Chapter 10 Witness the Miracle

"How could it be!" In a cry of surprise; Li Guobang held up the card in his hand, and a big "Li" on the card surface indicated that this card was the six diamonds marked by Li Guobang. no

"How could it be? I clearly inserted it in the middle of the deck, and it has been washed again so many times, how could it come to the front again?"

Yu Ling did not smile back at Li Guobang's question, but smiled slightly and said, "If it is just like this, I believe it is not strange, and many friends on the road can do it. But now my performance is not finished yet! Then please take those cards one by one for everyone to see."

"Seven diamonds! How could it be!"

"Eight diamonds! Damn it! Nine diamonds..." So Li Guobang turned over the cards in his hand one by one, from sixty-one diamonds to thirteen diamonds, that is, K diamonds, and Rain Ling stopped.

Look at the stunned audience below; Although it was the first time for Yu Ling to perform, he was not a bit nervous in his heart. He just smiled and said, "Of course, we still have so many cards in our hands that we haven't turned them over. Just now, the prince has found the diamonds from 61 to K, so where are the five diamonds?"

Without waiting for others to answer, he smiled mysteriously, then said to Liu Xuewen beside him: "Old man, please open your cuff, I think you will find something."

Now the whole audience can be said to have been hung up by the rain spirit. They who have never seen the magic show, although they do not understand why a series of phenomena that can be said to be miracles occur, it does not hinder their eagerness to see the results.

Seeing all the people staring at their cuffs, Liu Xuewen was not impressed; But they also cooperated to extend their hands. The crowd only saw Liu Xuewen's face change, and then took out five cards from his cuff, with a burst of exclamations from the crowd; Rain spirit finally put his heart down.

If the beginning of the performance is just ordinary; So this is a new attempt, even on the previous earth; Few people can put the cards into others' pockets without their knowing it. If it is not for the martial arts that exist in the world and can improve the quality of human body, even if it is rain spirit who has practiced for another ten years, it will not be possible.

Looking at Liu Xuewen's uncanny eyes, Yuling hurriedly said, "Well, now let's ask Mr. Liu to hold up his cards for everyone to see. If I guess correctly, it should be from Block A to Block 5, right?"

"Damn it; it's really the five cards... it's amazing." When the people below saw the five cards in Liu Xuewen's hand, there was another sound of surprise.

Wait until the people below are quiet; Yuling then said, "Just now, we have found out a total of 13 cards of diamonds. Now, what I'm going to find out for you is the most special two kings in this deck of cards." Then he turned his head; Then he said to Li Guobang, "Please draw two cards from the card deck and lift them up; let the people below have a look, of course; you can also show me this time."

Look at the two cards in front of me; The rain spirit smiled and said, "Fortunately, these two cards are not two kings, otherwise, I have nothing to show!" After the following laughter, the rain spirit said, "Everyone has seen it! A plum blossom nine; a spade three, then; now I will reopen it for everyone to have a look."; He put his hand on the card

Facing the various eyes below, Rain Ling said again: "Of course, after I unveil these two cards, they will never be the two plum nine and spade three again, otherwise I don't need to unveil them again; How about you come here more often to take care of the business of villains? "

"No problem; as long as you turn these two cards into kings, I will stay in your restaurant all day long..."

"Hurry up! I'll bet five liang silver. You can't change this card. I don't believe it's under my nose. It can still run..."

"Drive quickly; drive quickly. If you really change this card, I can marry you if you want me to..."

Hear the various cries below; The rain spirit was overwhelmed and hurriedly said, "Well, 1...... 2...... 3 cards will be opened." After three sounds; The two cards turned over by Yu Ling have become two trumps.

Surprised, Li Guobang ran to Yu Ling, took the two trump cards in his hand, looked at them again, and finally put them down. He sighed: "It's amazing. It was just another two cards, and he didn't think of it. It's just under our eyes. Since it has changed. If I didn't see it lightly, even if I was killed, I couldn't believe that there would be such a magic skill."

Yuling heard Li Guobang's praise; He was very proud and looked at the last pack of cards and said, "Well, now we have selected the diamonds, kings and kings in that pack of cards. You may feel that the performance just now is very magical, but the following performance will let you know what a miracle is!"

Finish speaking; Yuling went to the deck of cards to open the remaining cards, but; Finally, he stopped again and looked at the * * beside him. The rain spirit smiled: "If I were to uncover them, it would not be a miracle, even if it was a big change. Next, I would like to uncover the following cards by Shizi himself. If I tell you, all the remaining cards have become white boards; will you believe it?"

"Don't believe it!" For this question; The following people have the same opinion. Just now, they saw the prince draw two cards from it. If it was revealed by the rain spirit; With the occurrence of the above situations, we may still believe that it really becomes a whiteboard. But; Now that it is the prince who will unveil the card, they will not believe that all the cards have changed

Rain spirit doesn't care whether the people below believe it or not; Directly to Li Guobang, he said: "Son, please go and uncover all the cards, and then lift them up. Let's see whether the cards have faces or not."

Li Guobang nodded, and then went to the table nervously; Gently pick up the deck of cards, and then