in the dark. If he didn't know that he had died in the hands of his disciples; Even Rain Spirit, an unrelated person, could not help killing the scum.

Finally, I looked around the study; Yuling couldn't help thinking about the content of the letter related to Tieling Pass; It should be considered as a military secret! Is it possible that these important documents were kept in the dark? Think of this possibility; Rain Ling then knocked around the study to see if there was a dark box.

Don't tell me; After such a beating, Rain Spirit really found that a wall was empty. Although he did not know whether there was any information he wanted in it, he was ready to open it to have a look.

Unfortunately; Rain Spirit seems to have no talent for mechanisms; Since I haven't found the mechanism of the dark box after looking for it for a long time, I was angry at last; The most direct method was selected.

If the strength of the rain spirit is not afraid of destroying the things inside; There was no need to find any mechanism at first. Since we can't find it now, we will directly punch through the wall there.

Strangely; Since that space is not a place to store documents, it is a gateway to the underground. I don't know what the scum city lord hid here, but I think it is so hidden; It should not be an ordinary product. Think of here; Yuling plans to go down and have a look, if there is any treasure; Even if you don't dare to take other people's things, it's the same to ask Wang Erniu or other people to take them!

The underground passage is very dark; Even if there was torch lighting every few meters, it seemed very dark, and Yuling began to regret it. This place looks like a dungeon; It doesn't look like the place where the treasure is hidden. If it is not the treasure but the prisoner that is found; What about yourself? Let them go; Or pretend not to see them, or just kill them all.

I wonder if it was an accident; It seems that it is really a dungeon here. The rain spirit heard a burst of shouts and curses far away, although it was a little weak; But it has also been able to show what this is.

Yuling was going to turn around and leave; But it suddenly occurred to me that since the man inside wanted to work the scum city lord to build a dungeon for him, then the man must be not simple. Anyway, he had nothing to do; Yuling plans to go to see what kind of person the scum city master is holding.

Not far away; Yuling then saw the small iron houses separated from each other. Why is it called 'small iron house'? Because it's not just a door; Even the whole cell where they were imprisoned was made of steel.

Now the rain spirit began to be curious about the prisoners inside, since the scum city master was so careful; I'm afraid the people here are really dangerous. however; The more dangerous the people inside are, the more interested the Rain Spirit is in them. If they are just ordinary prisoners; The rain spirit has no mind to care about their life and death!

Maybe I heard the footsteps of the rain spirit; Since all the people in the iron room stopped shouting, the rain spirit could not help but approach curiously to have a look, just a glance; Rain Soul's eyes couldn't help shrinking. It was really